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 Job 9:4 Hebrew Text Analysis
Job 9:4
Text Analysis
2450 [e]חֲכַ֣ם
[God is] wiseAdj-msc
3824 [e]לֵ֭בָב
in heartN-ms
533 [e]וְאַמִּ֣יץ
and strongConj-w | Adj-msc
3581 [e]כֹּ֑חַ
in powerN-ms
4310 [e]מִֽי־
7185 [e]הִקְשָׁ֥ה
has hardened [himself]V-Hifil-Perf-3ms
413 [e]אֵ֝לָ֗יו
against HimPrep | 3ms
7999 [e]וַיִּשְׁלָֽם׃
and prosperedConj-w | V-Qal-ConsecImperf-3ms

Hebrew Texts
איוב 9:4 Hebrew OT: Westminster Leningrad Codex
חֲכַ֣ם לֵ֭בָב וְאַמִּ֣יץ כֹּ֑חַ מִֽי־הִקְשָׁ֥ה אֵ֝לָ֗יו וַיִּשְׁלָֽם׃

איוב 9:4 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants Only)
חכם לבב ואמיץ כח מי־הקשה אליו וישלם׃

איוב 9:4 Paleo-Hebrew OT: WLC (Font Required)
חכם לבב ואמיץ כח מי־הקשה אליו וישלם׃

איוב 9:4 Hebrew Bible
חכם לבב ואמיץ כח מי הקשה אליו וישלם׃

Parallel Verses
New American Standard Bible
"Wise in heart and mighty in strength, Who has defied Him without harm?

King James Bible
He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?

Holman Christian Standard Bible
God is wise and all-powerful. Who has opposed Him and come out unharmed?
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

wise in heart

Job 9:19 If I speak of strength, see, he is strong: and if of judgment, who …

Job 36:5 Behold, God is mighty, and despises not any: he is mighty in strength …

Psalm 104:24 O LORD, how manifold are your works! in wisdom have you made them …

Psalm 136:5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endures for ever.

Daniel 2:20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and …

Daniel 4:34-37 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to …

Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! …

Ephesians 1:8,19 Wherein he has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence…

Ephesians 3:10,20 To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly …

Jude 1:24,25 Now to him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present …

who hath hardened

Job 6:10 Then should I yet have comfort; yes, I would harden myself in sorrow: …

Job 15:23-27 He wanders abroad for bread, saying, Where is it? he knows that the …

Job 40:9 Have you an arm like God? or can you thunder with a voice like him?

Exodus 9:14-17 For I will at this time send all my plagues on your heart, and on …

Exodus 14:17,18 And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they …

Proverbs 28:14 Happy is the man that fears always: but he that hardens his heart …

Proverbs 29:1 He, that being often reproved hardens his neck, shall suddenly be …

Daniel 5:20-30 But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, …

1 Corinthians 10:22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

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Job 9:3
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