Star Trek: Prodigy‘s first couple of episodes

Pictured: Brett Gray as Dal of the Paramount+ series Star Trek: Prodigy . Photo Cr: Nickelodeon/Paramount+ ©2021, All Rights Reserved.

I take a look at the first couple of episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy, which is, IMO, the best of the new Trek shows–which isn’t dinging Dicovery, Picard, Short Treks, or Lower Decks, it’s just that Prodigy is really that good. A delightful new entry into the Trek mythos.

An excerpt:

My favorite character, though, by far is Rok-Tahk, voiced by Rylee Alazraqui. The unsubtly named Rok is a Brikar, and she pretty much looks like the Thing from the Fantastic Four. She’s also the basis of the funniest moment in the two-part premiere episode, “Lost and Found.” The Diviner has forbidden translators in his mine, so the prisoners can’t talk to each other. When he’s sent to find Fugitive Zero, Dal finds himself paired with this giant rock creature who mostly seems to talk in growls and snarls. It isn’t until they get on board the Protostar, with its universal translator, that we discover that the big scary monster has a high squeaky voice and is, in fact, just a little girl. Rok is, at once, very sweet, very naïve, and very easy to love. She also has a temper, as we discover in the second episode, “Starstruck,” when we find out just how much she resents Gwyn for doing nothing to help the prisoners. (Gwyn, for her part, thought they were all criminals. Rok assures her that is not the case. Tellingly, the Diviner and his hench-robot Drednok refer to the miners, not as prisoners, but as “the unwanted.”)

30 day song challenge day 28

Day 28 is a song by an artist whose voice you love, and my wife is laughing at me right now because I tend toward gravelly voiced singers like Mark Knopfler and Tom Waits and Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen and the like. But I also loves me some a cappella, and probably my favorite a cappella group is the Canadian group the Nylons. Here’s my favorite song of theirs, “Combat Zone.”

I’ll be at Fanboy Expo in Knoxville this weekend

I will be one of the author guests at Fanboy Expo in Knoxville, Tennessee this coming weekend at the Knoxville Convention Center. I’ll be there with Bard’s Tower selling and signing books, alongside fellow word-slingers John Jackson Miller, Tony Isabella, and Jody Lynn Nye, and actor Carlos Ferro, among others, plus some nifty actors and wrestlers and voiceover actors and cosplayers and other spiffy folks.

Come by and say hi!

KRAD COVID reading #100d: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Many Splendors Part 4

For 2021, KRAD COVID readings has been covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly series of eBooks that ran from 2000-2007. I’ve had a new reading every #TrekTuesday, though this will be the final one of those

This week we conclude the landmark 100th installment of the series, and also the last story in the S.C.E. cycle: Many Splendors. Part of the “What’s Past” event done to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Trek in 2006, this story chronicled the Gomez-Duffy romance on board the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, and also provides an engine-room’s-eye view of the second through fifth seasons of The Next Generation.

In Part 4, Gomez makes a fateful decision about her career and her relationship with Duffy, even as the Enterprise is crippled by a quantum filament.

This is the last installment of KRAD COVID readings for awhile. I’ve run out of short fiction (at least for now, there are several in process), and I need a break. You can feel free to subscribe to the channel, or just check out the archives.


30 day song challenge day 24

Day 24 is a song by a band you wish were still together. Despite the fact that they couldn’t possibly still be together because 3/5 of the band is dead, I’m gonna go with The Band. One of the greatest and most influential bands, and also the folks who backed up Bob Dylan when he went electric, I wish they’d stayed fully together after their 1976 concert The Last Waltz. While four of the five members did re-form soon thereafter, they pretty much were a nostalgia act after that. Meanwhile the fifth, Robbie Robertson, has done some amazing work in his solo career, and I wonder what would have happened if they’d been able to put the personalities aside and stayed as a group. Their musical talent had improved markedly over the sixteen years they were together, and who knows how much better they might have gotten?

Anyhow, here’s one of my favorites, the version of “Stage Fright” from The Last Waltz.