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 Strong's Hebrew: 363. אּילָן (ilan) -- 6 Occurrences
363. אּילָן (ilan)
Englishman's Concordance
Strong's Hebrew: 363. אּילָן (ilan) — 6 Occurrences

Daniel 4:10
HEB: הֲוֵ֔ית וַאֲל֥וּ אִילָ֛ן בְּג֥וֹא אַרְעָ֖א
NAS: and behold, [there was] a tree in the midst
KJV: and behold a tree in the midst
INT: become and behold a tree the midst of the earth

Daniel 4:11
HEB: רְבָ֥ה אִֽילָנָ֖א וּתְקִ֑ף וְרוּמֵהּ֙
NAS: The tree grew large and became strong
KJV: The tree grew, and was strong,
INT: grew the tree and became height

Daniel 4:14
HEB: אָמַ֗ר גֹּ֤דּוּ אִֽילָנָא֙ וְקַצִּ֣צוּ עַנְפ֔וֹהִי
NAS: Chop down the tree and cut off
KJV: Hew down the tree, and cut off
INT: and spoke Chop the tree and cut branches

Daniel 4:20
HEB: אִֽילָנָא֙ דִּ֣י חֲזַ֔יְתָ
NAS: The tree that you saw, which
KJV: The tree that thou sawest, which grew,
INT: the tree which you saw

Daniel 4:23
HEB: וְאָמַר֩ גֹּ֨דּוּ אִֽילָנָ֜א וְחַבְּל֗וּהִי בְּרַ֨ם
NAS: Chop down the tree and destroy
KJV: Hew the tree down,
INT: and saying Chop the tree and destroy yet

Daniel 4:26
HEB: שָׁרְשׁ֙וֹהִי֙ דִּ֣י אִֽילָנָ֔א מַלְכוּתָ֖ךְ לָ֣ךְ
NAS: with the roots of the tree, your kingdom
KJV: the stump of the tree roots;
INT: the roots forasmuch of the tree your kingdom will be assured

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