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Using Host Galaxy Photometric Redshifts to Improve Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernovae in the LSST Era - IOPscience

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Using Host Galaxy Photometric Redshifts to Improve Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernovae in the LSST Era

, , , , and

Published 2023 February 27 © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
, , Citation Ayan Mitra et al 2023 ApJ 944 212 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/acb057

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We perform a rigorous cosmology analysis on simulated Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and evaluate the improvement from including photometric host galaxy redshifts compared to using only the "zspec" subset with spectroscopic redshifts from the host or SN. We use the Deep Drilling Fields (∼50 deg2) from the Photometric LSST Astronomical Time-Series Classification Challenge (PLAsTiCC) in combination with a low-z sample based on Data Challenge2. The analysis includes light-curve fitting to standardize the SN brightness, a high-statistics simulation to obtain a bias-corrected Hubble diagram, a statistical+systematics covariance matrix including calibration and photo-z uncertainties, and cosmology fitting with a prior from the cosmic microwave background. Compared to using the zspec subset, including events with SN+host photo-z results in (i) more precise distances for z > 0.5, (ii) a Hubble diagram that extends 0.3 further in redshift, and (iii) a 50% increase in the Dark Energy Task Force figure of merit (FoM) based on the w0waCDM model. Analyzing 25 simulated data samples, the average bias on w0 and wa is consistent with zero. The host photo-z systematic of 0.01 reduces FoM by only 2% because (i) most z < 0.5 events are in the zspec subset, (ii) the combined SN+host photo-z has ×2 smaller bias, and (iii) the anticorrelation between fitted redshift and color self-corrects distance errors. To prepare for analyzing real data, the next SN Ia cosmology analysis with photo-zs should include non–SN Ia contamination and host galaxy misassociations.

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1. Introduction

Since the discovery of cosmic acceleration (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999) using Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), this geometric probe has provided unique constraints on the dark energy equation of state (EOS) today, w0, and its variation with cosmic time, wa (Chevallier & Polarski 2001; Linder 2003). The most precise measurements of the dark energy EOS have been based on ∼1000 spectroscopically confirmed SN samples with spectroscopic redshifts from the SN or host galaxy (Betoule et al. 2014; Scolnic et al. 2018; Abbott et al. 2019; Brout et al. 2022).

Over the next decade, much larger SN samples are expected from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST 7 ) and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Spectroscopic resources will be capable of observing only a small fraction of the discovered SNe. To make full use of these future samples in cosmology analyses, well-developed methods have been used for photometric classification using broadband photometry (Lochner et al. 2016; Möller & de Boissière 2020). A photometric redshift method using the SN+host galaxy photo-z has been proposed (Kessler et al. 2010; Palanque-Delabrouille et al. 2010; Roberts et al. 2017), but a rigorous SN Ia cosmology analysis with photo-zs has not been performed.

To analyze SN Ia samples with contamination from other SN types, the "BEAMS" 8 framework was developed to rigorously use the photometric classification probabilities (Kunz et al. 2007; Hlozek et al. 2012). The BEAMS framework, combined with photometric classification, was first used to obtain SN Ia cosmology results from Pan-STARRS1 data (Jones et al. 2018). An extension to BEAMS, BEAMS with Bias Corrections (BBC; Kessler & Scolnic 2017, hereafter KS17), was used in Jones et al. (2018) and is currently used in the analysis of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES; Vincenzi et al. 2023).

To analyze SN Ia samples using photometric redshifts, Kessler et al. (2010) and Palanque-Delabrouille et al. (2010) extended the SALT2 light-curve fitting framework (Guy et al. 2007) to include redshift as an additional fitted parameter and use the host galaxy photo-z as a prior. Dai et al. (2018) analyzed a simulated LSST sample including SNe Ia and SNe core collapse (CC) and applied both photometric classification (but not BEAMS) and the SALT2 photo-z method. They fit the resulting Hubble diagram with a flat ΛらむだCDM model and recovered unbiased ΩおめがM with a statistical precision of 0.008. Using data from the DES, Chen et al. (2022) performed a photo-z analysis using a subset of ∼100 SNe Ia hosted by redMagic galaxies for which both photometric and spectroscopic redshifts are available. Fitting their Hubble diagram with a flat wCDM model, they find a w-difference of 0.005 between spectroscopic and photometric (redMagic) redshifts. Finally, Linder & Mitra (2019) and Mitra & Linder (2021) evaluated the impact of photometric redshifts for LSST using a Fisher matrix approximation that does not include light-curve fitting or bias corrections. They concluded that for z < 0.2, spectroscopic redshifts are necessary for robust cosmology measurements.

A hierarchical Bayesian methodology (zBEAMS; Roberts et al. 2017) has been proposed to combine photometric classification (BEAMS), photometric host galaxy redshifts, and incorrect host galaxy assignments. This method has been validated on a toy simulation of SN distances with random fluctuations, but the analysis does not include light-curve fitting, bias corrections, or systematic uncertainties.

