PLEASE NOTE: Although this is used by the government of Veracruz, it has not been adopted by law.
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[[File:Flag of Veracruz.svg|border|96x176px]]
PopisFlag of Veracruz.svg
English: Flag of Veracruz
Septentrional America → Mexican America → Mexican Nation → Mexican Empire → Mexican Republic → United Mexican States
16 September 1810
- Cry of Independence- Virgin of Guadalupe Standard
3 July 1815
- Flags of the Insurgents with battle, commerce, parliament, naval
24 February 1821
- Flag of the Three Guarantees
24 August 1821
- Flag of the Iturbide's Government- Flag of the Iturbide's Infantry
27 September 1821
- Agustin Iturbide as regency's President of Mexico
28 September 1821
- Government decree of the Mexican Independence
2 November 1821
- Flag of the Mexican Empire
20 February 1822
- National Order of Our Lady of Guadalupe
19 May 1822
- Agustin Iturbide as Emperor of Mexico
21 May 1822
- Coronation of Agustin Iturbide as Emperor of Mexico- Coronation of Ana María Huarte as Empress of Mexico- Agustín Jerónimo de Iturbide is the Prince Imperial of Mexico.
24 January 1823
- Antonio López de Santa Anna's rebels
19 March 1823
- Abdication of the Emperor Agustin Iturbide I of Mexico- Abdication of the Empress Ana María Huarte I of Mexico
This file depicts the coat of arms, banner, or emblem of Mexico, one of its states, municipalities, or any other political subdivision, or a similar distinctive symbol belonging to an international or "recognized" organization, or NGO, operating in or outside of Mexico. According to Mexican federal copyright law, article 14 subparagraph VII, these coats of arms/banners/emblems are not eligible for protection under the federal copyright law.
This image (or parts of it) was created by this user based on Adobe's Photoshop or Inkscape and probably converted to the portable network graphics format. It is (or includes) one of its different original designs, colours or styles from which you can choose.You are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it.
Další verze
National flags
- Mexico
- Mexico (1934-1968)
- Mexico (1916-1934)
- Mexico (1893-1916)
- Mexico (1867-1893)
- Mexico (1864-1867)
- Mexico (1823-1864)
- Mexico (1821-1823)
- Mexican Nation
- Three Guarantees
Subnational flags
- Baja California Sur
- Durango
- Guerrero
- Jalisco
- Queretaro
- Quintana Roo
- Tlaxcala
(Other states do not have official flags, but do have de facto flags, which are the coat of arms on a white background.)
Prenational flags
- New Kingdom of Spain
- Mexican Insurgents
- Mexican Insurgents
- Mexican Insurgents
- Mexican Royalists
Historical flags
- Republic of Yucatan
- Republic of the Rio Grande
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