Sad State of Uncyclopedia

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This article is not supposed to be funny. It is, however, extremely funny.

I'm sorry, but I nearly shit my pants with laughter at his poor condition and that electronic voice. I had to put this picture in this article! Look at it! My friend does the best impression! He sounds exactly like him. One second, and I'll reenact that one scene from Family Guy. Roffle Toffle Waffle!

Origins[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

The preceding sentence exemplifies how most articles on Uncyclopedia begin. For some reason, disinformation and absurdly made-up facts are supposed to deserve a laugh. In actuality, Uncyclopedia was formed on January 5th, 2005, by Huang as a parody of Wikipedia, and was meant to present misinformation in a humorous and sardonic tone. Sadly, however, the site has lost its way as sophisticated GPS navigational systems consistently fail to remedy the situation.

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Actual Fact Warning
Some of the above may include actual facts. Please delete or edit any statement that includes any truth. Completely changing information to be randomly incorrect is by definition hilarious.
A random person (center) displays something (left, his right) that has nothing to do with anything. Between them, barely noticeable in this photo but quite distinct in a Xerox™ of the negative ... um, he's ticklish?

A Wasteland[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Uncyclopedia is a wasteland of articles that were, for the most part, made by first-graders during recess. In some articles you might find a gem of actual humor, but it'll be quickly edited out in favor of a random and incoherent absurdity. While most people would agree that a wide variety of humor exists in the world, such variety is extremely rare on Uncyclopedia. And, while absurdist humor can be effective in some circumstances, the endlessly repetitive examples found on every single page are simply too much. In effect, Uncyclopedia has been bombarded with crap.

Take a look around. Go to a random page. Read the first sentence. The article is always terrible. Moreoever, the worst ones are always nominated to be placed on the front page. These unfunny contributors are rewarded with kudos from their peers, and all in the name of a supposed humour that they have, in effect, murdered in the womb of comedy.

Disinformation![編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

According to the majority of Uncyclopedia users, if you make up facts, you are being funny. Things like changing birthdates, time periods, names, ages, relationships, and affiliations with certain social/ethnic/political groups, as well as the addition of fake quotes, non-existent inventions, events that never happened, etc., are simply not funny, at least to the original author of this article. Also, non-sequitur-based humour is often completely penguin.

The purpose of this article, then, is to ask you to please stop it.

Nazis, Communists, Sex, and Oscar Wilde[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

These things are generally not funny – although, to be fair, sex can occasionally be funny in other contexts. Simply including a reference to Hitler or the Nazis doesn't make something funny. Adding absurdist sexual or racial slurs doesn't make you funny. Adding a quote by Oscar Wilde to an article having nothing to do with Wilde or his era is most certainly not funny.

Self-referentialarity[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Increasing numbers of Uncyclopedia articles are self-referential. The article you're reading right now is a prime example, except that since it's not meant to be funny it doesn't count. Self-referentialarity is funny only to people who understand it, e.g. a dozen or so Uncyclopedia editors. The rest of the world simply doesn't get it.

Lists[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Uncyclopedia has been plagued by lists since its inception, but condescending editors listened to each other, cheered up, and sure enough things got worse.

  • Imaginary enemies, friends, or sex partners of the article's subject
  • Weapons that may, may not, should, or should not exist
  • Supposed "facts" about Chuck Norris and Mr.T
  • Phony filmographies, discographies, and bibliographies
  • Prominent students at obscure high schools in New Jersey or Scunthorpe
  • "See also" sections having nothing whatsoever to do with the article's topic
  • Characters in obscure online role-playing games, video games, and fora
  • Lists used as gratuitous illustrations of how bad other lists are

Reform[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

The symbol for the URL (Uncyclopedia Reform League). (Tee hee, it's the American Flag with the Communist Symbol.) Communism is funny. Heh, everyone knows that. Stalin and his mass-murder of Soviet citizens is very funny.

Starting today, January 6th, 1421 (B.C.), Uncyclopedia will begin a program of reform. Together, we will start to actually be funny. The administrators will start reading articles and deleting unnecessary and unfunny misinformation, as opposed to their current practice of adding unnecessary and unfunny attacks on users they personally find annoying, such as <insert name here> (or who are simply getting too much attention). Articles will include actual satire and humor, and they will use only reality-based elements in doing so. While this will make the site more of a true parody of Wikipedia, that might not necessarily be a bad thing.

At the moment, nobody is laughing with Uncyclopedia, everyone is laughing at Wikipedia. Let's change that! We'll stay the course and look toward a future where people will look at an article and laugh! They won't laugh because it's stupid, disgusting, or absurd, but because the humor provides a clever twist on a general truth, and a genuine satirical perspective on the events of our world.

We can all start by reading the Uncyclopedia:How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid article and actually enforcing the precepts contained in it. Or, in some cases, we could start by simply finding another website to play in.

YOU can make a difference. (In soviet Russia, difference make YOU!)

See also[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]