Here we present a rigorous SN Ia cosmology analysis on simulated LSST data that includes host galaxy photo-zs and covers the first 3 yr. We use these photo-zs to include more distant SNe that would otherwise be excluded in a spectroscopically confirmed sample, and we evaluate the impact of including these additional SNe in the cosmology analysis. Our simulation is based on the cadence of the Deep Drilling Fields (DDFs) from the Photometric LSST Astronomical Time-series Classification Challenge (PLAsTiCC; Kessler et al. 2019a, see Section 3.1), combined with a low-z sample based on the cadence of the Wide Fast Deep (WFD) fields. Our end-to-end analysis includes light-curve fitting, simulated bias corrections applied with BBC, a covariance matrix that includes systematic uncertainties, and fitting a bias-corrected Hubble diagram for cosmological parameters. We examine the wCDM and w0 wa CDM models.

We adopt the photo-z method from Kessler et al. (2010), and we use the host galaxy photo-z as a prior. To focus on photo-z issues, we simulate SNe Ia only (without contamination) and assume that all host galaxies are correctly identified. Therefore, the BEAMS formalism is not used in the analysis. We use science codes from the publicly available SuperNova ANAlysis software package SNANA 9 (Kessler et al. 2009), and we use the cosmology analysis workflow from Pippin (Hinton & Brout 2020).

This paper is presented as follows. In Section 2, we briefly review LSST and the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC). Section 3 describes the simulated data sample, and Section 4 describes the cosmology analysis. Results are presented in Section 5, and we conclude in Section 6.

2. Overview of LSST and the DESC

The LSST is a ground-based stage IV DES program (Cahn 2009; Ivezić et al. 2019). It is expected to become operational in 2023 and will discover millions of SNe over the 10 yr survey duration. The Simonyi Survey optical telescope at the Rubin Observatory includes an 8.4 m mirror 10 and a state-of-the-art 3200 megapixel camera (9.6 deg2 field of view) that will provide the deepest and widest views of the universe with unprecedented quality. The LSST will observe nearly half the night sky every week to a depth of 24th magnitude in the six filter bands (ugrizy) spanning wavelengths from ultraviolet to near-infrared.

The DESC 11 is an analysis team with nearly 1000 members, and their goal is to make numerous high-accuracy measurements of fundamental cosmological parameters using data from LSST. Prior to first light, DESC has implemented data challenges as a strategy to continuously develop analysis pipelines. This photo-z analysis within the Time Domain working group leverages two previous challenges: (1) a transient classification challenge (PLAsTiCC) and (2) an image-processing challenge (DC2; LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC) et al. 2021; Sánchez et al. 2022). An updated PLAsTiCC challenge, with several new models and transient–host correlations (Lokken et al. 2023), is under development to test early classification and to test processing large numbers of detection "alerts" expected from the Rubin Observatory.

3. Simulated Data

We do not work with simulated images; thus, we do not run the LSST difference imaging analysis (DIA) 12 based on Alard & Lupton (1998). Instead, we simulate SN Ia light curves corresponding to the output of DIA and calibrated to the AB magnitude system (Fukugita et al. 1996). Following PLAsTiCC (Kessler et al. 2019a; Hložek et al. 2020), we use the cadence and observing properties from MINION1016, 13 and we include a host galaxy photometric redshift and rms uncertainty based on Graham et al. (2018, hereafter G18), but we do not model correlations between the SNe and host galaxy properties. PLAsTiCC was designed to motivate the development of classification algorithms for photometric light curves from transients discovered by LSST.

PLAsTiCC included two LSST observing strategies: (1) five DDFs, covering ∼50 deg2, that are revisited frequently and hence correspond to areas with enhanced depth, and (2) the WFD covering a majority of the southern sky (18,000 deg2). We simulate a high-z sample using DDFs and coadd the nightly observations within each band (Section 3.1). Since the PLAsTiCC DDF data have limited statistics at low redshifts, we compliment the PLAsTiCC data with a spectroscopically confirmed low-z sample (Section 3.2) based on the WFD cadence used in DC2.

Rather than using the publicly available PLAsTiCC data, we regenerate the DDF simulation because our analysis needs a much larger sample for bias corrections that is not publicly available. We have verified that our new sample is statistically equivalent to the public data by comparing distributions of redshift, color, and stretch. Our simulation does not include contamination from core-collapse and peculiar SNe or DIA artifacts such as catastrophic flux outliers, point-spread function (PSF) model errors, and nonlinearites.

The simulation process adapted in this analysis is described in depth in Kessler et al. (2019b). To accurately measure biases on cosmological parameters, 25 statistically independent simulated data samples are generated, and each sample is analyzed separately.

A summary of the average simulation statistics is shown in Table 1. For the high-z sample, the number of generated events (Ngen column of Table 1) is computed from the measured volumetric rate, the duration of the survey, and the 50 deg2 area of the DDFs. For low-z, Ngen is arbitrarily chosen such that the number of events after the selection requirements is roughly 500, which is about ∼10% of the high-z statistics. Examples of simulated light curves at different redshifts are shown by the black circles in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Random sample of simulated light curves (calibrated flux vs. Tobs = MJD − t0) for redshifts spanning z ∼ [0–1.2]. Each column shows a light curve from a single event in each of the six LSST optical passband filters: u, g, r, i, z, and y. The leftmost column (z = 0.05) is from low-z (WFD); the remaining events are from high-z (DDF). The smooth curves are fits from the SALT2 model, and each color corresponds to a different passband.

