銀河ぎんが鉄道てつどうよる」の用語ようご三角さんかくしるべ」のなぞ : 宮沢みやざわ賢治けんじ地図ちず測量そくりょうへの関心かんしんをめぐって


  • 「 ギンガ テツドウ ノ ヨル 」 ノ ヨウゴ 「 サンカクヒョウ 」 ノ ナゾ : ミヤザワ ケンジ ノ チズ ヤ ソクリョウ エ ノ カンシン オ メグッテ
  • Riddles on the depiction of sankaku-hyo in Night on the Milky Way Railroad : Kenji Miyazawa's Interest in maps and land surveying






Kenji Miyazawa had used maps for soil and geological research and to conduct land surveys, and these experiences were later reflected in his work. One example of this is his depiction of a myriad of sankaku-hyo (triangulation markers) placed in the field of the sky along the railroad in the novella Night on the Milky Way Railroad, one of his most prominent works. The sankaku-hyo is generally considered a term he invented based on soku-hyo, which was referred to as sankaku-tenbyo at that time and which meant a temporarily-installed wooden scaffold for triangular surveying. However, a map symbol referred to as sankaku-hyo was actually used in a document issued by the Survey Department of the General Staff Office in 1887, and the current sankaku-ten (triangulation point) was officially known as sankaku-hyo for several years. Following this, the term sankaku-hyo no longer appeared in official use, but climbers still often refer to a sankaku-tenbyo as a sankaku-hyo. Miyazawa used this popular term, sankaku-hyo, in his novella, as well as in several other works, including tanka poems he wrote in 1911. This idea of sankaku-hyo placed along the Milky Way Railroad is also considered to have been modeled after milepost. Miyazawa must have known that the distance to a fixed star is measured from two points on the Earth, as it orbits the Sun, using heliocentric parallax every six months based on the triangular surveying method. Specifically, luminous stars correspond to soku-hyo (sankaku-hyo in his work) observed from the Earth, and he likened these stars to soku-hyo that inform observers of their location when they twinkle as the mirror of the heliotrope moves. In Night on the Milky Way Railroad, Miyazawa wrote there is a swan on each of the land survey flags placed at the sankaku-hyo for the Swan. Indeed the 61st star of the Swan is the first star for which distance from the Earth was measured using this method. In Night on the Milky Way Railroad, Miyazawa likens a star plate to a map and stars to soku-hyo for triangular surveying. This work clearly suggests that the writer had a strong interest in maps and surveying and that they were the essential elements underlying his ideas.




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