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8 vegetables that are actually fruits
Jun 20, 2024, 01:29 PM IST
8 vegetables that are actually fruits
Deepika Shakya
Often used in salads and sauces, tomatoes are botanically classified as fruits
Common in salads and pickles, cucumbers are fruits since they grow from the flower of the cucumber plant and house seeds inside.
Bell Pepper
Available in various colors, bell peppers are fruits because they contain seeds
Used in pies and soups, pumpkins are fruits. They have seeds inside and grow from the flower
Often used in cooking and baking, zucchinis are fruits since they develop from the zucchini flower
Eggplants are fruits because they grow from a flowering plant and have seeds inside.
Pea Pods
While peas themselves are seeds, the pods that contain them are fruits
Avocados are fruits. They have a large seed inside and develop from the flower of the avocado tree.
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