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Mortal Kombat 11

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Mortal Kombat 11 is a 2019 fighting video game and a sequel to 2015's Mortal Kombat X.

Arcade Endings

  • Baraka: Kronika's power was mine, mine to share with the tribe! In the new timeline I built, Tarkatans would be slaves no more. We would rule. We easily took Edenia, then Outworld and the Netherrealm. Last we challenged Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat. Within a thousand years, all realms fell to Tarkatan blade... And we have not run out of meat since! (Laughing Evilly)
  • Cassie Cage: For the second time in my life, I kicked the living shit out of an immortal. My prize? The Hourglass. Now I can change history! Talk about ridonkulous cosmic power. But despite what you may think about Beverly Hills girls, that is SO not my style. The Chosen One thing is for the Liu Kangs and Kitanas of the world. In the next timeline, all I want is to be a model soldier. To command the next generation of Special Forces. We were born to defend Earthrealm! Just like the heroes that inspired me...my parents. Okay, so there's one more thing I want: My mom back. Not just for me, but for dad. He and my mom deserve a happily-ever-after retirement. We'll never know how different things were the last time around. But we'll be together. A family. And that's all that matters.
  • Cetrion: Though I denied their truth, eventually I realized the wisdom of Liu Kang's words. There is virtue greater than my mother's desired balance. Good must be allowed to flourish. But no matter how I reshaped time, rooting out evil proved impossible. Though freed from want, mortals still killed each other. Divided by realm and race, they easily justified their hate. Hubris, greed, envy. To appreciate my gifts, mortal sins must be cleansed. Which is why I baptize the realms with fire. For eons mortals will battle evil, eventually achieving victory. And when they emerge from the darkness, they will be humbled. Eager to embrace the light.
  • D'Vorah: Vermin. That is the humanoid word for the Kytinn and our fellow insectoids. But with the Hourglass, This One can review history and give lie to that myth. Humanoids live to kill. Without a common enemy to fight, they divide. Destroy each other. Insectoids live to survive. No conflicts divide us. We build upon each other. Kin does not kill kin. So tell This One... Who are the vermin? Time for This One to write a more just history. One in which pesky humanoids finally take the place they deserve... Scrambling beneath our feet.
  • Erron Black: Truth be told it surprised me, putting down Kronika. Not bad for a scrawny kid from Wickett. Now that it's done, now what? I don't cotton to being Lord of Time, stuck on some island at the edge of nowhere. No, Erron Black likes being in the thick of it. Seems to me, time oughta stay all mashed up. It's been a hell of a ride. Gotta keep these thrills coming. Which means makin' sure no one gets a chance to screw this up. Once the hourglass gets dumped in the Sea of Blood, ain't no one ever shaping history again. What happens next? Hell if I know. And that's just the way I like it.
  • Frost: Sub-Zero dismissed me. Raiden dismissed me. They all did, even Kronika. Until I froze the smug looks off all their faces and became the Lin Kuei's new Grandmaster. The Hourglass offers even greater prospects. With it, I'll mold history to carve my name on everyone's lips. But even its power has limits. My vision can be upended by people's individual choices. Unlike Kronika, I won't let these imperfections fester until time itself must be restarted. The Lin Kuei will be my time warriors. Travelling through history, they'll get rid of those whose actions threaten my vision. From now on, no one will overlook my greatness. I'll never be dismissed again.
  • Fujin: As the new Keeper of Time, I was overwhelmed by my responsibilities. Who was I to design the destinies of mortals? As their protector, I had spent eons safeguarding them. But while I had grown to appreciate mortals deeply... ...I understood precious little about their daily existence. So I used the Hourglass to live hundreds of thousands of lifetimes. They spanned the possibilities of realm, race, gender, and faith. Most importantly, I learned the simple joy of ending each day in the warm embrace of family. Humbled by my new wisdom, I bend the arc of history not to my will, but to the service of those who must live it. While it is beyond my power to guarantee outcomes, I will give mortals the chance to have better, more peaceful lives.
  • Geras: Kronika's endless cycle of rewinding and restarting timelines had destroyed my spirit. But she refused to grant me either freedom or death. So I took her power to do what she could not. I would create one final, perfect timeline. Then, I would rest. But the task was more difficult than I imagined. Mortals refused to follow the paths I set for them. Timeline after timeline, my frustration grew. I began to understand why Kronika had been driven to madness. Perhaps mortals do not need a Lord of Time. I will sacrifice my body and my mantle to re-sculpt the Sands so that the Hourglass runs itself. And for the first time in all eternity. I can rest.... In peace.
  • Jacqui Briggs: The Hourglass was there for the taking, and I can think of only one thing: Dad. Killed, made a Revenant, resurrected. Since coming back, Dad's never forgotten the things he did for Quan Chi. I thought with the hourglass, I could fix all that. And I can. Dad won't die in that massacre. He'll never be a Revenant. But turns out, what my gut's told me since the start of all this is true. Dad and mom got together when he was in treatment. He doesn't suffer, they don't meet. And I'll never be born. And you know what? I'm good with that. I'm not just protecting Dad. I'm protecting everyone he'll risk his life to save. In my shoes, it's what he would. It's what he would. It's what a Briggs does. I know you'll never hear this, but goodbye Dad. I love you.
  • Jade: I held the power to shape time and destiny, but I was lost. Which Kahn should be restored - my lover, Kotal, or my loyal friend, Kitana? I heard Kotal's voice call out to me--Follow your heart, Jade. So I let my heart lead, and it took me to an unexpected place... a faint memory of home and... My mother. I restored my parents and Edenia, building a new era without Shao Kahn! And what a happy childhood I enjoyed... But as I matured, I sensed that I was no ordinary child. Kronika's power dwelled within me... Calling me to a higher purpose. When I came of age, I ascended to godhood as the Protector of Edenia. Armed with the knowledge of past timelines, I challenged Shinnok and Cetrion. Without Kronika's children pitting the realms against each other, all could be at peace. And remain so, under my watchful eyes.
  • Jax: All I wanted was to fix my life. Now I have the power to fix history. Raiden warns me, I can't fix everything. Change to much and I could lose Vera. Lose Jacqui. But this power's bigger than us. If I think only about helping myself, what kind of officer am I? What kind of man? I've been lucky. My family and I have lived the American Dream. But most people who look like me haven't had that chance. I owe it to them to put things right. And I'm not waiting centuries for people to get woke, when I've got the power to speed things up. I don't get it right the first time. Or the second. Or even the third. But eventually, I knock it out of the damn park. My family's back. The world's a better place for everyone. Turns out you CAN have everything. Anyone who says you can't, needs to dream bigger.
  • Johnny Cage: This whole adventure? Capital 'I' insane. I marry Sonya? Have a kid who actually likes me? Enquiring minds want to know how the hell that happens! So I get the Hourglass to show me how kicking Shinnok's ass, which I did beautifully, turned me from Hollywood mega-star into global icon. So far, so good. Until I let that fame screw me up. Didn't hit rock bottom until I saw just how badly I'd let down my little girl. I finally got what Old Man Me was saying about needing humility and maturity. But I also knew I couldn't get there without living the same life he did. So I restored the timeline, just as it was. With one, tiny little difference... Sonya's story won't end underneath the rubble of some busted-up Netherrealm castle. Because Johnny Cage flicks always have happy endings.
  • Joker: This was my dream vacation. I saw mayhem. Mutilation. It was all a gas... ...for a while. But these nincompoops? They didn't really GET me. Not even that pretty boy, Ninja Mime. Good night, sweet prince! I'd "finished" just about everyone worth finishing in Earthrealm and Outworld. Even loveable old Netherrealm. I was a lonely heart in search of new friends. But as luck would have it, I had just the gizmo to find them: [gushing] And oh, the Hourglass spoiled me! Havik and I are going to be bosom buddies. And what's that? My new pal knows an entire realm devoted to law and order? And he exists solely to disrupt it? Well I say, he and I need to get busy! Meet the League of Misunderstood Maniacs! We're giving Orderrealm an enema. And when we're done, who knows where we'll crash next. Maybe we'll come to your house and slip live grenades under your pillow. Maybe we'll gut your favorite pet. Or maybe we'll just... ...break your TV right now! [maniacal laughter]
  • Kabal: Shit sounds cool right? The power to control time. Immortality. Destiny. Well let me tell ya, this job sucks. There's no pay, no weekends, and your shift lasts forever. The only smart play is to turn back time and give it back to Kronika. Bet your ass she's grateful, too! I didn't ask for much. Just a chance to take out anyone who's ever tried to burn me. Black Dragon was always more a gig than a brotherhood, anyway. Now I get to live large, enjoying the simple life of a well-to-do family man. And if Shao Kahn or Shinnok ever come knocking, my family and I'll take 'em down. Just like I took down Shinnok's Mom. (Chuckling happily)
  • Kano: I've cut a lotta of deals, but none spiffier than this. I spared Kronika and she gave up the Hourglass. The power to shape time and history to my liking? Oh ho ho, fuck yeah! I set it up so everything came up aces, Every desire, every wish, every whim I ever had? Done and done. But I realized pretty quick I'd suck the fun out of everything. Without a fight, winning was worthless. Nah, the fun wasn't in the having, it was in the getting. So I changed things up one more time. Now what I want is always just out of reach, I gotta earn it. I score lotsa wins, but no always. And when I do win, (Evil Chuckle) it's something to savor!
  • Kitana: As I gazed upon the Hourglass, I knew what I must do: restore my homeland, Edenia to existence. Experiencing Edenia's verdant land for the first time... I've never felt such joy. But that joy was short-lived. Edenia's traditions, its languages, its culture. All were completely foreign, having been forbidden to me by Shao Kahn. I fit in with my people no better than a Tarkatan. The truth was hard. Though Edenian by blood, I am not an Edenian. I am an Outworlder. Not only that, I am Outworld's Kahn. I will use ancient Edenian teachings to make myself a better sovereign. With them, I will fulfill my life's mission to better all of Outworld's people, including Edenia.