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Table 1. Summary of Simulation Statistics

  z Range Ngen Ngen AfterSelection Cuts:
  Total a Trigger b zspec c Full Sample
Low-z 0.01–0.084200696539539
High-z 0.03–1.5541,81912,80814824873


a Total number of generated SNe Ia. b Two or more detections separated by more than 30 minutes. c Subset of events with spectroscopic redshift.

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3.1. High-z Data: PLAsTiCC

The original PLAsTiCC simulation covers the first 3 yr of LSST with 18 models that include both extragalactic and galactic transients. For this analysis, we simulate only SNe Ia using the SALT2 model (Guy et al. 2007). This model includes measured populations of stretch and color from Scolnic & Kessler (2016) with stretch– and color–luminosity parameters (αあるふぁ = 0.14, βべーた = 3.1), an intrinsic scatter of the model spectral energy distribution (SED), and a near-infrared extension (Pierel et al. 2018) to include the i-, z-, and y-band wavelength range. Correlations between SNe and host galaxy mass are not included. Next, the model SED is modified to account for cosmic expansion (ΩおめがM = 0.315, w = −1, flatness), redshift, and Galactic extinction from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011). Filter passbands are used to compute broadband fluxes at epochs determined by the DDF cadence from OpSim (Delgado et al. 2014; Reuter et al. 2016), and observing conditions (zero-point, PSF, and sky noise) are used to model flux uncertainties. The 5σしぐま limiting magnitudes for each of the ugrizy passbands are listed in Table 2 for both the low- and high-z samples. We adopt the detection efficiency versus signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) from the DC2 analysis as shown in Figure 9 of Sánchez et al. (2022). The simulated trigger selects events with two detections separated by at least 30 minutes.

Table 2. Average Depth and Time between Observations

FilterDepth a Gap b DepthGap
u 23.8410.525.055.3
g 24.8011.925.527.3
i 23.578.625.197.3
z 22.659.024.797.3
Y 21.7911.223.837.4


a 5σしぐま limiting magnitude. b Average time (days) between visits, excluding seasonal gaps.

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Following PLAsTiCC, we define a "zspec" sample consisting of two subsets of events with accurate spectroscopic redshifts (σしぐまz ∼ 10−5). The first subset assumes an accurate redshift from spectroscopically confirmed events based on a forecast of the performance for the 4 m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope spectrograph (4MOST; de Jong et al. 2019) 14 that is under construction by the European Southern Observatory. 15 The 4MOST is expected to begin operation in 2023 (similar to the LSST timeline) and is located at a latitude similar to that of the Rubin Observatory in Chile. The second subset includes photometrically identified events with an accurate host galaxy redshift using 4MOST. The second subset has ∼60% more events than the first subset, and each subset is treated identically in the analysis. The simulated efficiency versus redshift for each zspec subset is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. For DDF. Top: efficiency vs. peak i-band magnitude (mi ) for the spectroscopically confirmed events. Bottom: simulated efficiency vs. redshift for measuring a spectroscopic host galaxy redshift. The gray dashed lines show the 50% efficiency: mi = 22.2 (top) and ztrue = 0.56 (bottom).

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To estimate the host galaxy photometric redshifts, PLAsTiCC used a color-matched nearest-neighbor (CMNN) photometric redshift estimator (G18). The CMNN uses a five-dimensional color space grid to train a set of galaxies and defines a distance metric that is used on the test set to assign the redshift and associated uncertainty. Figure 3(a) shows the photo-z residuals, zphotztrue, as a function of ztrue.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Photo-z residual (zphotztrue) vs. ztrue for (a) the full host galaxy catalog, (b) a subset of the host galaxy catalog after trigger and cuts, (c) a SALT2-fitted SN-only photo-z without a host galaxy prior, and (d) a combined SALT2-fitted SN+host photo-z that is used for the Hubble diagram. Panels (b)–(d) have no zspec events. The σしぐまIQR and fout numbers in each panel are computed for 0.4 < ztrue < 1.4. The source of the photo-z is indicated on each vertical axis label.

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To characterize the residuals, we follow Graham et al. (2018) and define metrics for an inner core resolution and outlier fraction using the quantity Δでるたz(1+z) = ∣zphotztrue∣/(1 + zphot). The resolution is the width of the interquartile distribution of Δでるたz(1+z) divided by 1.349 and denoted by σしぐまIQR. The outlier fraction (fout) is the fraction of events satisfying

Equation (1)

For ztrue < 0.4, nearly all of the events have a spectroscopic redshift, and for ztrue > 1.4, the SNe are too faint for detection. For the relevant redshift range (0.4 < ztrue < 1.4), σしぐまIQR = 0.025 and fout = 0.13.

Following PLAsTiCC, we use the volumetric rate model R(z) based on Dilday et al. (2008) for z < 1 and Hounsell et al. (2018) for z > 1. The rate R(z) we adopt is given by

Equation (2)

Equation (3)

3.2. Low-z Data: Spectroscopic

We simulate a spectroscopically confirmed low-z sample based on the WFD cadence from DC2. We assume accurate spectroscopic redshifts and 100% efficiency up to redshift z < 0.08. The simulation code and SN Ia model are the same as for the high-z sample. Compared to DDFs, the WFD cadence has 30% fewer observations, on average, and a 1 mag shallower depth (Table 2).

