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Satellite Design Contest

Satellite Design Contest

The Satellite Design Contest is an effort to activate space-related basic research and application research,
and to spread space education throughout Japan.

Spread Space Education

The contest invites concepts, ideas, and design concepts for space missions, such as a small satellite generated from the free imaginations and creativity of students, and honors excellent work among them.

Satellite Design Contest
Participants Graduate and undergraduate students, and students from high schools and technical colleges

Satellite Design Contest
Official website


High school student teams from across Japan
compete for the championship with hand-made cansat launches.

An experience-type science and technology education event for high school students

CanSat KOSHIEN is a contest of can-sized simulated artificial satellites hand-made by high school students. The students launch their cansats and compete on their technology and creativity through the process of launch, release into the air, fall, and landing.

Different from traditional contests, the criterion of judgment is not "prescribed knowledge and skills" but the "coolness" of the original and unique cansats made by the students.


Participants High school students across Japan

CanSat KOSHIEN Official website
*Japanese website

Collaboration Initiative through the Use of "Kibo" (Kibo-ABC)

The project started in 2012, four years after completion of the laboratory in Kibo.

Asian Collaboration Initiative through the Use of "Kibo"

Kibo-ABC stands for Asian Beneficial Collaboration through the use of Kibo. It is an initiative led by the Space Environment Utilization Working Group of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) to promote collaboration among Asian countries in utilizing Kibo, the Japanese experiment module mounted on ISS. The initiative started in 2012, and nine countries from the Asia-Pacific region participate currently.

Kibo-ABC also engages itself in advertising the wide range of uses of Kibo to space agencies, scientists, and educators in the Asia-Pacific region.


Kibo-ABC Activities