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Wikimedia Downloads: Analytics

Wikimedia Downloads: Analytics Datasets

Data compiled by community and staff, from projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Pageviews: statistics compiled using the current Pageview Definition. Available as:

Mediacounts: statistics from all projects on media file access. Available as:

Unique Devices: statistics using >the uniques definition from all individual wiki projects, as well as project families (e.g. all Wikipedias) on unique devices. Available as:

Clickstream: (referer, resource) pairs extracted from the request logs of Wikipedia. Please visit the Clickstream research page for detailed information. Available as:

MediaWiki History: Revision history; User history, including: creation, renames, groups and blocks; Page history, including: creation, moves, deletions and restores. All since the beginning of MediaWiki-time. Available as:

Data by Country: Data aggregated at the country level. Available as:

Commons Impact Metrics: Data on how commons media is edited, used, and accessed across Wikimedia projects. Available as:

Wikidata QRank: A ranking signal for Wikidata entities, periodically computed by aggregating pageviews on all Wikimedia projects in all languages. NOTE: This dataset is maintained by volunteers external to the Wikimedia foundation.

Deprecated datasets (no longer maintained or updated)

Pagecounts: simple pageview definition. Available from 2007 to 2016. Some of the data does not include counts from the mobile site and no filtering of automata is performed. Available as:

All Analytics datasets are available under the Creative Commons CC0 dedication.