4. Analysis

The SN Ia cosmology analysis steps are shown in Figure 4 and described below. This analysis is similar to the recent DC2 SN Ia cosmology analysis in Sánchez et al. (2022), except here we include DDFs and use photo-z information. The analysis is performed three times, each using the same low-z sample but varying the high-z data:

  • 1.  
    zphot: full sample including both spectroscopic and photometric redshifts;
  • 2.  
    zspec: subset with only accurate spectroscopic redshift from either the host galaxy or SN; and
  • 3.  
    zcheat: full sample forcing zphot = ztrue.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Flowchart showing the cosmology analysis steps.

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4.1. Light-curve Fitting

To standardize the SN Ia brightness, we fit each light curve to the wavelength-extended SALT2 light-curve model from Pierel et al. (2018), the same model used in the simulations. The SALT2 light-curve fit determines the time of peak brightness (t0), amplitude (x0), stretch (x1), and color (c). Previous cosmology analyses have all used SNe with accurate zspec; thus, redshift had always been a fixed parameter in the SALT2 fit. In our analysis, the SALT2 fit uses the methodology in Kessler et al. (2010) in which the redshift is floated as a fifth parameter, which we call "zphot."

Following Equation (1) in Kessler et al. (2010), the five-parameter SALT2 fit uses minuit (James & Roos 1975) to minimize the following χかい2:

Equation (4)

where ${F}_{i}^{\mathrm{data}}$ is the SN flux for the ith observation, ${F}_{i}^{\mathrm{model}}({\vec{x}}_{5})$ is the SALT2 model flux computed from the five SN-dependent parameters ${\vec{x}}_{5}=\{{t}_{0},{x}_{0},{x}_{1},c,{z}_{\mathrm{phot}}\}$, and σしぐまF,i is the quadrature sum of statistical and SALT2 model uncertainties. The second term in Equation (4) accounts for the fact that the SALT2 model uncertainties depend on one of the fitted parameters (zphot) because of the dependence on rest-frame wavelength and epoch. A reference uncertainty (${\tilde{\sigma }}_{F,i}$) is computed after the first fit iteration so that the $2\mathrm{ln}({\sigma }_{F,i}/{\tilde{\sigma }}_{F,i})$ term is close to zero in the second and third fit iterations. The second row in Equation (4) is the host galaxy photo-z prior, where zhost is the mean of the photo-z probability density function (PDF), and σしぐまz,host is the rms.

To estimate the initial SALT2 parameters prior to the fit, zphot = zhost. The remaining initial parameter estimates are obtained by minimizing the χかい2 in a very coarse grid search. After each minuit fit iteration, the wavelength range for each LSST passband is transformed to the rest frame using a fitted zphot. If the central rest-frame wavelength is outside of the SALT2 model range (2600–11000 Å), the passband is dropped in the next fit iteration; a previously dropped passband can be added if it is within the model range. If any passband is dropped or added, the fit iteration is repeated to ensure that a consistent set of passbands are included in the fit.

For the subset with accurate zspec, the redshift prior is so precise (0.0001) that such fits are essentially equivalent to fixing the redshift in a four-parameter fit. Note that zphot refers to the fitted redshift for all events, including the zspec subset.

4.2. Selection Requirements and Systematic Uncertainties

We apply the following selection requirements (cuts) based on analyses using real data:

  • 1.  
    at least three bands with maximum S/N >4,
  • 2.  
    successful light-curve fit,
  • 3.  
    x1∣ < 3.0,
  • 4.  
    c∣ < 0.3,
  • 5.  
    stretch uncertainty σしぐまx1 < 1.0,
  • 6.  
    time of peak brightness uncertainty σしぐまt0 < 2.0 days,
  • 7.  
    Pfit > 0.05, 16
  • 8.  
    0.01 < zphot < 1.4, and
  • 9.  
    valid bias correction (see Section 4.4).

The SALT2 light-curve fits for several events are shown by the smooth curves in Figure 1. After the selection requirements, the redshift distribution is shown in Figure 5(a) for the subset with and without zspec.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Number of events (top) and BBC-fitted distance uncertainty (bottom) per redshift bin. The three sets of overlaid plots correspond to zspec (red), zphot (blue), and zcheat (green).

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The zphot residual versus ztrue is shown in Figure 3(a) for all galaxies in the catalog and Figure 3(b) for host galaxies after the SN Ia trigger and selection cuts. After the selection cuts, SNe associated with the host galaxy photo-z outliers tend to be excluded by the SALT2 fit and Pfit cut; the core resolution is reduced by 10%, and the outlier fraction is reduced by 20%.

To compare the photo-z precision between the host and SN, we performed SALT2 light-curve fits without a host galaxy photo-z prior to determine the SN-only zphot residuals (Figure 3(c)); the SN-only zphot core resolution is slightly (∼1.1) better than for the galaxies in Figure 3(a), although the outlier fractions are the same. For the combined SN+host SALT2 fits, Figure 3(d) shows zphot residuals versus ztrue; compared to fitting SNe only, the SN+host zphot resolution is 30% smaller and has ∼15% fewer outliers.