  • Kollector: Kronika made big promises. Not big enough, for what my people suffered. Our hands built the Koliseum, the Palace...We were slaves. We served or we died. Every coin I took for Shao Kahn's tribute, Outworld owed my people. Not that my Nakanadan brothers and sisters joined arms to help me. No, every great treasure, I have won myself. I do not wait for handouts. I take what I desire. That is why I am now Kahn. Netherrealm. Earthrealm. Orderrealm. Chaosrealm. I want them all. And I will take them by right...Of MORTAL KOMBAT!
  • Kotal Kahn: In her last moments, Kronika tried to tempt me. Spare her and she would re-write history. With Jade as my queen I would rule an eternal Osh-Tekk empire that spanned all the realms. But Kronika never understood the Osh-Tekk heart. Our lives are cloth, woven from choice and circumstance. Pull even one thread, that cloth is torn asunder and made worthless. Now that I am tasked with keeping time, others beg me to have their histories rewritten. But as long as the Hourglass is mine, I will not shape destiny in any one being's favour. History will play out as determined by its players. Let the sands fall where they may.
  • Kung Lao: Of course I defeated Kronika. And when I did, there was only one thing wanted to do with the Hourglass. Undo the defeat of my ancestor, the Great Kung Lao. In my timeline, the Great Kung Lao is the undisputed Mortal Kombat champion. Earthrealm never loses another tournament. For generations, his example inspires millions to join the White Lotus Society and defend Earthrealm. They in turn inspire rebels to overthrow Shao Kahn in Outworld. The realm makes peace. Until, inevitably, a more powerful enemy comes along... ...and finds Earthrealm backed by Kung Lao, Immortal Lord of Time and Warrior Supreme. Beat that, Liu Kang.
  • Liu Kang: What does it mean to wield the Sands of Time? To be the Chosen One? It means making choices that break your heart. For the protection of all, I shared Kronika's power with the people I trust and loved most. Together we replace the Elder Gods that Cetrion had betrayed... and became eternal guardians of the realms. Still... My heart longs for a simple life. The kind one cannot have being the Chosen One, let alone an Elder God. What Kitana and I would not give for those simple pleasures. Perhaps in another timeline, they could be ours.
  • Mileena: With the Hourglass won, my thoughts turned toward my sister. I was born from her flesh. We shared the same blood. I wanted us to be family... But she wanted me dead. I was not her twin, I was a monstrosity! How horrified she would be, to know that I've used Kronika's power to take her place. Under my parents' adoring gaze, I rule the realms as Kahnum of Time. My sister's friends, her lover? They cherish me. Kitana is forgotten, her name buried in the sands of history. Yet even I can't reign forever. Like all queens, I need an heir. Someone to carry on in my name, and see my will done across the eons. Unlike my sister, my daughter regards me with awe and wonder. To her I am no abomination, I am perfection.
  • Nightwolf: Before I was Nightwolf, I was a fool named Grey Cloud. Born into poverty, I resented my ancestors for giving up our future to colonizers... Kano offered a way out, promising riches if I stole the tribe's most sacred relics. I was sorely tempted, but then I realized that by saving myself, I'd be surrendering the last of my people's dignity. For the first time, I defended the Matoka's pride. Kano was unimpressed. But as I lay dying, the Great Spirit came to me. By rejecting Kano, I had proven worthy of an ancient honor. The mantle of Nightwolf... legendary defender of the Matoka. Now, as I inherit Kronika's mantle, the way before me is split. The Keeper of Time cannot also be my tribe's defender. Which path do i choose? Even here, at time's beginning, the Great Spirit's wisdom guides me. She calls me to restore history. The Matoka, I must leave to another. To the next Nightwolf. Like all our sacred relics, the Nightwolf mantle belongs to the tribe. Any Matokan, can prove worthy of its power. I enjoy imagining who will defend us next.
  • Noob Saibot: Kronika said I would lead the New Era's deadliest clan. But she made such promises to many. She could never keep them all. So I betrayed her, before she could betray me. When Kronika's sands fused with my shadows, my ambitions grew. Why be ruler of mortals, when I could rule destiny itself? Mortals resisted, but could not stop, my blanketing history in cold, endless night. All is dark. All are shadows. I have had many names. Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.
  • Raiden: Kronika had manipulated me. In timeline after timeline, she stoked my anger and fed my arrogance, turning me against Liu Kang. My nose rubbed in my own fallibility, I was humbled. How could I be worthy to accept the mantle as Keeper of Time? I thought to control time and destiny fairly, I must purge myself of all human emotion. Summoning the strongest magic, I burned away my fear and anger. All that remained was pure logic. But I learned quickly that the logical choice is often not the just choice. Unless tampered by compassion and heart, logic leads to decisions no better than those based on anger or fear. Now I am once more at time's beginning. But on this journey through history, I will infuse logic with love. In this timeline, I will finally achieve peace for the citizens of all realms.
  • Rain: Kronika was dead, the Hourglass taken, and Edenia's future mine to command. I had obtained all I had wanted. All except that which I had wanted most: to know the true story of my parentage. That I was a bastard, I knew. Born of an illicit affair between the Edenian god Argus, and a mortal woman, Amara. But what I didn't know, until the Hourglass showed me, was that I and my mother were both victims. She hadn't abandoned me. Thanks to my father's lies, she had thought me stillborn. I was stolen away and left to rot among peasants, while my mother died from grief. Argus hid his scandal and his shame by killing the one person who ever loved me. For that, he will die. As will his sons, Taven and Daegon. His beloved wife, Delia? She, I will let live. Let her heart break, as my mother's did, as she weeps over her children's corpses.
  • Rambo: I didn't ask for this war. But once it started, I had to finish it. Hands down, Kronika was the toughest enemy I ever faced. All my tactics, my training, meant nothing against a god like her. In the end, it was a battle of wills. It never occurred to me that for winning, I'd get her Hourglass. At first, I hoped to right every wrong in history. But then I figured out that doing it meant I'd have to decide the fates of billions. Picking who lives and who dies, for eternity? It was going to kill my soul. I'd end up no better than those old men who sent us off to war, not giving a shit about what would happen. And that's not the man I want to be. It's time to walk away, for good this time, leaving the pain and the ugliness behind. After all I've been through, I've earned a little peace.
  • Robocop: OCP built me to serve the public trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law. So when I found Kano dealing arms to Old Detroit's gangs, I had one duty: Apprehend him. I never thought the chase would to take me to a different universe, let alone end in a fight with Kano's protector, Kronika. And when Kronika went down, something unexpected happened. Her power washed over me, sweeping away the limits my designers had put on my programming. For the first time, I saw the depth of OCP's corruption. It wasn't just a couple of greedy executives... ...it was the whole damned company. OCP is making a killing playing both sides, selling to cops and criminals. When I get home, I am bringing them to justice. It will not be fast or easy. OCP has too much cash, and too much firepower, for me to clean things up alone. It is good thing this'll be an "inter-agency" effort. Welcome to the future of law enforcement.
  • Scorpion: I made my Future Self a promise: that I would not stay mired in the past. But once I controlled the Hourglass, I could not keep that promise. I had to restore my family. Over and over I crafted the Sands of Time. Yet in every new timeline my family's tragedy repeated. I was powerless to change it. After eons, I learend the truth. Kronika was not alone. She was one of many Titans, each more powerful and ancient than the Elder Gods. It is they who conspire against us. Myself, my family. We are pawns in their game. Why? I do not know. But I will find out. And then, I will have vengeance.
  • Shang Tsung: Kronika's power overwhelmed me, such that I would have been driven mad... Had I not spent centuries mastering the dark powers beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals. Now I am the master of time and fate. But Kronika's fall proves that even Titans can be defeated. Though my power lets me roam infinite timelines and feast upon the souls of billions, I am vulnerable. To survive, I must return to the shadows, avoid confrontation, and work my will through the hands of others... More specifically, through the hands of my fellow Titans... These monstrous beings are plied easily by appealing their greed, vanity, and fear. Through them, every soul in eternity bends to my influence. In my New Era, morality will be exposed as the illusion it is. The cunning will prosper while the "good" suffer. This is the word of Shang Tsung. Have a nice day.
  • Shao Kahn: I conquered history like I conquered realms - merging billions of potential timelines into a singularity. The universe has been remade in my image and all is as it should be. The weak serve the strong. The strong compete for power, wealth, and my favor in Mortal Kombat. For centuries, the tournament's champion has gone undefeated. That champion... is me! Hail the Konqueror... Hail Shao Kahn!(Laughing Evilly and Maniacally)
  • Sheeva: A lifetime of battle prepared me to conquer Kronika. But as the Keeper of Time, I must be a creator, not a conqueror. I thought of the many sons and daughters I've lost in battle through the years. Imagined a better destiny for my kin. A history where the Shokan build rather than destroy. The results were catastrophic. Comfort and ease extinguished the dragon's fire that once lit the heart of every Shokan. They became weak, corrupted fools. The timeline had to start again. War, for all its tragedies, is the forge of Shokan will. My people will fight. Many will die. But I will lead us to victory. And in the aftermath, the dragon's fire will blaze in Shokan hearts for eternity.
  • Sindel: In the beginning... Shao Kahn invaded Edenia, murdered my husband, Jerrod, and forced me to be his bride. That's the story, but it's a lie. One I told, lest I lose the faith of my subjects, or of my daughter, Kitana. The truth? Jerrod was weak. Destined to fail. By betraying him, I gained a better lover and the ultimate weapon... A conqueror to unite all realms and put them at my beck and call. Then Kronika upended history, and I found myself confronting a future in which I'd been dead for centuries. My so-called family had failed me in every way. Kitana broke my heart worst. Instead of uniting the realms, she sought to liberate them. As if the Wastelands' savages could ever be more than serfs! Ever the caring mother, I had to discipline my little princess. And after that, I had to discipline a Titan... Now I have defeated Kronika. Outgrown Shao Kahn and Kitana. I have no more family. No more rivals. No more gods. I sit above them all, on a throne that unites all realms... and all realities. Whoever you are, wherever you are, when you are before me, kneel. For I am Sindel, Empress of Time, and you exist only to serve me...
