(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
terriblemente - Translation into English - examples Spanish | Reverso Context
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Translation of "terriblemente" in English


Todo el mundo sabe que no nos pasa nada tan terriblemente malo.
We all know there is nothing so terribly wrong with us.
Bueno, por gente que sólo es terriblemente amable con los demás.
Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other.
Te diré una cosa, para alguien que está encubierto eres terriblemente visible.
I'lltellyou, for someone who's undercover, you're awfully visible.
Ésa es una conclusión terriblemente grande basada en hallar una sola nave.
That's an awfully big conclusion based on finding just one ship.
Aún así, la conexión era terriblemente lenta y poco confiable.
And, even then, the experience was horribly slow and unreliable.
Se ve el costado traspasado, la cavidad abdominal terriblemente dañada.
You can see the pierced side, a horribly damaged abdominal cavity.
Es casi de día, insoportable, me duelen los ojos terriblemente.
It's almost daylight, unbearable, my eyes hurt terribly.
Además, el limón es terriblemente eficaz contra microbios y ciertos virus.
Additionally, lemon is terribly effective against certain viruses and microbes.
Algunos se vuelven más buenos y la inmensa mayoría, terriblemente perversos.
Some people become better and the vast majority, terribly perverse.
Tuve una resaca brutal, y éstas llegaron a ser terriblemente intensas.
I had a brutal hangover - the hangovers became terribly intense.
Su piel le picaba terriblemente, y el rascarse solo lo empeoraba.
His skin itched terribly, and scratching only made it worse.
Mi hermano y sobrino sufrieron terriblemente presenciando a mi madre en tormento.
My brother and nephew suffered terribly witnessing my mother s torment.
La vida es difícil cuando uno siente la soledad que es terriblemente oscura.
Life is difficult when one feels the solitude that is terribly dark.
Nueves en mi vidriera con un decimal; los nueves eran terriblemente importantes.
Nines in my window with one decimal point-nines were terribly important.
Ellos solo saben que están terriblemente asustados o abrumados por algún evento.
They just know they are terribly scared or overwhelmed from some event.
Tu padre y yo estamos terriblemente preocupados acerca de tu desempeño escolar.
Your father and I are terribly worried about your progress at school.
Entiendo que investigar este caso la pone en una posición terriblemente difícil.
I understand investigating this case puts you in a terribly difficult position.
Normalmente funciona bien excepto durante la noche cuando se hace terriblemente lenta.
Normally works find except during the night when it becomes terribly slow.
Hoy en día todo es terriblemente igualitario con los de sangre azul.
It's all terribly egalitarian with the bluebloods these days.
Tome usted nada terriblemente interesante para usted, ocupando plenamente sus pensamientos.
Take yourself anything terribly interesting to you, fully occupying his thoughts.
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Results: 8219. Exact: 8219. Elapsed time: 120 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200