To evaluate systematic uncertainties, the SALT2 light-curve fits and BBC fit are repeated 17 times, 17 each with a separate variation shown in Table 3. Each variation results in a distance modulus variation, and we compute a systematic covariance matrix (COVsyst) using Equation (6) in Conley et al. (2011).

Table 3. Source of Systematic Uncertainty

RowLabelDescriptionValue a
1StatOnlyNo systematic shifts
2MWEBVShift E(BV)5%
3CAL_HSTHST calibration offset0.007 × λらむだ
4CAL_ZPLSST zero-point shift5 mmag
5CAL_WAVELSST filter shift5 Å
6zSPECShift zspec redshifts5 × 10−5
7zPHOTShift zphot redshifts0.01
8zPHOTERRScale host zphot uncertainty1.2


a Shift (or scale) applied to simulated data before each reanalysis.

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We include variations in Galactic extinction, calibration, zspec, and host galaxy zphot. We do not include SALT2 modeling and training uncertainties, nor do we include uncertainties on the stretch and color populations.

The galactic extinction uncertainty (row 2 in Table 3) is σしぐまMWEBV = 0.05 · MWEBV and taken from the Pantheon analysis (Scolnic et al. 2018). The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) calibration uncertainty (row 3) is from the DES SN Ia cosmology analysis (Table 4 in Brout et al. 2019) and based on Bohlin et al. (2014). The zero-point uncertainty (row 4) is from the LSST science road map (Section 3.3 in Ivezić & The LSST Science Collaboration 2018) and consistent with the Pan-STARRS 3πぱい internal calibration accuracy (Schlafly et al. 2012; Magnier et al. 2013). The wavelength calibration uncertainty (row 5) is from the Pantheon analysis in Scolnic et al. (2018).

Table 4. Bias for BBC-fitted Nuisance Parameters a

Sample αあるふぁαあるふぁtrue b βべーたβべーたtrue c σしぐまint
zspec 0.00015 ± 0.00158−0.00011 ± 0.020350.095
zphot 0.00033 ± 0.00121−0.00017 ± 0.016240.096
zcheat 0.00049 ± 0.001120.00125 ± 0.015490.095


a Averaged over 25 samples. b αあるふぁtrue = 0.14. c βべーたtrue = 3.1.

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The spectroscopic redshift uncertainty (row 6) is from Table 4 in Brout et al. (2019), which is based on low-redshift constraints on local density fluctuations (Calcino & Davis 2017). For the host galaxy photo-z bias uncertainty (row 7), the statistical bias in our PLAsTiCC simulation is well below 0.01, as shown in the lower panel of Figure 2 in G18. This statistical bias is valid for the galaxy training set, but the bias for the subset of SN Ia host galaxies is likely to be larger. Without a photo-z bias estimate for SN Ia host galaxies, we make an ad hoc estimate from the DES weak-lensing cosmology analysis in which Myles et al. (2021) found a statistical zphot bias of ∼0.001, while their weighted zphot bias is 0.01, an order of magnitude larger. We use their weighted zphot bias of 0.01 as the systematic uncertainty. The uncertainty in the host zphot uncertainty (row 8) is from the variation in robust standard deviations in the upper panel of Figure 2 in G18.

4.3. Simulated Bias Corrections

To implement distance bias corrections in BBC (Section 4.4), we generate a large sample of 3.1 × 106 events (after cuts; Section 3.1), which consists of 2.6 × 106 high-z events and 4.4 × 105 low-z events. The bias correction is applied independently for high- and low-z, and thus the relative number of events in each subsample need not match the data. The simulation procedure is identical to that used for the simulated data, except for αあるふぁ and βべーた. While fixed values are used for the data sample, a 2 × 2 αあるふぁ, βべーた grid is used for the "biasCor" simulation to enable interpolation in BBC.

4.4. BEAMS with Bias Corrections

The BBC reads the SALT2-fitted parameters (high- and low-z) from the data and biasCor simulation and produces a bias-corrected Hubble diagram, both unbinned and in redshift bins. For each event, the measured distance modulus is based on Tripp (1998),

Equation (5)

where ${m}_{B}\equiv -2.5{\mathrm{log}}_{10}({x}_{0})$, {αあるふぁ, βべーた, M0} are global nuisance parameters, and Δでるたμみゅーbias = μみゅーμみゅーtrue is determined from the biasCor simulation in a five-dimensional space of {z, x1, c, αあるふぁ, βべーた}. A valid bias correction is required for each event, resulting in a few percent loss. The distance uncertainty (σしぐまμみゅー ) is computed from Equation (3) of KS17. Since there is no contamination from non–SNe Ia, all SN Ia classification probabilities are set to 1, and we do not use the BEAMS formalism.

There are two subtle issues concerning the use of zphot and its uncertainty σしぐまz . First, the calculated distance error from σしぐまz (${\sigma }_{\mu }^{z}$ in Equation (3) of KS17) is an overestimate because it does not account for the correlated color error that reduces the distance error. By floating zphot in the SALT2 fit, redshift correlations propagate to the other SALT2 parameter uncertainties; therefore, we set ${\sigma }_{\mu }^{z}=0$. The second issue concerns the μみゅーbias computation, where μみゅーtrue is computed at a SALT2-fitted zphot rather than the true redshift.