  • Skarlet: All of his daughters, Shao Kahn made me deadliest. He pulled me from the gutter. Bound me to the Blood Code. Made me fight for recognition. Perhaps he will commend me...when I bind the Blood Code to the Sands of Time. Now a Blood God, I demand more than Shao Kahn's recognition. I demand worship. I'll have temples, ministers, acolytes, prayers...And sacrifices. Rivers of blood, shed in my name, purging heretics who dare reject me. (Laughing Evilly and Maniacally) How proud Shao Kahn is now. How proud...and obedient. For the only thing better than my Master's recognition, is to make him beg for mine. All will worship me...or there will be blood.
  • Sonya Blade: None of us saw Kronika coming. Not even Raiden. But with the Hourglass, I can see every terror in the realms. Any sane person would run screaming at the sight of them. It's my duty to take out these ancient, all-powerful beings. But to do that, I need an elite squad of immortal gods. Turns out to make a new god, you've gotta destroy an old one. So I hunt the oldest I can find, an omni-deity from a forgotten, unpronounceably-named realm. It's the fight of my life. But I've got something this god doesn't: family. In my past, these were the people who mattered most. Now, they're my God Squad. My daughter. My brother-in-arms. My god-daughter. Yep. Even Johnny. But only because Cassie insisted. And maybe I missed him a little. Just don't let him know that.
  • Spawn: I'd snuffed out every devil in Hell... ...until Netherrealm invaders showed up to piss me off. It would've cost a lot of power, fighting them alone. But they were being hunted by my new friends. Call them Fire and Ice. They argue. CONSTANTLY. Which is why I usually like to roll solo. But when it comes to killing demonic assholes, these guys don't flinch. I can get along with that. The Grandmasters tipped me off to Kronika. Said she was resurrecting some Netherrealm god named Shinnok. But that's not happening on my watch. Kronika's just much a devil as Malebolgia. Both make promises. Both tell lies. Both underestimate me. That's why I'll make a new hell for them, where they can burn together... ...for eternity. [brief, creepy, satisfied laughter] The Netherrealm's locked down, but there's still eight Hells left to purge. It's time to bring up the reserves. I made choices in my life that sealed my fate. I'm beyond redemption. But even the damned are capable of doing some good. So all you Devils out there, making false promises and spewing lies? We're coming -- and you don't have a chance in Hell.
  • Sub-Zero: Once I gained the Hourglass, my first thought was to re-write history and redeem the Lin Kuei's honor. But then I thought of Bi-Han, his life consumed by evil. Before I could redeem my clan, I had to redeem my brother. With the Hourglass, I wound back in time to our childhood. I studied every second of Bi-Han's life to understand why... Why he embraced Sektor's corruption. Why he reveled in the vile power given to him by Quan Chi. Armed with that knowledge, I re-sculpted the Sands of Time. I changed Bi-Han's life and unfroze his heart. Now we are comrades, not rivals. Together as joint Grandmasters, we lead the Lin Kuei in defense of Earthrealm.
  • The Terminator: (Narrated by Cassie Cage) It was an epic accident that brought the Terminator here, rather than to his own Earth's past. But it didn't take long for him to adapt. He figured that terminating Kronika, and taking her Hourglass, gave him the best chance at achieving his mission objective. Destroying humanity so that the machines prevail. Turns out the Hourglass wasn't the ultimate weapon. No matter how many times the Terminator re-booted history, the war between humans and the machines always ended the same. With their mutual destruction. He realized this war was a losing game. The only way to win, was not to play. So the Terminator used the Hourglass to build a future where machines and humans don't fight, they cooperate. The Terminator knew that to preserve this future, no one else could learn about the Hourglass. The information stored in his machine mind was dangerous. It had to be eliminated. That's why the Terminator threw himself into the infinite depths of the Sea of Blood. No one would ever find him, or unlock the Hourglass' secrets. If you could ask him about it, he'd tell you he made the only logical choice. But in my book, that machine's a hero.

Pre-Battle Dialogue

  • Cassie Cage: Hey there Elsa, what's up? Frost: Ugh! Why does everyone call me that? Cassie Cage: Oh honey, let me help you.
  • Erron Black: Goddamn, your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Noob Saibot: It will be the last thing you hear. Erron Black: Aw, hell no.
  • Kollector: What rare technology. Frost: A gift from divine hands. Kollector: It belongs in mine.
  • Geras: Prove your greatness. Kung Lao: I do not have anything to prove. Geras: The refrain of failures throughout history.
  • Cassie Cage: Can I say it, just once? Scorpion: Only if you wish to suffer. Cassie Cage: (imitating Scorpion) GET OVER HERE!
  • Cassie Cage: Grandmaster Hasashi. Scorpion: I cannot escape my rage. Cassie Cage: Knew you'd say some shit like that.
  • Cassie Cage: Can I ask for a favor? Sub-Zero: You may battle for one. Cassie Cage: Knew you'd say some shit like that.
  • Johnny Cage: What's cookin', Good Lookin'? Cassie Cage: Ewww, No. Seriously?! Johnny Cage: Wait, what?! Not what I meant!
  • Shao Kahn: You will join my concubines. Cassie Cage: One -- eww, two -- piss off! Shao Kahn: I like females with fire.
  • Baraka: Nay aka ratakka tahar kombat. Kung Lao: All I understood from that was 'kombat'. Baraka: Then you understand enough.
  • Baraka: It is a battle of blades. Kung Lao: My hat's blade has greater range. Baraka: But you only have one.
  • Baraka: Do you know what I am? Johnny Cage: Cannibal humanoid under dweller? Baraka: I am death, you imp!
  • Frost: I deserve your respect. Sonya Blade: Whatever, you do nothing bitch./You haven't earned any, Frost. Frost: Wrong answer, Blade.
  • Kano: So, we in bizzo eh, D'Vorah? D'Vorah: You are a means to This One's ends. Kano: We'll get along just fine.
  • Frost: The past is in the past. Frost (other player): Then let your storm rage on! Frost: Time to test my limits and break through!
  • Erron Black: That's some outfit. Sub-Zero: It honors Lin Kuei tradition. Erron Black: Time to let the past die.
  • Kabal: I'm as fast as greased lightning. Erron Black: Look at you, speaking Texan. Kabal: Figured I'd use words you'd understand.
  • Erron Black: Last chance to walk away. Jax: No chance, scumbag. Erron Black: I pull, and I'm putting you down.
  • Jade: In the future you're dead, I'm a Revenant. Baraka: I prefer my fate to yours. Jade: I must agree, Baraka.
  • Scorpion: You rejected Kronika's offer. Kung Lao: I will succeed on my own merits. Scorpion: For once, your pride was useful.
  • Johnny Cage: What's that, Skarlet? Skarlet: The Gods as my witness, I'll never go thirsty again. Johnny Cage: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
  • Frost: Are you my future self? Frost (other player): I am your replacement. Frost: Kronika has betrayed me!
  • Noob Saibot: Who are you, ghost? Noob Saibot (other player): He who shall not be named. Noob Saibot: Return to your deathly hollow.
  • Kollector: Have you seen Ferra-Torr? D'Vorah: Only their corpses, Kollector. Kollector: Shao Kahn will not be pleased.
  • D'Vorah: Do not impede This One, Kollector. Kollector: I will protect Shao Kahn. D'Vorah: How will death profit you?
  • Liu Kang: There is still honor in you, Frost. Frost: I don't need you to tell me. Liu Kang: Then why do you display none?
  • Jade: Kronika's minion. Frost: Better than being Kotal's kept woman. Jade: At least my body remains my own.
  • Jade: Sub-Zero's former student. Frost: I exceed him in every way. Jade: In your mind, perhaps.
  • D'Vorah: Such bile you spew at me, Kotal. Kotal Kahn: Even Mileena was less a cretin. D'Vorah: This One will not be judged.
  • Kotal Kahn: Sub-Zero was wise to dismiss you. Frost: What do you know about it, Kotal. Kotal Kahn: That bad soil yields no bounty.
  • Kotal Kahn: I despise you as I did Mileena. Frost: You have problems with strong women? Kotal Kahn: Those who seek stations above their faculty.
  • Jacqui: Women warriors should stick together. Kitana: Realm before gender, Jacqueline Briggs. Jacqui: If that's how you want to play it, fine.
  • Kitana: I was once young, like you. Jacqui: Just how old are you, Kitana? Kitana: Such an impolite question, Jacqueline.
  • Frost: How is it, being born to loyalty? Kitana: I can't say, I've known nothing else. Frost: Let me enlighten you.
  • Jade: So, Kitana. Liu Kang? Kitana: Jade, he's just a friend. Jade: I see how you look at him.
  • Kitana: One thing keeps you from greatness. Kung Lao: Let me guess, pride? Kitana: A flaw you and Johnny Cage share.
  • Kitana: So you were to defeat Shinnok? Johnny Cage: What is with people? Is it so hard to believe? Kitana: Yes.
  • Cassie Cage: We need a girl talk, Kitana. Kitana: We are women, not girls, Cassandra. Cassie Cage: Missing the point entirely.
  • Kitana: What does your tribe desire? Baraka: To savor the blood of its enemies. Kitana: Charming as always, Baraka.
  • Kitana: Would you welcome death, Geras? Geras: Once my service to Kronika is finished. Kitana: Then you don't have long to wait.
  • Kitana: You soil every room you enter. Kano: Bloke's gotta mark his territory. Kitana: Even Baraka's more civilized.
  • Scorpion: Shao Kahn escaped your vengeance. Kitana: Something I regret deeply. Scorpion: Next time, forget mercy.
  • Kitana: The thought of you with my mother. Shao Kahn: She always pleased me, Kitana. Kitana: I will flay the smile off your face.
  • Kitana: Why do you shield my Revenant? Cetrion: There is no virtue in vengeance. Kitana: Not vengeance, euthanasia.
