Polish Liberal Thought Before 1918

Central European University Press, 2004 - 282 ページ
Based on solid research, this erudite study is a first attempt at presenting a comprehensive analysis of nineteenth-century Polish liberalism. Polish liberal tradition has generally been considered weak or even nonexistent. Janowski, on the other hand, argues that nineteenth-century Poland inherited a strong protoliberal tradition from the nobility-based democracy, and that in the mid-nineteenth century, liberalism was a dominant trend in Polish intellectual life, even if it rarely appeared in its pure form and did not create political movements separating liberal aims from patriotic ones.

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著者ちょしゃについて (2004)

Maciej Janowski is at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His main field of interest is the intellectual and political history of the nineteenth century in Poland and East–Central Europe.
