Babylon 5 Rewatch: “The Parliament of Dreams”

Lennier and Na’Toth finally show up, we get to see Minbari and Centauri religious rituals, and someone’s trying to kill G’Kar. The Babylon 5 Rewatch covers “The Parliament of Dreams.”

An excerpt:

Seeing the different religious ceremonies was fun. It’s a little to Planet of Hats-ish to see only one Centauri ceremony and one Minbari ceremony but then have Earth show off how many religions there are. Having said that, the ceremonies are definitely appropriate: the Centauri eat, drink, and are merry because they’re not dead yet, and the Minbari are all ritualized and sedate and ceremonial and stuff. Each is very fitting. For that matter, the Narn not participating is also very fitting, as even at this early stage it’s obvious that the Narn play things close to the vest and don’t reveal much to outsiders. (Indeed, G’Kar’s reluctance to let any non-Narn in on his crisis is a plot point.)

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