  • Kitana: Now what, Earthrealmer? Johnny Cage: Johnny Cage. Is. 'The Edenian Candidate'. Kitana: By the Gods, no.
  • Johnny Cage: My green magic, your green outfit. Jade: (laughs) By the gods, no. Johnny Cage: Your loss, sweetheart.
  • Jax: Here comes the ruckus. Frost: I have the technological advantage. Jax: Maybe, but you've got no soul.
  • Frost: We are siblings in cryomancy. Noob Saibot: The dead are my only kin. Frost: You disgrace us all.
  • Noob Saibot: You have no family? Skarlet: Yes, I am an orphan, Bi-Han. Noob Saibot: Then who will mourn you?
  • Jacqui: You're always getting me in trouble. Cassie Cage: You love trouble and you know it. Jacqui: Not as much as you do, sister.
  • Kabal: Just how cold are you? Frost: Chilled to the core. Kabal: That is super hot.
  • Jax: Man, Scorpion toasted you. Noob Saibot: Ermac ripped off your arms. Jax: But I survived, you didn't.
  • Jacqui: So you're basically Lady Sub-Zero. Frost: Our differences are deeper than gender. Jacqui: Is there a wiki or something?
  • Cetrion: Is there room for love in your heart? Sub-Zero: Love gets in the way. Cetrion: Love leads the way, Kuai Liang.
  • Frost: Mine is a cold, cold world. Jacqui: You'll be hotter when you die, Frost. Frost: Think you can send me to the Netherrealm?
  • Scorpion: Still hoping to kill me? Frost: All Shirai Ryu must die. Scorpion: My fire will melt you, Frost.
  • Kung Lao: Smile and the realms smile with you. Baraka: I'll smile when you swing from a meat hook. Kung Lao: Not going to happen, Baraka.
  • D'Vorah: Jerrod was soft and weak-willed. Kitana: You claim to know father? D'Vorah: This One killed him for Shao Kahn.
  • Kitana: I was right, doubting the Elder Gods. Cetrion: Your lack of faith disturbs me. Kitana: As does your obedience to Kronika.
  • Kitana: I've never liked guns. Erron Black: Aww, they make you nervous, Princess? Kitana: They are highly uncivilized.
  • Baraka: All of Tarkata reveres Jade. Kotal Kahn: An honor richly deserved. Baraka: You, on the other hand.
  • Baraka: Daughter of Earthrealm. Jacqui: And proud of it, Buckteeth. Baraka: These teeth will rend your flesh.
  • Baraka: What happened to your eye? Kano: Special Forces bastard took it. Baraka: I'll take the other one.
  • Baraka: We meet again. Sub-Zero: It's a long way from the tournament. Baraka: We can still fight.
  • Baraka: Speak your joke to my face. Jacqui: Grandmother, what big teeth you have! Baraka: My Grandmother's were the biggest!
  • Baraka: Heir to the Great Kung Lao. Kung Lao: The family legend precedes me. Baraka: It ends with your death.
  • Baraka: I hate cold things. Frost: I am no 'thing', beast. Baraka: You are meat, Frost.
  • Baraka: You'll be a good practice dummy. Frost: I am the future of pain, Baraka! Baraka: More like future of scrap metal.
  • D'Vorah: A cold snack for the Swarm. Frost: This frost bites back. D'Vorah: Not with your jaw slacked from poison.
  • Frost: You should have been Grandmaster. Noob Saibot: I would not allow female Lin Kuei. Frost: You're worse than Kuai Liang!
  • Kung Lao: Double date with Liu Kang and Kitana? Jade: In your dreams, Kung Lao. Kung Lao: A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
  • Noob Saibot: You know nothing of cold. Frost: You never conjured ice as cold as mine. Noob Saibot: Death is the coldest ice.
  • Noob Saibot: You are a sinful monk. Kung Lao: I'm no Liu Kang, but I'm hardly sinful. Noob Saibot: Death will purge your pride.
  • Noob Saibot: One clan will rule the New Era. Frost: That clan will be mine, Bi-Han. Noob Saibot: Kuai Liang would be a better Grandmaster.
  • Noob Saibot: Kuai Liang was a fool to trust you. Frost: A fool to doubt me, like you. Noob Saibot: I do not doubt your hubris.
  • Frost: Revenge is a dish best served cold. Cassie Cage: Page five, Cliché Villains Handbook? Frost: Snark won't save you, Cage.
  • Frost: Once cyberized, you will serve. Erron Black: Serve? Or service? Frost: Ugh, never mind.
  • Kano: Better get right with Kronika. Baraka: (Fuck) you and Kronika! Kano: Now that's a bonzer attitude.
  • Liu Kang: You learned nothing at the Wu Shi. Kung Lao: I learned I'm better than the best. Liu Kang: Have you been drinking with Bo 'Rai Cho?
  • Liu Kang: Master Li Bing saw your potential. Kung Lao: Is that why he made life Hell? Liu Kang: That was because you are lazy.
  • Scorpion: Beware your bond with Liu Kang. Kitana: Relationship advice, Scorpion? Scorpion: Losing him will burn your soul.
  • Sub-Zero: Minus three degrees Celsius. Skarlet: What is that? Sub-Zero: The freezing point for blood.
  • Scorpion: Did you kill my family? Sub-Zero: No, Quan Chi did. Scorpion: But I saw a vision of YOU.
  • Shang Tsung: You are neither god nor Kahn. Kotal Kahn: Then what am I, Shang Tsung? Shang Tsung: My next victim.
  • Raiden: You proved a poor student. Frost: Sub-Zero had nothing to teach me. Raiden: Your ignorance is stunning, Frost.
  • Cetrion: Do not betray Kronika. D'Vorah: This One is her most dutiful servant. Cetrion: As you were Mileena's?
  • Cetrion: Your poor, withering soul. Frost: I have never been stronger, Cetrion. Cetrion: Of body, not of virtue.
  • Cetrion: What has Mother done this time? Cetrion (other player): Corrected a flawed first draft. Cetrion: We are all flawed. I accept it.
  • Sub-Zero: Why should I pray to you? Cetrion: Why does a bird flap its wings? Sub-Zero: I asked a simple question.
  • Sonya Blade: In the future we carry tiny TVs with us? Cassie Cage: Welcome to the Digital Age. Sonya Blade: More like the Distracted Age.
  • Johnny Cage: Once upon a time I beat Shinnok. Shang Tsung: My, you have a colorful imagination. Johnny Cage: Look it up. I laid him out!
  • Skarlet: I need your warm, red blood. Sub-Zero: My blood runs cold. Skarlet: How refreshing!
  • Jax: This a friendly fight, Sub-Zero? Sub-Zero: I prefer to see your full strength. Jax: Stone cold. I like that.
  • Sub-Zero: Those blades will snap. Baraka: Those who try get impaled. Sub-Zero: They were not me, Baraka.
  • Cassie Cage: What's our sparring record? Jacqui: We're tied, five and five. Cassie Cage: So this is match point.
  • Jacqui: What's this about a blood ceremony? Scorpion: Marry Takeda, you marry the Shirai Ryu. Jacqui: Do we get matching rope spears?
  • Baraka: Mileena's blood was Tarkatan. Kitana: She was created to spite me. Baraka: Shao Kahn improved on the original.
  • Cassie Cage: What up, Empress Princess? Kitana: Are Earthrealmers not taught etiquette? Cassie Cage: Just got no patience for imperial bullshit.
  • Frost: I'd cut a deal, but I know better. Kano: My aren't you the full quid. Frost: You have no idea.
  • Raiden: Yet again, you betray Earthrealm. Shang Tsung: Are you surprised, Raiden? Raiden: Only that it took you so long.
  • Jacqui: I hear Sub-Zero's no fan. Frost: He's never respected my power. Jacqui: Chip, meet shoulder.
  • Scorpion: You plan to marry my chujin? Jacqui: Takeda got smart and put a ring on it. Scorpion: First, prove you are worthy.
  • Scorpion: Sub-Zero's mistake with you is obvious. Frost: Share your wisdom, Scorpion. Scorpion: To be trained, you must be tamed.
  • Jacqui: Jin told me about you. Kung Lao: My nephew must adore me. Jacqui: Not as much as you do.
  • Geras: You are an Old West enthusiast. Erron Black: Yeah, I'm your huckleberry, what of it? Geras: In 1881, Wyatt Earp shot me.
  • Kollector: You killed my brother. Erron Black: Yeah, I'm your huckleberry, what of it? Kollector: Today, I collect vengeance.
  • Shang Tsung: In seven days, I can make you a man. Geras: A mortal man who can be killed? Shang Tsung: I see you quiver with anticipation.
  • Frost: What do you see when you look at me? Jacqui: A cheap, second-gen knockoff. Frost: I said look at me, not you.
  • Skarlet: The hot-blooded Johnny Cage. Johnny Cage: Got a fever burning inside of me. Skarlet: The only cure is killing you.
  • Skarlet: People do not appreciate us. Frost: Are you suggesting we band together? Skarlet: That I prove my worth by killing you.
  • Jacqui: That hat's old school. Kung Lao: Never mess with a classic. Jacqui: 'Classic' is a nice word for 'busted'.
  • Erron Black: Looking mighty fine, Miss Briggs. Jacqui: Cut the cowboy shtick, not interested. Erron Black: Straight to business. I like it.
  • Frost: You're smaller in person, Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn: And you're an even bigger brat. Frost: Touched a nerve, didn't I?
  • Shang Tsung: I have a dress your size, you should wear it. Sonya Blade: Are you out of your damn mind? Shang Tsung: It was sewn by the finest designers in Outworld.
  • Shang Tsung: Such beauty in kombat is rare. Jacqui: I'll turn you fifty shades of black and blue. Shang Tsung: Rarer still for it to survive.
  • Shang Tsung: Your thoughts turn to Takahashi Takeda. Jacqui: You stay the hell away from him. Shang Tsung: Your soul will be mine, and then his.
  • Scorpion: I beheaded Quan Chi. Shang Tsung: Thank you for sparing me the trouble. Scorpion: You're next, Shang Tsung.
