Thomas Hunt



性別せいべつ 男性だんせい
業種ぎょうしゅ 公開こうかい
職業しょくぎょう Writer, editor
場所ばしょ Whiting, VT, アメリカ合衆国あめりかがっしゅうこく
紹介しょうかい Writer, editor, researcher, web publisher, specializing in organized crime history. (Available to assist with historical/genealogical research, writing, editing. Email at
Editor/publisher of crime history journal, Informer; publisher of American Mafia history website; moderator of online forums; author of Wrongly Executed?; coauthor of Deep Water: Joseph P. Macheca and the Birth of the American Mafia and DiCarlo: Buffalo's First Family of Crime; contributor of U.S. Mafia history to Australian-published Mafia: The Necessary Reference to Organized Crime; writer/co-writer of crime history articles for several publications.
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