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re3data COREF Project

Since January 2020, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been funding the project "re3data - Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (COREF)" by re3data. The goal of the project is to further develop and enhance re3data, embed it in the research infrastructure landscape as a central reference point for research data repositories, and connect it with other services. The technical platform will be advanced to facilitate the reuse of reliable and trustworthy information on research data repositories. re3data will further develop its framework as a service for third parties to build applications and foster the usage of re3data as a community-driven source and reference for trustworthy repositories among the scientific community.

It is a joint project of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DataCite e.V., the Helmholtz Open Science Office at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), and the KIT Library at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Key steps to achieve project goals:

  • To provide customizable and extendable core repository descriptions that are persistently identifiable and can be referred to and cited appropriately. For that purpose, the project members work on an update and expansion of the current re3data metadata schema.
  • To develop a model of trust for authorized editing and adding metadata, which will enable further options for automated data exchange between services and machine-to-machine communication (e.g. to automatically include certification information from repository certification organizations like CoreTrustSeal).
  • To advance the overall infrastructure and build easily embeddable widgets and tools that take recent requirements of stakeholders using the re3data metadata and API into account.
  • To provide more sophisticated functions for monitoring and recommendation, for example of repositories that enable FAIR research data management.
  • To expand and strengthen collaboration and communication with stakeholders in the research data community.
  • To conduct a study on the status quo of quality assurance measures and standards in the context of research data repositories. Results from the study will guide further actions for the advancement of the re3data metadata schema and editorial process.
  • To implement the usage of authority files and persistent identifier systems like the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).
  • All the above activities will be carried out according to an updated conceptual model for the re3data service.