  • Cassie Cage: We've both got chips on our shoulders. Kung Lao: I can knock yours off at ten meters. Cassie Cage: I'll bet two to one you can't.
  • Shang Tsung: Allow me to introduce myself. Cassie Cage: Cut the bullshit, Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung: Direct, just like your mother.
  • Jax: You are one ugly sonofabitch. Baraka: Silence, Earthrealmer! Jax: Those dulcet tones aren't much better.
  • Sub-Zero: You are a Revenant once more. Scorpion: I cannot escape my rage. Sub-Zero: Allow me to cool your anger.
  • Kitana: I am the last Edenian royal. Cassie Cage: Maybe try democracy, Princess? Kitana: You do not understand Outworld.
  • Noob Saibot: Vera's soul calls for you. Jacqui: Keep Mama's name out of your mouth, Revenant. Noob Saibot: Revenant? I am Wraith!
  • Noob Saibot: Return to your mother's arms. Jacqui: She's dead, asshole. Noob Saibot: And her soul is mine.
  • Jacqui: Fought your Revenant a time or two. Jade: And who was victorious, Jacqueline? Jacqui: Me. Obviously.
  • Geras: For a cryomancer, you run hot. Frost: My well of hate runs deep. Geras: Deep enough for you to drown in it.
  • Geras: You cannot compete with me. Frost: Competition is life, Geras. Geras: It will be your death, Frost.
  • Geras: I have your father. Jacqui: Give him back, you sonofabitch. Geras: Comply, or you will both perish.
  • Geras: You cannot beat death as I can. Sub-Zero: I have been resurrected before. Geras: But not a thousand times.
  • Geras: You remind me of someone. Cassie Cage: Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Helen of Troy? Geras: Joan of Arc, the young martyr.
  • Geras: The Swarm dies today. D'Vorah: Kronika still needs This One, you cog. Geras: Your service is no longer required.
  • Shao Kahn: Sektor was a better Grandmaster. Sub-Zero: He led through lies and fear. Shao Kahn: They are the pillars of order.
  • Shao Kahn: It's too late to curry my favor. Baraka: I want your head, not your favor. Shao Kahn: You will have neither, Baraka.
  • Shao Kahn: You survived the Flesh Pits. Kotal Kahn: Despite Shang Tsung's efforts, yes. Shao Kahn: Yet again, he failed me.
  • Baraka: Tarkata demands respect, Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn: You'll get the back of my hand. Baraka: We are done fearing you.
  • Shao Kahn: For twenty-five years, you've remained loyal. Kollector: You are the one, true Kahn. Shao Kahn: Let us make Outworld great again.
  • Baraka: I despise ghosts. Noob Saibot: Superstitious Tarkatan. Baraka: Return to the Ten Hells!
  • Baraka: What shaman summoned you? Noob Saibot: The dark one, Quan Chi. Baraka: Be gone, demon.
  • Noob Saibot: Shadows do not bleed. Baraka: You do and I smell it. Noob Saibot: Wishful thinking, Baraka.
  • Noob Saibot: No true Lin Kuei could stomach you. Scorpion: Does that include your brother? Noob Saibot: What brother?
  • Kollector: We both collect, Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung: What is gold compared to souls? Kollector: Gold buys people like you.
  • D'Vorah: What was it you said last time? Cassie Cage: You're the bug, I'm the windshield. D'Vorah: This One breaks windshields.
  • Frost: You are sub-human. D'Vorah: Kytinn surpass humans in every way. Frost: Not me, D'Vorah.
  • Kitana: I vow to aid all Outworlders. D'Vorah: Yet you disavow the Kytinn. Kitana: Only you, D'Vorah.
  • D'Vorah: Where is your intended? Jacqui: If I call, Takeda will come running. D'Vorah: I suggest you do, Jacqueline Briggs.
  • Shao Kahn: You'll pay for Mileena, D'Vorah. D'Vorah: This One did Outworld a service. Shao Kahn: And so shall I.
  • Baraka: There's soon to be a stabbing. D'Vorah: And you will be the victim, Baraka. Baraka: Shut up and die, bug!
  • Jax: So what the heck happened in Fiji? Jacqui: God, can we not do this? Jax: Don't keep secrets from your old man.
  • Sub-Zero: Nomadic peoples don't achieve greatness. Baraka: We will never give up the old ways. Sub-Zero: Then Tarkata is doomed to failure.
  • Jax: Gods, monsters? This shit's crazy. Kitana: That's how I felt in Manhattan. Jax: New York? Also crazy.
  • Johnny Cage: You really like Future Johnny better. Jacqui: Name one person who doesn't. Johnny Cage: Me.
  • Johnny Cage: So I was a good dad to Cass? Jacqui: Once you finished all twelve steps. Johnny Cage: Whoa! Hold the phone. Rehab?
  • Shang Tsung: Sonya's not here to save you, Jax. Jax: She'll be sad she missed this smackdown. Shang Tsung: She can grieve the death of her commander.
  • Kung Lao: Mine is the legacy of the Great Kung Lao. Cetrion: His legacy was dying in defeat. Kung Lao: He lives on in me, Cetrion.
  • Shang Tsung: How brave of you to confront me. Jax: Don't you be creeping on Jacqui. Shang Tsung: I'll teach her what you never could.
  • Erron Black: Any chance we settle this peaceably? The Terminator: No. Erron Black: Hasta la vista, baby.
  • D'Vorah: You threaten the Kytinn's survival. The Terminator: Correct. D'Vorah: Such intransigence will be your death.
  • Sub-Zero: The Lin Kuei will banish you. The Terminator: Your clan cannot terminate me. Sub-Zero: Wishful thinking, machine.
  • D'Vorah: Skynet and the Kytinn can coexist. The Terminator: Insectoids are a greater threat than humans. D'Vorah: Clever boy.
  • Geras: You cannot answer the riddle of steel. The Terminator: That information is not within my files. Geras: Then be cast out from these realms.
  • The Terminator: Your mask. What's its purpose? Kabal: Take it from me and I'll tell you. The Terminator: All right.
  • The Terminator: Termination is inevitable. Raiden: Only a fool is so confident of victory. The Terminator: I only state facts.
  • The Terminator: Johnny Cage gave you a codename. Jade: And just what did his lewd mind come up with? The Terminator: Doris.
  • Skarlet: Your skin is living tissue? The Terminator: Covering a metal endoskeleton. Skarlet: As long as it bleeds.
  • Kabal: Are you sure about that? The Terminator: Yes. Show me your speed. Kabal: Alright then, it's turbo time.
  • Scorpion: My hellfire will incinerate your flesh. The Terminator: I will not cease functioning. Scorpion: It will also melt your endoskeleton.
  • Shao Kahn: You will serve me, cyborg. The Terminator: What is your mission? Shao Kahn: To crush my enemies and see them driven before me.
  • Geras: We are both constructs, built to serve. The Terminator: You are also a Terminator? Geras: When my creator requires it.
  • Sonya Blade: I hear you're an automated killing machine. The Terminator: Cyberdyne Systems. Model 101. Sonya Blade: At least you're not a damned cyber ninja.
  • Scorpion: You are one of Sektor's creations. The Terminator: No. Skynet built me. Scorpion: Either way, you must die.
  • Erron Black: Now this will be a gun battle. The Terminator: One that you can't win. Erron Black: Big, but dumb as dirt.
  • The Terminator: You are a threat to Skynet. Erron Black: I don't even know what the hell that is. The Terminator: You will.
  • The Terminator: You'll take me to Sarah Connor? Johnny Cage: Think of me as your Johnny cab. The Terminator: You lie.
  • Kung Lao: You have met your match. The Terminator: That statement is unsupported. Kung Lao: Who knew machines could fool themselves?
  • Jade: Cyborgs do not scare me. The Terminator: Why not? Jade: It's heart, not steel, which strengthens us.
  • Noob Saibot: I could make you the perfect killer. The Terminator: By improving my programming? Noob Saibot: By teaching you to embrace darkness.
  • Frost: You'll help me fight the Lin Kuei? The Terminator: Who is Lynne Quay? Frost: Stupid machine.
  • The Terminator: Cosmetic damage will not stop me. Kabal: So slicing your skin off is no biggie? The Terminator: None.
  • Raiden: Your machine ancestors do not exist in this realm. The Terminator: Then I have come to the incorrect past. Raiden: You will bring no death or destruction here.
  • Baraka: You've never fought a Tarkatan. The Terminator: If you bleed, I can kill you. Baraka: Ha Ha! A delusional machine.
  • Sonya Blade: So you took off Quan Chi's head? Scorpion: Yes, my future self did. Sonya Blade: Lucky bastard.
  • Baraka: What did Cage teach you to call me? The Terminator: An ugly motherfucker. Baraka: I will eat him alive!
  • The Terminator: Your observation is incorrect. Jacqui: You sure? That neck's pretty thick. The Terminator: It is not a tumor.
  • Jacqui: Is it true Sub-Zero's now 'plain zero'? The Terminator: My mission objective is complete. Jacqui: Damn.
  • D'Vorah: Why does Shao Kahn value you? Sindel: Why do you ask, creature? D'Vorah: Because all others despise you.
  • Sindel: You betrayed Mileena, D'Vorah. D'Vorah: Why care for that disgusting clone? Sindel: She was as much my daughter as Kitana.
  • Sonya Blade: Your Empire picked the wrong fight. Sindel: Nothing on Earthrealm can stop us. Sonya Blade: Two words, bitch: Nuclear. Weapons.
  • Sindel: Pledge the Lin Kuei to me. Sub-Zero: And stain my clan with dishonor? Sindel: Comply or I'll help Frost depose you.
  • Scorpion: You are too dangerous to let live. Sindel: People say much the same of you. Scorpion: I could never betray my family.
  • Shang Tsung: We never could trust Quan Chi. Sindel: For all I know, you helped him murder me. Shang Tsung: When I kill people, they stay dead.
  • Skarlet: You hold the power of Edenia. Sindel: Shao Kahn wouldn't marry a weakling. Skarlet: I'll bleed your power and make him mine!
