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S07 EP03: The Princess and the Togepi | Bulbagarden
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Review S07 EP03: The Princess and the Togepi


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode AG 43: "Enter Misty! Togepi and the Mirage Kingdom!"
American Episode 315: "The Princess and the Togepi!"


Kids' WB!, 10:00am ET
This is it. The episode everyone's been waiting a year for is finally here.

Everyone's favorite red-head, Misty, makes her long-awaited return to the anime as she visits the Hoenn region to visit a Togepi Festival. However, things take a turn for the worse when an evil czar-like villain (who is apparently voiced by the guy who was the examiner in "The Ultimate Test") kidnaps her Togepi!

By the way, One Piece continues on the Fox Box today at 9:30am ET. You must watch it.

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
I'm not in the US anymore but toto sent me the episode in Japanese and I just finished watching it and it's great! I need to get the second episode too. LOL
Dogasu said:
However, things take a turn for the worse when an evil czar-like villain (who is apparently voiced by the guy who was the examiner in "The Ultimate Test") kidnaps her Togepi!

Do you mean English or Japanese? In English he didn't sound anything like that guy. J&J were using Russian accents, though, for a short while (and Jesse sounded like Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. It was very amusing)

Hansen, eh? (spelling checked on closed captioning). And I see the Japanese are as fond of name puns as 4Kids is (Sarah is her Japanese name as well, and it means 'princess'. Yeah...).

My GOD. The Queen is Veronica Taylor. Well, there's the 'three voices in an episode' we were all looking forward to, although I think we always assumed the third voice would be Delia.

Say, doesn't Shedinja have, like, one hit point or something? That's what I heard (although I can't figure out how to get one--I heard I have to evolve it by level 20, but...). And it can supposedly suck someone's soul out if they see it from behind. Because it has...a hole in its back, apparently. How can an empty cicada skin pull out someone's soul? Ah well, the mysteries of the Pokemon world.

And what was Ash's line to Hansen? Something like "So *you're* their leader!" Um, Ash, you've MET J&J's leader. He tried to kill you. And he's a lot bigger than this guy. Memory problems? If someone tried to kill me and proclaim war on the surrounding area, I think I'd remember that.

So, anyone else notice all the gratutious Togepi triangles everywhere? And that Sarah had Domino curls? (ok, maybe I'm the only one who noticed that...)

Speaking of noticing, how were JJ&M able to set up that fake hotel with a zepplin inside without the nearby town seeing it? And I know they've done this before, but where the hell did Meowth learn how to fly a ship?
I just finished watching it, and WOW! I'm impressed by how creative the storyline is. Misty's just like she was back in Kanto: fiesty, stubborn, and still afraid of Bug Pokemon. And is it me, or are the villains getting more and more evil? o_O

(On an unrelated note, I watched One Piece as well. It's incredibly close to the manga, with the exception of one or two names. And Nami following Luffy around; I don't recall that ever being in the manga.)
More and more evil? Well, we have Aqua and Magma lurking around the corner, but I'd have to say Archie and Maxie would be hard-pressed to be more evil than Giovanni. He's just downright wicked.

And another thing about this episode--was it just me, or was May disturbingly happy to see Misty?
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
More and more evil? Well, we have Aqua and Magma lurking around the corner, but I'd have to say Archie and Maxie would be hard-pressed to be more evil than Giovanni. He's just downright wicked.

I give you that point, BJG. I think it's safe to say *nobody* can be more evil than Giovanni. Which brings up two questions. One: is the Pokemon League aware of the fact that one of their gym leaders is in charge of a crime syndicate? And two: since when does J&J work for somebody *other* than Giovanni?

And another thing about this episode--was it just me, or was May disturbingly happy to see Misty?

Erm... well... uh... *points off to left* Look! A monkey on stilts! :look:
FrozenWind said:
I give you that point, BJG. I think it's safe to say *nobody* can be more evil than Giovanni.

Maybe Bishasu, but it's a different sort of evil. "Marauder" suits him well, I think. The Boss is more of a practical sort of evil.

One: is the Pokemon League aware of the fact that one of their gym leaders is in charge of a crime syndicate?

I don't think they're much aware of anything. And as it stands, I think only Ash and friends really know, but even that seemed like more of a plot contrivence. Seriously, if JJ&M took over any other gym, Ash's reaction would have been "Where's the real Gym Leader?!" instead of "So this gym is run by Team Rocket?"
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
Do you mean English or Japanese? In English he didn't sound anything like that guy.

In the Spring, Kids' WB! had some preview weekend where they showed previews of the new seasons of their new shows. The previews were done in commercial form (they didn't show full episodes or anything), and I remember them showing Hansen in the Pokémon commercial. And, in the commercial, he sounded a lot like the guy from "The Ultimate Test."

Say, doesn't Shedinja have, like, one hit point or something? That's what I heard (although I can't figure out how to get one--I heard I have to evolve it by level 20, but...).