To avoid a dependence on cosmological parameters, the BBC fit is performed in 14 logarithmically spaced redshift bins. The fitted parameters include the global nuisance parameters (αあるふぁ, βべーた, M0) and bias-corrected distances in 14 redshift bins. The unbinned Hubble diagram is obtained from Equation (5) using the fitted parameters.

If the same selection requirements are applied to each systematic variation for computing COVsyst, small fluctuations in the fitted SALT2 parameters and redshift result in slightly different samples, and these differences introduce statistical noise in COVsyst. We avoid this covariance noise by defining a baseline sample for events passing cuts without systematic variations, and we use this same baseline sample for all systematic variations. For example, if an event has a fitted SALT2 color parameter c = 0.299 and migrates to c = 0.3001 for a calibration systematic, this event is preserved without applying cuts that require ∣c∣ < 0.3.

To avoid sample differences from the valid bias-correction requirement, the BBC fit is run twice, and the second fit only includes events that have a valid bias correction in all systematic variations. Finally, for redshift systematics that result in migration to another redshift bin, the original (no syst) redshift bin is preserved for the BBC fit.

4.5. Cosmology Fitting and Figure of Merit

For cosmology fitting, we use a fast minimization program that approximates a cosmic microwave background (CMB) prior using the R-shift parameter (e.g., see Equation (69) in Komatsu et al. 2009) computed from the same cosmological parameters that were used to generate the SNe Ia. The R uncertainty is σしぐまR = 0.006, tuned to have the same constraining power as Planck Collaboration et al. (2021). We fit with wCDM and w0 wa CDM models, where w = [w0 + wa (1 − a)]. The statistical+systematics covariance matrix is used. We fit both binned and unbinned Hubble diagrams.

For the w0 wa CDM model, the figure of merit (FoM) is computed based on the Dark Energy Task Force definition in Albrecht et al. (2006),

Equation (6)

where ρろー is the reduced covariance between w0 and wa .

5. Results

For one of the 25 statistically independent samples, we show the zspec and zphot Hubble diagram produced by the BBC fit, both binned and unbinned, in Figure 6. The Hubble residuals with respect to the true cosmology, Δでるたμみゅー = μみゅーμみゅーtrue, are consistent with zero and do not show a redshift-dependent slope.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. For one of the 25 statistically independent samples, redshift-binned (solid black circles) and unbinned Hubble diagram from the BBC fit for zspec (top) and zphot (bottom) samples. Each bottom panel shows the Hubble residual Δでるたμみゅー with respect to the true cosmology; the error bars show the rms in each BBC redshift bin (same redshift bins as in Figure 5).

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The BBC-fitted nuisance parameters are shown in Table 4 for the three analyses: zspec, zphot, and zcheat. Averaging over the 25 samples, αあるふぁ and βべーた agree well with the simulated inputs. There is no true σしぐまint for comparison, but we note that the σしぐまint values agree well among the three analyses.

Next, we compare the BBC-fitted distance uncertainties (σしぐまμみゅー ) in the redshift bins (Figure 5(b)). The zspec and zphot uncertainties are similar for z < 0.5, and at higher redshifts, the zphot uncertainty is significantly smaller than for zspec. In addition to smaller distance uncertainties, the zphot redshift range extends ∼0.3 beyond that of the zspec range.

At high redshift, the zcheat analysis shows little improvement over the zphot analysis. Defining an effective distance uncertainty per event in each redshift bin as ${\overline{{\sigma }_{\mu }}}_{z}={{\sigma }_{\mu }}_{z}\times \sqrt{{N}_{z}}$, where Nz is the number of events in the redshift bin, the ${\overline{{\sigma }_{\mu }}}_{z}$ values for zcheat and zphot are the same to within a few percent. There are fewer zphot events (compared to zcheat) because of selection cuts and unstable results between multiple light-curve fit iterations.

For the cosmology fitting, we fit the binned distances from the BBC fit and also performed unbinned fits to reduce the systematic uncertainty as described in Brout et al. (2021). While the unbinned cosmology fits result in smaller uncertainties, we find a significant bias that is driven by the calibration systematics. We have investigated numerical issues with covariance matrix inversion, speed-trick approximations in the cosmology fitting, and evaluation of derivatives COVsyst. We have not found an explanation of this bias; therefore, we present results only for binned distances.

For the subsections below, we define w bias to be wwtrue, where w is from the wCDM cosmology fit. A similar definition is used for w0 and wa for the w0 wa CDM model. The bias uncertainty is the standard deviation of the w-bias values divided by $\sqrt{25}$.

5.1.  wCDM Results

For the wCDM cosmology fits, Table 5 shows the average w bias and uncertainty among the 25 samples. The average w bias is consistent with zero for both the zspec and zphot samples and with and without systematic uncertainties. The w-bias precision is ∼0.002. The average w uncertainty (〈σしぐまw 〉) for the zphot sample is 0.023 with systematics and is only slightly improved compared to 〈σしぐまw 〉 = 0.025 for the zspec sample. The additional sensitivity from the host galaxy zphot sample is small because the increased statistics are at higher redshifts, where the dark energy density fraction is much smaller compared to lower redshifts, where the sample is dominated by spectroscopic redshifts.