  • Noob Saibot: Your destiny is to serve the Netherrealm. Sindel: I would never submit to Quan Chi. Noob Saibot: That is why he murdered you.
  • Kung Lao: What is so scary about you, besides the hair? Sindel: Come closer and I'll show you. Kung Lao: No time for love, crazy lady.
  • Cetrion: Your destiny is to balance the realms. Sindel: And how will I accomplish that? Cetrion: By dying.
  • Frost: I can train you in the assassin's art. Sindel: Dear, I'm several millennia your senior. Frost: Which hasn't made you wiser.
  • Cassie Cage: Ding, dong. The bitch is back. Sindel: Who is this insufferable child? Cassie Cage: Cassie the Shinnok Slayer.
  • Raiden: Kronika favors the Netherrealm. Sindel: Shao Kahn and I will rule an eternal empire. Raiden: As the minion of her son, Shinnok.
  • Jacqui: What do you expect from me? Sindel: Flattery, service, worship. Jacqui: And I thought Cass was a diva.
  • Kano: Well, well, I never knew. Sindel: Knew what, you ugly rusting half-man? Kano: Shao Kahn married such a wicked witch.
  • Sonya Blade: Johnny's mine, Sindel. Sindel: The poor man must have no standards. Sonya Blade: You could use a nip and tuck yourself, sister.
  • Jax: Fighting ladies? Not my thing. Sindel: There are other ways to be physical. Jax: Woman, I'm an officer, not some gigolo!
  • Kabal: Hate to bust up Shao Kahn's woman. Sindel: I can break you with a scream. Kabal: I'll break your sound barrier first.
  • Sindel: Those hook swords look like fun. Kabal: The hell kinda fun you talkin' about? Sindel: Dissecting Earthrealmers, of course.
  • Sindel: Submission is your only choice. Jax: And if I don't bend a knee? Sindel: My boot-heel goes through your neck.
  • Sindel: Once more we fight, Nightwolf. Nightwolf: It ends the same, Sindel. Sindel: For you, perhaps.
  • Sindel: Is Johnny Cage a competent lover? Sonya Blade: That's none of your goddamned business. Sindel: Perhaps he'll serve as my consort.
  • Sindel: Impudent girls get bloody bottoms. Cassie Cage: Do not wanna know what you're talking about. Sindel: You'll be spanked until you bleed.
  • Sindel: I asked to fight the greatest warrior. Kung Lao: And he has appeared before you. Sindel: Hm. At least you have spunk.
  • Sindel: Come back to your family. Kitana: I'm not your 'daughter' any more. Sindel: Don't deny your heritage, daughter!
  • Sindel: Beg for my forgiveness, traitor. Jade: You no longer hold sway, Sindel. Sindel: Once the Empress, always the Empress.
  • Sindel: You stole from the throne, Kollector. Kollector: I was owed deferred compensation. Sindel: Never trust a Naknadan.
  • Sindel: I will give you what Kronika refuses. Geras: What could that possibly be? Sindel: Death's sweet embrace.
  • Sindel: Come to me, you handsome commoner. Johnny Cage: You wanna carve my face on a mountain? Sindel: More like carve it to pieces.
  • Sindel: Submit and I'll spare your father. Jacqui: Your hair grows like Pinocchio's nose when you lie? Sindel: It grows whenever I kill someone.
  • Sindel: I laugh at you, Elder God. Cetrion: I will balance Outworld. Sindel: Not on my back, Cetrion.
  • Sindel: Trusting Kronika is foolish. Frost: Not after enhancements like mine. Sindel: I'll reduce them to scrap.
  • D'Vorah: This One can protect you from Quan Chi. Sindel: You'll betray me to him, bug. D'Vorah: Kotal was more easily deceived.
  • Sindel: You're like the daughter I never had. Frost: And you're like the mother I killed. Sindel: An attribute she and I won't share.
  • Jacqui: My name is Jacqueline Briggs. Sindel: Ha ha ha! I killed your father. Jacqui: Prepare to die.
  • Sindel: What have you seen of my history? Geras: Betrayal, cruelty, corruption. Sindel: A survivor's legacy, Geras.
  • Sindel: Earthrealmer! You will die. Erron Black: Damn! That voice is sexy. Sindel: Want me to scream for you?
  • Sindel: You are an orphaned bastard. Liu Kang: Thank you for reminding me. Sindel: Be gone from my presence!
  • Sindel: Go back to your realm, machine! The Terminator: I have no way to return. Sindel: Then you will die here.
  • Shao Kahn: Tell me something only Sindel would know. Sindel: Quan Chi murdered me, right under your nose! Shao Kahn: You lie, impostor.
  • Sindel: Quan Chi deceived you, you pathetic fool! Shao Kahn: Impossible! Shao Kahn is no one's fool! Sindel: You sad, embarrassing wreck of a man.
  • Sindel: You cannot take my throne! Sindel (other player): Your throne, your husband, everything! Sindel: You'll have none of it, pretender!
  • Sindel: Have you ever been dominated? Raiden: Are you offering, Sindel? Sindel: Submit. You may enjoy it.
  • Raiden: So now you defend Earthrealm? Scorpion: I have made a solemn vow. Raiden: You will be held to it, Scorpion.
  • Johnny Cage: Grandma Carlton told you my secret? Cassie Cage: "Johnny Pee-Pants"? Johnny Cage: I had one accident. One!
  • Jax: So, what the heck happened in Fiji? Jacqui: God, can we not do this? Jax: Don't keep secrets from your old man.
  • Shang Tsung: Master Boyd sends his regards. Johnny Cage: You killed him, didn't you? Shang Tsung: Your 'sensei' was helpless against me.
  • Kabal: Stealing my soul won't make you faster. Shang Tsung: Actually, that is precisely how it works. Kabal: Eh, shit.
  • The Terminator: I have no files on you. Joker: No one does. That's the beauty of it! The Terminator: Unknowns must be terminated.
  • Joker: You sonnuvabitch, you stole my face! Shang Tsung: I could steal a lot more, Clown. Joker: Never rub another man's rhubarb.
  • Shang Tsung: Why have you returned, Joker? Joker: My fan boys were begging for a sequel. Shang Tsung: Too bad your story ends here.
  • Joker: Outworld needs a Clown Prince. Shao Kahn: Your entrails will feed my war dogs. Joker: See, I'd fit right in!
  • Shao Kahn: How will you survive this encounter? Joker: No one lands a punchline better. Shao Kahn: Entertain me, jester.
  • Shao Kahn: You have a death wish, fool? Joker: I'm not known for making great life choices. Shao Kahn: This one will be your last.
  • Joker: The bigger you are, the harder you'll fall. Shao Kahn: The harder I'll punish, Joker. Joker: Who said you could re-write me?!
  • Joker: Ooo! A new groupie. Frost: I'm here to kill you, not kiss you. Joker: You really are a fan!
  • Frost: Your next stop is a slab. Joker: Why give me the cold shoulder? Frost: You exist, Joker.
  • Frost: So you're the infamous Joker. Joker: The man, the myth, the legend. Frost: All three die today.
  • Joker: There's a gal I know you would love. Frost: Is she a great cryomancer? Joker: She's killer, Frost.
  • Nightwolf: You are far from home. Joker: Is it that obvious I'm a tourist? Nightwolf: And that you're a danger to all.
  • Joker: Manitou Raven, is that you? Nightwolf: The name is Nightwolf. Joker: Are you some kind of Apache chief?
  • Nightwolf: Your grin is unnerving. Joker: That's the nicest thing I've ever been told. Nightwolf: It's the last thing you'll ever hear.
  • Joker: I like face paint, you like war paint. Nightwolf: What's your point, Joker? Joker: That we could be super friends!
  • Joker: You're the biggest star here? Johnny Cage: Or the brightest, baddest. You get the idea. Joker: Let's try the 'deadest'.
  • Joker: Tell your producers I'll star in your next film. Johnny Cage: A killer clown? Cliché city. Joker: Just wait 'til they get a load of me.
  • Johnny Cage: Time for a company move back to your universe. Joker: Worried that I'll steal the show? Johnny Cage: That you'll dice me into bite-sized pieces./That you'll serve me with chianti and fava beans.
  • Johnny Cage: Is there a point to your evil? Joker: No. Should there be? Johnny Cage: I do not want to know your origin story.
  • Joker: Why so serious, Army Girl? Sonya Blade: Fought a lot of bad guys, but none like you. Joker: You've saved the best for last.
  • Joker: You'd be prettier if you smiled. Sonya Blade: You die, I smile. Joker: Oh, I like you.
  • Sonya Blade: There a reason you've come back? Joker: Don't worry. The punchline's coming soon. Sonya Blade: Over my dead body, clown.
  • Sonya Blade: Had enough of you the first time. Joker: Aww, don't like losing in graveyards? Sonya Blade: Not to some face-painted freak.
  • Joker: We didn't meet the last time I was here. Cassie Cage: This isn't your first visit? Joker: Nobody told you? I was all the rage.
  • Cassie Cage: I've seen better cosplay on Hollywood Boulevard. Joker: What's wrong with my sartorial flare!? Cassie Cage: Step one: admit you have a problem.
  • Joker: Well aren't you just as cute as a button. Cassie Cage: And aren't you just as creepy as fuck. Joker: Flattery will get you nowhere, deary.
  • Cassie Cage: Mom told me all about you, Joker. Joker: Ooh! She must've been all smiles. Cassie Cage: At the thought of me killing you, yes.
  • Joker: Pick quickly! Sonya or your little girl? Jax: What the hell have you done, Joker?! Joker: Oh this joke's gonna kill.
  • Jax: Dead or alive, you're coming with me. Joker: Whatever you say, (officer/RoboCop)! Jax: Gonna smack that grin right off him.
  • Jax: I'll never forgive you, Joker. Joker: Which of my crimes has your panties twisted? Jax: Making Kano seem like less of a monster.