When Nincada evolves, you have to have an empty slot in your party. Your Nincada will turn into a Ninjask while the empty slot will be filled by a Shedinja. Two Pokédex entries in one evolution!
I was impressed with this episode; it did not follow the standard character-of-the-day-and-her-special-pokeymon format (oh wait, it did!), although it's sad that we will be back to that after next week.
This episode was great! And I loved seeing Misty again after so long! It was cool too to see her new outfit too! And I thought it was really interesting how Togepi had such an important role in this episode. That's really cool, cause you wouldn't expect a cute little Pokemon like Togepi to have a major role in an episode! Although, I really had no idea what was going on when I first started watching the episode. But, I finally understood what was happening when they explained to everyone that they needed a Togepi for the festival and everything. Anyway, yeah, I agree, Hansen's pretty evil, but Giovanni's the most evil of them all. Oh yeah, and I loved that one part when Misty pulled Brock away from the princess by his ear. And it was really funny, cause she did all that stuff to him after that, and Max said something like, "Woah, pretty brutal stuff!" and May's line was like, "Yeah, but I like her style though." That was so funny! LOL. XD Of course, I thought it was interesting how they saw a mirage of that building up there. And it was really cool how Togepi flew towards it! Oh, and it was also cool how they ended the episode with that battle between Ash and Hansen just getting started! And overall, this was a really great episode! Just the fact that Misty was in the episode seemed to make it even better than it already was! And I really enjoyed watching this episode!!! :-D

Rating: 10 out of 10
It would have been better, in my opinion, if Ash had been the only one to have grabbed hold of that rope. For obvious reasons.

Was still great though, just like old times. ^^ I love how Max asked Misty what Togepi's powers were but never actually got to saying anything. ^^ As we all know, Togepi's not really trained to do anything.

Next episode should rock. Can't wait till next week.
More and more evil? Well, we have Aqua and Magma lurking around the corner, but I'd have to say Archie and Maxie would be hard-pressed to be more evil than Giovanni. He's just downright wicked.

Well, Maxie and Archie don't think of themselves as evil or amoral. They actually kind of think of themselves as superhero do-gooders who are fixing the world. Team Rocket is a criminal organization. TM and TA are almost like a cult of religious zealots.
I was nice to see Misty and Togepi :175: back. I like all the Togepi print stuff in the mirage kingdom. Dogasu I gave One Piece another chance and I like the second episode they showed.
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
Do Say, doesn't Shedinja have, like, one hit point or something? That's what I heard (although I can't figure out how to get one--I heard I have to evolve it by level 20, but...). And it can supposedly suck someone's soul out if they see it from behind. Because it has...a hole in its back, apparently. How can an empty cicada skin pull out someone's soul? Ah well, the mysteries of the Pokemon world.
The soul sucking thing is just another "legend/myth" entry in the Pokedex, like Nintales being the result of nine ancient sorcerers fusing their bodies together, Tyranitar crushing a mountain with one hand, Banette being a doll that was brought to life etc.

And yes, Shedinja has only one HP no matter what level it is at. But with the defensive Ability Wonder Guard, it makes up for it. The anime made a nice effort in stating that Shedinja has a unique and high defense from the way its shell is made, rather than simply stating the Wonder Guard ability, which makes it immunes to all but a few attack types.

And what was Ash's line to Hansen? Something like "So *you're* their leader!" Um, Ash, you've MET J&J's leader. He tried to kill you. And he's a lot bigger than this guy. Memory problems? If someone tried to kill me and proclaim war on the surrounding area, I think I'd remember that.
I think the line more meant that he was the one they were currently working for, i.e "you're the one who set this up". Earlier I think they had talked about how this whole set-up wasn't soemthing the TR trio could have done all by themselves and that they must be working with someone. Ash wouldn't think that some guy out in a mystery kingdom in Hoenn is TR's ultimate leader I don't think. Also, he may have said something different in the Japanese version.

Speaking of noticing, how were JJ&M able to set up that fake hotel with a zepplin inside without the nearby town seeing it? And I know they've done this before, but where the hell did Meowth learn how to fly a ship?
I believe Hansen provided them with funds. And the townspeople probably were told some story about it being a new form of zeppilin hangar or something, Pokemon world people are quite gullible. As for flying a ship, Meowth sure gets around. He also knows how to drive cars! :lol:
Ash didn't say "their leader", he said "the leader". Meaning, "the guy behind this whole thing," not necessarily "Team Rocket's Boss". J&J are normally only interested in Pikachu, so I guess even Ash was able to figure out that they must have been hired by someone else.
FrozenWind said:
One: is the Pokemon League aware of the fact that one of their gym leaders is in charge of a crime syndicate?
Well, if Ash or Gary reported the fact that the gym was controlled by Team Rocket, then he's probably not a gym leader any more. My theory is that he was reported, then when the Pokemon League/ govornment came to investigate/ arrest him, he fled to Johto where he was out of their jurisdiction.
FrozenWind said:
And two: since when does J&J work for somebody *other* than Giovanni?
They've done it plenty of times. Basically, they'll work for anyone who gives them food or money.
Lady Dragonrider said:
Well, if Ash or Gary reported the fact that the gym was controlled by Team Rocket, then he's probably not a gym leader any more. My theory is that he was reported, then when the Pokemon League/ govornment came to investigate/ arrest him, he fled to Johto where he was out of their jurisdiction.

Except we've seen him in his gym office from "Battle for the Badge" several times since then. Heck, we saw him in that office in "Ruin with a View".

If the League didn't depose Sabrina for turning people into dolls, I don't think they'd depose him. At least not before they got around to investigating her, anyway.
He could easily have moved his office somewhere else and made it identical to his old one.
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