Table 5. Summary of wCDM Cosmology Fits

SourceSystematics 〈w Bias〉 a σしぐまw b
zspec Stat. only−0.0008 ± 0.00200.020
 Stat.+syst.−0.0027 ± 0.00250.025
zphot Stat. only−0.0003 ± 0.00170.020
 Stat.+syst.−0.0009 ± 0.00180.023


a Average bias among 25 samples with uncertainty of std/$\sqrt{25}$. b Average fitted uncertainty among 25 samples.

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5.2.  w0 wa CDM Results

For the w0 wa CDM model, the average bias, uncertainty, and FoM are shown in Table 6. While there was little improvement using the zphot sample with the wCDM model, the w0 wa CDM improvement is much more significant because higher-redshift events, which are enhanced by the zphot sample, are more sensitive to evolving dark energy (wa ). With systematics, 〈FoM〉 = 95 for the zspec sample and 145 for the zphot sample. The w0wa constraining power is shown in Figure 7 for a single simulated data sample.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. The w0wa 2σしぐま (95% confidence) contours and FoM for a single SN Ia data sample combined with a CMB prior and shifted to be centered at w0, wa = −1, 0. Contours for zphot (zspec) are shown in blue (red). Solid (dashed) contours show stat.+syst. (stat. only).

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 6. Summary of w0 wa CDM Cosmology Fits

zsource Syst.w0 Bias〉 a wa Bias〉 $\langle {\sigma }_{{w}_{0}}\rangle $ b $\langle {\sigma }_{{w}_{a}}\rangle $ 〈FoM〉
zspec Stat. only0.0083 ± 0.0143−0.0658 ± 0.06740.0760.353136
 Stat.+syst.0.0067 ± 0.0140−0.0683 ± 0.06620.0920.41895
zphot Stat. only0.0029 ± 0.0082−0.0228 ± 0.03420.0480.211237
 Stat.+syst.0.0011 ± 0.0091−0.0202 ± 0.03630.0710.294145


a Average bias among 25 samples with uncertainty of std/$\sqrt{25}$. b Average fitted uncertainty among 25 samples.

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The average bias is consistent with zero for both w0 and wa . For the zspec sample, the bias precision is ∼0.015 and ∼0.07 for w0 and wa , respectively. For the zphot sample, the bias precision is improved to ∼0.009 and ∼0.04. The w0wa average bias is shown in Figure 8 and compared to the the w0wa contours (statistical+systematic) for a single sample.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. The w0wa 2σしぐま contours and FoM for zphot (blue) and zspec (red) for a single data sample. The crosses show the ±1σしぐま bias from averaging results over the 25 simulated data samples.

Standard image High-resolution image

For the zphot sample, the FoM averaged over 25 samples is 〈FoM〉 = 237 with only statistical uncertainties and drops to 〈FoM〉 = 145 when systematic uncertainties are included. Since there are many systematics contributing to the decrease in 〈FoM〉, we quantify the impact of each systematic i by recomputing the covariance matrix separately for each systematic (COVsyst,i ) and repeating the cosmology fit for each COVsyst,i . We finally compute the FoM ratios,

Equation (7)

where FoMsyst,i is the FoM including only systematic i, and FoMstat is the FoM without systematic uncertainties. Note that ${{ \mathcal R }}_{\mathrm{FoM},i}\leqslant 1$. Table 7 shows the ${{ \mathcal R }}_{\mathrm{FoM},i}$, and the FoM degradation is dominated by the calibration systematics.

Table 7. FoM Ratio ${{ \mathcal R }}_{\mathrm{FoM},i}$ for Each Systematic (w0 wa CDM Model)

  ${{ \mathcal R }}_{\mathrm{FoM},i}$
Systematic(s) zphot zspec
None (stat. only)1.00 1.00
MWEBV0.99 1.00
ZERRSCALE0.99 1.00
zSHIFT0.98 0.99
Photo-z shift0.98 0.99
CAL_WAVE0.90 0.94
CAL_Zp 0.71 0.75
CAL0.64 0.71
Stat. + all syst.0.61 0.70

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5.3. Discussion of Photo-z Systematics

The 0.01 photo-z shift systematic has a small (2%) effect on FoM for three reasons. First, the combined SN+host light-curve fit results in an average fitted redshift error of ∼0.004, or about half the host photo-z error. Second, this photo-z systematic does not affect zspec events that dominate the lower-redshift region below about 0.5 (Figure 5(a)), and this zspec region is most sensitive to redshift errors. The final reason is that the fitted zphot and SALT2 color are anticorrelated; thus, a larger (smaller) zphot results in bluer (redder) color, and this change in color self-corrects the distance error as illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. (a) Δでるたμみゅーsyst−z vs. Δでるたzsyst−z for a 0.01 systematic shift in host galaxy photo-z and linear fit with slope d μみゅー/dz. (b) Fitted slope d μみゅー/dz in five ztrue bins (black circles with error bars) and the ΛらむだCDM theory curve in red.