  • Joker: A lifetime of sacrifice, and for what? Jax: The pride of serving my family and country. Joker: You sound like that big, blue boy scout.
  • Scorpion: Hellfire awaits, Joker. Joker: As it should for the master of sick burns! Scorpion: Your lunacy must die.
  • Scorpion: You, I remember all too well. Joker: Aww, the back of your head still hurting? Scorpion: I should've burned you right then and there.
  • Joker: Fancy meeting you here, Scorpy! Scorpion: Sub-Zero knew how to find you. Joker: And how is your new cuddle buddy?
  • Sub-Zero: I will consign you to the coldest hell. Joker: Ooh! Let me put on my snowsuit! Sub-Zero: Prepare for your soul to freeze.
  • Joker: Your girl Frost is quite the filly. Sub-Zero: She became dead to me long ago. Joker: Soon she'll be dead to me, too.
  • Sub-Zero: You are as soulless as a Cyber Lin-Kuei. Joker: But they lack my gift for witty banter. Sub-Zero: The realms will sleep well with you silenced.
  • Joker: Grandmaster Blueberry Ice, eh? Sub-Zero: Only Johnny Cage may use that name and live. Joker: You're hardly intimidating, snow cone.
  • Joker: What's with the uber-goth cosplay. Noob Saibot: I am death personified. Joker: You look like death warmed over.
  • Joker: Care to compare body counts? Noob Saibot: Yours cannot possibly exceed mine. Joker: Oh my dear boy, Look me up.
  • Noob Saibot: The Brotherhood of Shadow is not interested. Joker: Trust me, you could use some comic relief. Noob Saibot: You are beneath us, Joker.
  • Noob Saibot: You have no soul. Joker: I have two, one on each shoe! Noob Saibot: Your 'humor' will die with you.
  • Joker: My congratulations to the bride. Jacqui: You know about me and Takeda? Joker: Pain makes your fiancée very chatty.
  • Jacqui: Just who are you under the make up? Joker: That's the million dollar question, dearie. Jacqui: How about I shoot it off, and we'll see.
  • Jacqui: Dad gave everything, fighting guys like you. Joker: And how did that work out for him? Jacqui: His pain is no joke.
  • Joker: Well aren't you a vixen. Jacqui: I'm off limits, Joker. Joker: As if I respect boundaries.
  • Joker: Those blades, those teeth! Baraka: Realizing the ways I can kill you? Joker: The bucks I'll make selling them in Gotham.
  • Baraka: Now I remember you. Joker: It's awfully hard to forget this face. Baraka: I plan to wear it.
  • Baraka: What are you supposed to be? Joker: Some call me the Harlequin of Hate. Baraka: You'll make a good snack.
  • The Joker: I'm sorry, are you slobbering? Baraka: Because I'm about to taste human flesh. The Joker: Ha ha! The joke's on you.
  • Joker: I thought lightning never strikes twice. Raiden: In your case, I will make an exception. Joker: Promise?
  • Raiden: I will banish you to Chaosrealm? Joker: Chaos? Now you're talking! Raiden: Be gone, jester!
  • Raiden: Your humor eludes me. Joker: I imagine most things do, Blunder God. Raiden: You will be silent!
  • Joker: Say hello to your new Chosen One! Raiden: I choose to finish you, Joker. Joker: Well you don't have to be rude!
  • Joker: D'Vorah, the entomologist's dream. D'Vorah: No human will study This One, Joker. Joker: You'll look spiffy, pinned to a wall.
  • Jade: I've never met someone so horrid. Joker: Oh sweetie, it was just a joke. Jade: You killed millions of people!
  • Sindel: You may have the privilege of serving me. Joker: (laughs maniacally) Sindel: Did I say something funny?
  • Sindel: What a foul miscreant. Joker: Butter me up, why don't you. Sindel: I'll roast your head on a spit.
  • Joker: I love your flair for the dramatic. Sindel: Speak again, knave, and I'll punish you. Joker: Please do.
  • Joker: To what do I owe this privilege? Sindel: That sick joke targeting me and Shao Kahn. Joker: You have to admit it was funny.
  • Spawn: Together we can purge the Ten Hells. Scorpion: Only if you follow my lead. Spawn: All due respect, that's not in the cards.
  • Spawn: You've been to other dimensions? Scorpion: Each has had its own injustices. Spawn: Maybe that's why my soul still burns.
  • Jax: Nobody questions my loyalty. Spawn: There's a snake in every operation. Jax: You wanna be startin' somethin'? (Michael Jackson reference)
  • Spawn: I've toppled dictators before. Sindel: You mean to kill Shao Kahn. Spawn: No, he's a puppet. You pull the strings.
  • D'Vorah: This One likes you, for a Warm Blood. Spawn: Careful, my blood burns. D'Vorah: Kytinn prefer spicy flavors.
  • Spawn: No more jokes, no more laughs. Joker: Sounds like you've got a case of the grumps! Spawn: I fucking hate clowns.
  • Spawn: Kiss Jade goodbye. Kotal Kahn: Not while I draw breath. Spawn: Draw your last.
  • Spawn: A man who can never die. Geras: Against a man who can never live. Spawn: Aren't we a pair?
  • Jacqui: I don't trust folks who deal with devils. Spawn: I've killed all my devils. Jacqui: Not sure that's any better.
  • Baraka: Your meat smells burned. Spawn: Try deep-fried in Hellfire. Baraka: Eh, that passes for edible.
  • Kung Lao: Is the Beijing opera in town? Spawn: I'm here to stop Shinnok's revival. Kung Lao: Seems more like you're about to start one.
  • Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves. Shao Kahn: Over my dead body. Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
  • Spawn: You have a serious Netherrealm problem. Kung Lao: We don't need help from freelance demons. Spawn: That's exactly what you need!
  • The Terminator: Your guns and your cape. Give them to me. Spawn: You forgot to say please. The Terminator: It was not a request.
  • The Terminator: What model are you? RoboCop: I'm a cop, Terminator. The Terminator: I am not subject to human law.
  • RoboCop: Haven't we done this before? The Terminator: I have no record of a previous encounter. RoboCop: We have met. I am sure of it.
  • RoboCop: Machines are either a benefit or hazard. The Terminator: Which am I? RoboCop: Were you a benefit, you wouldn't be my problem.
  • The Terminator: You are a machine. RoboCop: I identify as human. The Terminator: Then you choose termination.
  • RoboCop: Why did you contact me? Shang Tsung: To see if I could enlist your services. RoboCop: I cannot aid or abet criminal actions.
  • Shang Tsung: What is this supposed to be? RoboCop: I'm taking you in, sorcerer. Shang Tsung: You're not from around here, are you?
  • RoboCop: Freeze! Put your hands up. Shang Tsung: I sense this is no amicable visit. RoboCop: You are under arrest, Shang Tsung.
  • Shang Tsung: How brave of you to confront me. RoboCop: It's my duty, Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung: And now a taste of things to come.
  • Shao Kahn: My actions are not your concern. RoboCop: Even you must obey the law. Shao Kahn: I am the law, fool!
  • Shao Kahn: You are a peace officer? RoboCop: I am sworn to protect and serve. Shao Kahn: Such wasted potential.
  • RoboCop: Turn over the Kollector. Shao Kahn: Ha ha ha ha! Over my dead body. RoboCop: Lethal force protocol engaged.
  • RoboCop: I do not usually confront dictators. Shao Kahn: You should be bowing and scraping. RoboCop: Not a chance.
  • RoboCop: You could have saved yourself this trouble. Frost: I have no regrets. RoboCop: Someday, you will.
  • Frost: That armor won't save you. RoboCop: I am built to tolerate extreme cold. Frost: Extreme cold, but not Frost cold.
  • Frost: I obey no law but mine. RoboCop: If everyone did that, there would be anarchy. Frost: Exactly.
  • RoboCop: Frost. You've broken too many laws to count. Frost: I do what I want, when I want. RoboCop: Are you ready to face the consequences?
  • Nightwolf: The Great Spirit asked me to help you. RoboCop: How can you help me, Nightwolf? Nightwolf: By training you in the ways of kombat.
  • Nightwolf: I'm not surprised Kano eludes you. RoboCop: Because I'm an inferior officer? Nightwolf: Because he's a superior devil.
  • RoboCop: You were once a petty criminal. Nightwolf: Who paid, long ago, for his crimes. RoboCop: Have you been reformed?
  • RoboCop: Kano has also broken your people's laws? Nightwolf: Too many times, he has defiled the Matoka. RoboCop: He must be held to account.
  • RoboCop: You're done making trouble. The Joker: You'll have to catch me first, officer. RoboCop: Dead or alive, you are coming with me.
  • RoboCop: Come quietly, Joker. The Joker: Or what, Dodo Cop? RoboCop: There will be trouble.
  • The Joker: Just think of this as a game. RoboCop: You're here to play? The Joker: I'm cashing you out.
  • The Joker: A new toy! Can I play? RoboCop: You're under arrest, Joker. The Joker: Oh, goody! Cops and robbers.
  • Johnny Cage: You ever consider doing movies? RoboCop: Are you serious? Johnny Cage: Absolutely. Can you sing?
  • Johnny Cage: Part man. Part machine. All cop. RoboCop: That is correct. Johnny Cage: Please tell me no one's signed you.
  • RoboCop: How can I help you, Cage? Johnny Cage: Research! I'm a robot cop in my next blockbuster. RoboCop: What do you want to know?
  • RoboCop: Your police films are unrealistic. Johnny Cage: Fans don't want real, they want BOOM! RoboCop: It's a disservice to the public.
  • Sonya Blade: You're hiding things from us. RoboCop: Some of my directives are classified. Sonya Blade: Allies don't keep secrets.
  • RoboCop: Planning on taking me down? Sonya Blade: Pushing you to be all you can be. RoboCop: Thank you for the assistance.
  • RoboCop: Kano is coming with me. Sonya Blade: Can it, Tinhead. RoboCop: Let's keep this professional, Lieutenant.
  • Sonya Blade: Surrender Kano to the Special Forces. RoboCop: He's my prisoner, Lieutenant. Sonya Blade: Gonna wish you hadn't said that.
