(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Mark 8:35 Greek Text Analysis
Mark 8:35
Text Analysis
3739 [e]ὃς
1063 [e]γがんまρろー
1437 [e]ἐὰνにゅー
2309 [e]θέλῃ
might desireV-PSA-3S
3588 [e]τたうνにゅー
- Art-AFS
5590 [e]ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー
846 [e]αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん
4982 [e]σしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた,
to save,V-ANA
622 [e]ἀπολέσει
will loseV-FIA-3S
846 [e]αあるふぁὐτήν·
3739 [e]ὃς
1161 [e]δでるた
302 [e]νにゅー
- Prtcl
622 [e]ἀπολέσει
will loseV-FIA-3S
3588 [e]τたうνにゅー
5590 [e]ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー
846 [e]αあるふぁτたうοおみくろん
of himPPro-GM3S
1752 [e]ἕνεκεν
on account ofPrep
1473 [e]μみゅーοおみくろん
2532 [e]κかっぱαあるふぁ
3588 [e]τたうοおみくろん
of theArt-GNS
2098 [e]εいぷしろんὐαγγελίου,
4982 [e]σώσει
he will saveV-FIA-3S
846 [e]αあるふぁὐτήν.

Greek Texts
ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Nestle 1904
ὃς γがんまρろー ἐὰνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた, ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた’ ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσει τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου, σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Westcott and Hort 1881
ὃς γがんまρろー ἐὰνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ἑαυτοῦ ψυχὴνにゅー σしぐまῶσαι ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた' ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσει τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Westcott and Hort / [NA27 and UBS4 variants]
ὃς γがんまρろー ἐὰνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ἑαυτοῦ / αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ⇔ ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー σしぐまῶσαι ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた' ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσει τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: RP Byzantine Majority Text 2005
Ὃς γがんまρろーνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた, ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた’ ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσῃ τたうνにゅー ἑαυτοῦ ψυχὴνにゅー ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου, οおみくろんὗτος σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Greek Orthodox Church
ὃς γがんまρろーνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた, ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた’ ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσῃ τたうνにゅー ἑαυτοῦ ψυχὴνにゅー ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου, οおみくろんὗτος σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Tischendorf 8th Edition
ὃς γがんまρろー ἐὰνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた, ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた’ ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσει τたうνにゅー ἑαυτοῦ ψυχὴνにゅー ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου, σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894
ὃς γがんまρろーνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまσしぐまαあるふぁιいおた, ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた’ ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου, οおみくろんὗτος σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν.

ΚかっぱΑあるふぁΤたうΑあるふぁ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ 8:35 Greek NT: Stephanus Textus Receptus 1550
ὃς γがんまρろーνにゅー θέλῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんσしぐまῶσαι ἀπολέσει αあるふぁὐτήν· ὃς δでるた' ἂνにゅー ἀπολέσῃ τたうνにゅー ψぷさいυうぷしろんχかいνにゅー αあるふぁτたうοおみくろんῦ ἕνεκεν ἐμみゅーοおみくろんκかっぱαあるふぁτたうοおみくろんεいぷしろんὐαγγελίου οおみくろんτたうὸς σώσει αあるふぁὐτήν

Mark 8:35 Hebrew Bible
כי כל אשר יחפץ להושיע את נפשו תאבד נפשו ממנו וכל אשר תאבד לו נפשו למעני ולמען הבשורה הוא יושיענה׃

Mark 8:35 Aramaic NT: Peshitta
ܟܠ ܡܢ ܕܨܒܐ ܓܝܪ ܕܢܚܐ ܢܦܫܗ ܢܘܒܕܝܗ ܘܟܠ ܕܢܘܒܕ ܢܦܫܗ ܡܛܠܬܝ ܘܡܛܠ ܤܒܪܬܝ ܢܚܝܗ ܀

Parallel Verses
New American Standard Bible
"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.

King James Bible
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

will save.

Esther 4:11-16 All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, …

Jeremiah 26:20-24 And there was also a man that prophesied in the name of the LORD, …

Matthew 10:39 He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life …

Matthew 16:25 For whoever will save his life shall lose it: and whoever will lose …

Luke 9:24 For whoever will save his life shall lose it: but whoever will lose …

Luke 17:33 Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whoever shall …

John 12:25,26 He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life …

Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear to …

Acts 21:13 Then Paul answered, What mean you to weep and to break my heart? …

2 Timothy 2:11-13 It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also …

2 Timothy 4:6-8 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand…

Hebrews 11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, …

Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which you shall suffer: behold, the devil …

Revelation 7:14 And I said to him, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are they …

Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of …


Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for …

Matthew 10:22 And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that …

Matthew 19:29 And every one that has forsaken houses, or brothers, or sisters, …

Luke 6:22,23 Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate …

John 15:20,21 Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is not greater …

Acts 9:16 For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.

1 Corinthians 9:23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

2 Corinthians 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, …

2 Timothy 1:8 Be not you therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of …

1 Peter 4:12-16 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is …

1 Peter 4:10 As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one …

Breadth Cubits

Upper ledge, ver

Mark 8:17 And when Jesus knew it, he said to them, Why reason you, because …

Mark 8:14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in …

Mark 8:2 I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with …

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Mark 8:34
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