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To describe this distance self-correction, we first define Δでるたzsyst−z as the difference between a SALT2-fitted zphot with 0.01 host galaxy photo-z shift and nominal photo-z and similarly define Δでるたμみゅーsyst−z as the distance difference from Equation (5). Figure 9(a) shows Δでるたμみゅーsyst−z versus Δでるたzsyst−z and a linear fit for the slope, d μみゅー/dz, in one of five ztrue bins. Figure 9(b) shows the measured d μみゅー/dz slope in five ztrue bins (black circles) along with the ΛらむだCDM theory curve in red. In the ideal limit, where the measured d μみゅー/dz exactly equals theory d μみゅー/dz, the distance self-correction is perfect and results in no systematic uncertainty. Here the measured d μみゅー/dz are close to the theory curve; thus, the distance error is mostly corrected.

To gain further insight into the photo-z sensitivity, we first consider a naive systematic of shifting the fitted zphot by 0.01 after the light-curve fit for the subset without a zspec. In this test, the compensating d μみゅー/dz points in Figure 9 are forced to be zero, and there is no systematic reduction from a combined SN+host fit. Fitting the w0 wa CDM model without COVsyst, the w0 and wa biases are 0.03 and 0.15, respectively. Next, we consider the realistic case of shifting the host photo-z before the SALT2 light-curve fit; the corresponding w0 and wa biases are 0.001 and 0.003, more than an order of magnitude smaller than the naive systematic. While we have included an explicit host galaxy photo-z systematic, there is no explicit analog for the SN. The SN photo-z systematic is accounted for by the calibration and Galactic extinction contributions to the systematic uncertainty budget in Table 3, but it is difficult to untangle the impact of these systematics on distance and photo-z.

6. Conclusions

In this work, we presented cosmological dark energy constraints for simulated PLAsTiCC SN Ia data, and we continued the development of publicly available codes from SNANA and Pippin to analyze the data with a host galaxy photo-z prior. For the w0 wa CDM model, the dark energy FoM is ∼237 with only statistical uncertainties and drops to ∼145 with systematic uncertainties (Figure 7). This zphot FoM is 50% larger than the FoM obtained from the zspec subset that has a spectroscopic redshift from the host or SN. Averaging 25 independent data samples, the average bias on w0 and wa is consistent with zero.

The systematic uncertainty from the host galaxy photo-z results in only a 2% reduction in the FoM. This small impact is due to (i) nearly complete zspec at lower redshifts, (ii) smaller zphot bias from combining the SN and host, and (iii) anticorrelations between redshift and color that greatly reduce the distance error. While good zspec coverage is feasible for the DDFs, the WFD will likely have less zspec coverage and, using host galaxy photo-zs at lower redshifts, may increase the systematic uncertainty compared to this DDF analysis.

Simulated projections tend to be overly optimistic before a survey begins, particularly for the depth and average PSF. However, there are three key factors that are likely to improve future results: (1) here we simulated only 30% of the 10 yr baseline survey, (2) we used a CMB prior with constraining power to match Planck Collaboration et al. (2021) and did not assume improved CMB constraints during the LSST era, and (3) we did not include the ∼50% FoM increase from fitting an unbinned Hubble diagram; this improvement awaits resolving the large w0wa bias associated with unbinned results.

Most SN Ia cosmology analyses over the past decade have used redshift-binned Hubble diagrams. These analyses include JLA (Betoule et al. 2014), Pantheon (Scolnic et al. 2018), PS1 single instrument (Jones et al. 2018), and DES (Abbott et al. 2019). The recent demonstration of smaller uncertainties with an unbinned Hubble diagram had not been rigorously tested until our analysis that shows biased cosmology parameters. We therefore encourage community effort to resolve this issue.

The next major effort is to develop the cosmology analysis for samples that include non–SN Ia contamination, host galaxy misassociation, and a more complete list of systematic uncertainties that includes host galaxy photo-z models and intrinsic scatter of the SN brightness. Cosmology analyses using photometric classification and spectroscopic redshifts have been well developed on real data from PS1 (Jones et al. 2018) and DES (Vincenzi et al. 2023). Here we have developed and demonstrated a complimentary analysis using photometric redshifts and a spectroscopically confirmed sample.

Author contributions are listed below.

  • A. Mitra: co-lead project, SNANA simulations and analysis, writing
  • R. Kessler: co-lead project, software, analysis, writing
  • S. More: writing, review
  • R. Hlozek: development of PLAsTiCC.

A.M. acknowledges the funding of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant No. AP08856149) and Nazarbayev University Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program No. 11022021FD2912. R.K. acknowledges pipeline scientist support from the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration. This work was completed in part with resources provided by the University of Chicago's Research Computing Center.

This paper has passed an internal review by the DESC, and we thank the DESC internal reviewers: Dan Scolnic, Bruno Sanchez, and Martine Lokken.

The DESC acknowledges ongoing support from the Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules in France; the Science and Technology Facilities Council in the United Kingdom; and the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the LSST Corporation in the United States. DESC uses resources of the IN2P3 Computing Center (CC-IN2P3–Lyon/Villeurbanne—France) funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231; STFC DiRAC HPC Facilities, funded by UK BIS National E-infrastructure capital grants; and the UK particle physics grid, supported by the GridPP Collaboration. This work was performed in part under DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.


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