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ICIS 2024: 23rd Annual Teaching Course. Joint meeting with SGCR-WIRES. 
Cancer Imaging: Illuminating Cancer Care: The evolving role of imaging and intervention in modern clinical practice.

27-29 September 2024.

Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. 

Registration is now open!

See the full programme, details on abstract submission and register @ www.ICIS-SGCR-WIRES.com

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*Free September Webinar*
Contrast Enhanced Breast Imaging: State of the Art
Wednesday 11 September 2024
13:00 BST

Masterclass in Oncological Whole-Body MRI, 2nd Edition
Live Classroom Course!
Monday 11 November 2024
Stockholm, Sweden

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On Demand - Watch again ICIS 2023: 22nd Annual Teaching Course - Cancer Imaging: Current guidelines for best practice. Choose to watch an individual day or all 3.


Peer Review Taxonomy

This journal is participating in a pilot of NISO/STM's Working Group on Peer Review Taxonomy, to identify and standardize definitions and terminology in peer review practices in order to make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent. Further information on the pilot is available here.

The following summary describes the peer review process for this journal:

Identity transparency: Single anonymized
Reviewer interacts with: Editor
Review information published: None

We welcome your feedback on this Peer Review Taxonomy Pilot. Please can you take the time to complete this short survey.

Discounts and waivers on APCs

Authors may be eligible for a discounted or waived article processing charges (APCs) in Cancer Imaging if their institution is a participant in one of Springer Nature’s fully open access agreements. Fees are routinely waived for authors from low-income countries. For other countries, APC waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process.

Discount for ICIS members
If you are a member of the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS), you will receive a 20% discount for publishing in Cancer Imaging. Please email the Journal Editor for details.

Winner of the 2024 Reznek Prize

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2024 Reznek Prize, awarded by ICIS, is the article "MRI-based radiomics models to assess prostate cancer, extracapsular extension and positive surgical margins" by Dr. Dong He et al. Published in 2021, the paper has received 36 citations so far. Congratulations to Dr. He and all co-authors!

Aims and scope

Cancer Imaging is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles, reviews and editorials written by expert international radiologists working in oncology.

The journal encompasses CT, MR, PET, ultrasound, radionuclide and multimodal imaging in all kinds of malignant tumours, plus new developments, techniques and innovations.  

Please click here for more information.

New Deputy Editor for Cancer Imaging

Cancer Imaging is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Persigehl as Deputy Editor for the journal. Prof. Dr. Persigehl holds the professorship of Oncological Imaging and he is Vice-chair at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital of Cologne. The University Hospital of Cologne with his center of integrated oncology (CIO) is one of the largest comprehensive cancer centers in Germany.

Review series: Ultra-extended field-of-view PET/CT

Every now and then a new technology or idea comes along that turns imaging on its head. This is a series of review articles from developers of ultra-extended field-of-view PET/CT technology, and from early adopters who are starting to leverage features such as dynamic whole-body imaging, ultra-low dose or very rapid scanning protocols.

Call for papers on artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence in Cancer imaging and diagnosis

We are pleased to announce a new cross-journal thematic series on ‘’Artificial intelligence in cancer imaging and diagnosis" to help bring together the latest research on the application of artificial intelligence in this field. Please click here for more information about this series.

The thematic series is now open for submission of original research and review articles. Please click here to submit your manuscript to this series.

Featured: How I read Cancer Imaging Studies: The Master Class Series

Master Class SeriesSurprisingly, in contrast to the literature regarding the outcomes of imaging, the methods that underpin the generation of an imaging report and how to communicate the findings cogently to referring clinicians remain something of a ‘black box'. In this thematic series, experts across various modalities detail their approach to reporting scans in particular disease settings.

Please click here to visit the series collection page.


Prof Rodney Hicks, St Vincent’s Hospital, the University of Melbourne; and Alfred Hospital, Monash University, Australia

Prof Annick Van den Abbeele, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA 

What is trending?

AltmetricClick here to see which articles published in Cancer Imaging have been shared the most in the past three months.

Editor's quote

A major focus of Prof Rodney Hicks' (Co-Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Imaging) clinical research has been to assess the impact of PET on patient management and prognostic stratification. 

"The last decade has seen amazing changes in the acquisition and processing of imaging data, including new instrumentation and increasing use of artificial intelligence. These have only served to increase the importance of imaging in the diagnosis, staging, treatment selection, and monitoring of cancer. Cancer Imaging seeks to present the latest research and up-to-date reviews in radiology and molecular imaging to keep the multidisciplinary community involved in oncological care abreast of future advances and to maintain a focus on patient-centred care."

Prof. Rodney Hicks, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Cancer Imaging

Official journal of

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.416
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.227

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 13
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 123

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 1,045,188
    Altmetric mentions: 349

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