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Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum: Difference between revisions

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The '''''Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum''''' ("Small index of superstitions and paganism") is a [[Latin]] collection of [[Capitulary|capitularies]] identifying and condemning superstitious and pagan beliefs found in the north of [[Gaul]]<ref name=dierkens24>Dierkens 24.</ref> and among the [[Saxon]]s during the time of their subjugation and conversion by [[Charlemagne]].
From the original manuscript only the cover remains, which lists thirty chapters. The manuscript is held in the [[Vatican Library]] in a collection (''Codex Palatinus Latinus'' 577) which probably originates from [[Fulda]] and thence traveled to [[Mainz]], arriving there in 1479. From Mainz it went to the [[Bibliotheca Palatina]] in [[Heidelberg]], and arrived in Rome at the latest in 1623. Preceding the ''Indiculus'' is the so-called [[Old Saxon Baptismal Vow]]. The text is edited in the ''Karlomanni Principis Capitulare'', published by the [[Monumenta Germaniae Historica]].
''Codex Palatinus Latinus'' 577 itself appears to have been copied ca. 800 in either Fulda or [[Mainz]]. Alain Dierkens argues, on the basis of word choice (the correspondence between the phrase ''superstitionem et paganiarum'' and the diction used by Boniface in his 742<ref>Tangl, letter 50, 80ff.</ref> letter to [[Pope Zachary]]) and a comparison between the content of the ''Indiculus'' and the conclusions of the [[Concilium Germanicum]] (744), that the ''Indiculus'' was indeed appended to or pertained to the decisions made at the Concilium Germanicum and the two consequent Frankish synods at Estinnes and Soissons.<ref>Dierkens 23.</ref> In other words, they were not the product of a late-seventh century scribe at Fulda, nor were the prohibitions aimed specifically or exclusively at the Saxons.<ref name=dierkens24/>
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* [http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/bsb00000876/images/index.html?seite=60 "Forma Abrenuntiationis diaboli; Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum"]. Georg Heinrich Pertz, ''Capitularia regum Francorum'' Vol. 1. [[Monumenta Germaniae Historica|MGH]], 1835, 19-20.
==See also==
*[[List of Frankish synods]]
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*Homann, Holger; Eckard Meineke, and Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand. ''Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum''. In: Heinrich Beck, Dieter Geuenich, Heiko Steuer (eds.), ''[[Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde]]'' Bd.&nbsp;15. de Gruyter, Berlin – New York 2000. ISBN 3-11-016649-6. S.&nbsp;369–384
*Saupe, Heinrich Albin. [http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=1NFAAAAAIAAJ&dq=Indiculus+superstitionum+et+paganiarum&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=oTwa9-8Rct&sig=ICf3DEpep75I61gALFbNH7RbAZI&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=3&ct=result#PPA3,M1 Digitalisat "Der Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum, ein Verzeichnis heidnischer nnd abergläubischer Gebräuche und Meinungen aus der Zeit Karls des Großen, aus zumeist gleichzeitigen Schriften erläutert."] Schulprogramm Leipzig: Städtisches Realgymnasium 1890 (Progr. Nr. 551).
*{{cite book|last=Tangl|first=Michael|authorlink=Michael Tangl|title=Die Briefe des Heiligen Bonifatius und Lullus|series=[[Monumenta Germaniae Historica]], Epistolae Selectae|volume=1|year=1916|publisher=Weidmann|location=Berlin}}
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