  • Cassie Cage: There something wrong, Murphy? RoboCop: My targeting system is a little messed up. Cassie Cage: We can get that fixed.
  • RoboCop: You are Johnny Cage's daughter? Cassie Cage: Ha! Shocked I'm not some Beverly Hills brat? RoboCop: Yes.
  • RoboCop: Aren't you young to be commander? Cassie Cage: I've got game, old-timer. Just try me. RoboCop: Your call.
  • Cassie Cage: I hear you have some new tricks. RoboCop: Your Special Forces has given me upgrades. Cassie Cage: Show me what you've got!
  • RoboCop: Your arms need an upgrade? Jax: Think OCP can help me out? RoboCop: You do not want them to own you.
  • RoboCop: I have been told about a cop here named Stryker. Jax: He wasn't just a cop. He was Super Cop. RoboCop: It's too bad I cannot meet him.
  • Jax: So you're after Kano, too? RoboCop: He's wanted for many crimes on my Earth. Jax: Damn, that guy gets around.
  • Jax: You got any original parts left? RoboCop: Just what's under the helmet. Jax: And I thought losing my arms was bad.
  • Spawn: So your ass got resurrected, too. RoboCop: For the company's benefit, not mine. Spawn: It's a special kind of hell, isn't it?
  • Spawn: There still a man under all that shit? RoboCop: Bad language makes for bad feelings. Spawn: Perfect. You're about to feel real bad, motherfucker.
  • RoboCop: How is it you know me? Spawn: I know all damned souls, Murphy. RoboCop: Malebolgia won't have mine.
  • RoboCop: Cease and desist, Spawn. Spawn: Vigilantes get you all worked up? RoboCop: All must obey the law.
  • Scorpion: Your wife and son? RoboCop: They are lost to me now. Scorpion: The same pain sears both our hearts.
  • Scorpion: Did you avenge your murder? RoboCop: My killers are dead, Scorpion. Scorpion: That is true justice.
  • RoboCop: Allow me to search the Fire Gardens. Scorpion: You will not find Kano among the Shirai Ryu. RoboCop: I must be certain.
  • RoboCop: We do not have to do this. Scorpion: All cyborgs are abominations. RoboCop: You have no proof for that charge.
  • RoboCop: What crimes have you planned? Noob Saibot: Judging me by my appearance? RoboCop: By your history, Bi-Han.
  • Noob Saibot: Your fate is sealed by a curse. RoboCop: What do you mean? Noob Saibot: Doomed is your soul, damned is your life.
  • Noob Saibot: You have crossed my line of death. RoboCop: It is not game over yet. Noob Saibot: All that's left is your demise.
  • RoboCop: I have faced death before. Noob Saibot: Your creators won't restore you this time. RoboCop: They'll fix me. They fix everything.
  • RoboCop: How are Tarkatan laws enforced? Baraka With gnashing teeth and sharpened blades. RoboCop: I would not call that justice.
  • RoboCop: A monster like you should be locked up. Baraka: You won't be the one to do it. RoboCop: You are coming with me.
  • Baraka: What in the Ten Hells are you? RoboCop: The future of law enforcement. Baraka: Ha! You'll soon be a scrap heap.
  • Baraka: My blades will shred your metal. RoboCop: Assaulting an officer is a felony. Baraka: You won't live to report my 'crime'.
  • Sub-Zero: Did your creators extinguish your soul? RoboCop: Despite their best efforts, no? Sub-Zero: You may yet still be worthy of the Lin Kuei.
  • RoboCop: I need help to catch Kano. Raiden: First, prove yourself worthy of the Order of Light. RoboCop: If I must.
  • RoboCop: You would like to test my abilities? Raiden: To determine the goodness of your soul. RoboCop': Through kombat?
  • Raiden: What brings you to Earthrealm, officer? RoboCop: I am pursuing a fugitive named Kano. Raiden: Do not let your search disturb our peace.
  • Raiden: Join us against Kronika. RoboCop: I have my own home to protect and serve. Raiden: You disappoint me, Alex Murphy.
  • Kitana: Your pursuit of Kano ends at our border. RoboCop: I have to go where the trail leads me. Kitana: Outworld won't recognize your authority.
  • Kano: You supposed to be Super Cop?. RoboCop: I'm Officer Alex Murphy. Kano: You're a dead man, you yobbo.
  • Skarlet: You're making assumptions about me, officer. RoboCop: A cop knows evil in his gut. Skarlet: I'm not evil, just hungry.
  • Skarlet: I cannot smell your blood. RoboCop: There is little left of me that's organic. Skarlet: Then killing you won't cure my hunger.
  • Sindel: Why patrol the streets, when you can serve me? RoboCop: That is not a privilege I need. Sindel: My dear officer, you don't have a choice.
  • RoboCop: I know all about you. Sindel: Then bow to me with the required reverence. RoboCop: I am taking you in, Sindel.
  • RoboCop: Come with me. You must stand trial. Sindel: Ha ha ha! I am not bound by your laws. RoboCop: You have twenty seconds to comply.
  • RoboCop: The answer is no, Cetrion. Cetrion: What virtue is there in resistance? RoboCop: I cannot function outside of my prime directives.
  • Sheeva: Abandon Malebolgia and serve me. Spawn: You always get what you want? Sheeva: I can be very persuasive.
  • Sheeva: Kintaro? Goro? Do they live? Sheeva (other player): They are both dead, in my timeline. Sheeva: I knew they were the weaker links.
  • Mileena: Mother wants us to live as sisters. Kitana: Further proof that she's lost her mind. Mileena: Come. Let us be a family.
  • Kitana: Begone, Mileena! Mileena: You would banish me, sister? Kitana: No. I will finish you.
  • Kitana: Stay away from Liu Kang. Mileena: Afraid your new lover will prefer me? Kitana: That you'll eat him, Mileena.
  • Rambo: Don't start a war you can't win. Mileena: Speaking from experience? Rambo: Yeah.
  • Rambo: I've heard you're a freak. Mileena: By whom?! I'll eat them alive! Rambo: Guess I heard right.
  • Mileena: You turned down my father. Rambo: That's because I'm no aggressor. Mileena: Either conquer, or be conquered.
  • Mileena: You're a dangerous man. Rambo: Only when people push me. Mileena: As you wish.
  • Spawn: I'll give you a bad case of indigestion. Mileena: I'll risk it, to have a bite. Spawn: Do it -- you'll pay for it.
  • Spawn: Out of my way, lady. Mileena: Only if you best me in kombat. Spawn: Bring it.
  • Mileena: You object to Shao Kahn? Spawn: Half the Empire lives in slavery. Mileena: Eventually, all will serve him.
  • Mileena: What did you do to my father?! Spawn: I sent him to oblivion. Mileena: You will join him, Hellspawn!
  • Mileena: You Shaolin are so arrogant. Kung Lao: Actually Mileena, that is just me. Mileena: I will enjoy devouring your ego.
  • Kung Lao: You do know that everyone prefers Kitana to you. Mileena: Not my father, Kung Lao. Kung Lao: A man not known for his intelligence.
  • Kung Lao: Skarlet, D'Vorah, you. I can't choose. Mileena: Choose what, human? Kung Lao: Who is the creepiest woman of Outworld.
  • The Terminator: According to my files, you are unique. Mileena: Your files are correct. The Terminator: Then your death is also extinction.
  • Jax: We have Shang Tsung to thank for you? Mileena: Who else but the great sorcerer? Jax: Reason number 5000 that man is on my shit list.
  • Jade: The unholy abomination. Mileena: Greets the bootlicking sycophant. Jade: For Kitana Kahn, you will die.
  • Fujin: Shao Kahn will not retake the throne. Mileena: My father is inevitable, Fujin. Fujin: Under the weight of my wind, he will snap.
  • Erron Black: Now what's got you all rip-snorting mad? Mileena: When I gained the throne, you abandoned it. Erron Black: Wasn't no pay worth dealing with your crazy.
  • Mileena: A coin for your thoughts, Erron? Erron Black: Just trying to reckon why the hell you're back. Mileena: A million souls cried out for my return.
  • Cetrion: Your dual nature is Kronika's gift. Mileena: But it was Shang Tsung who created me. Cetrion: Whom do you think inspired him?
  • Jacqui: Didn't lose a wink after watching you die. Mileena: Nor will I, after eviscerating your corpse. Jacqui: And that right there is why.
  • Cetrion: I see the fire in your eyes, Mileena. Mileena: Kronika altered our deal! Cetrion: Pray she does not alter it further.
  • Mileena: You weren't helping me, you were using me! Rain: And you were a most useful idiot. Mileena: (snarling)
  • Rain: Direct your anger at Tanya, Mileena. Mileena: It was you who betrayed me, not her! Rain: Think, Mileena. Who introduced us?
  • D'Vorah: Do not poke the Hive, Mileena. Mileena: I will wipe it from the face of Outworld. D'Vorah: The Kytinn are many, you are one.
  • D'Vorah: This One is displeased by your presence. Mileena: Then you'll be happy I'm ending your life. D'Vorah: It is you who dies today, Mileena.
  • Kabal: Bullshit you can imitate Kitana, not with that mouth. Mileena: (imitating Kitana) Now do you believe, Kabal? Kabal: How in the hell is that possible?
  • Mileena: We both despise D'Vorah. Johnny Cage: Doesn't mean we'll make a buddy picture. Mileena: Just think of the possibilities.
  • Mileena: I want the Hourglass. Geras: It is beyond your feeble mind to control it. Mileena: Ha! What little you know, construct.
  • Liu Kang: You are more like Sindel than Kitana. Mileena: You flatter me, Shaolin. Liu Kang: No, Mileena. Not at all.
  • Liu Kang: Serving Shao Kahn is folly. Mileena: One day I will inherit his empire. Liu Kang: It is doomed to collapse, Mileena.
  • RoboCop: I never anticipated this fight. Mileena: Do I make you nervous? RoboCop: No.
  • RoboCop: Come with me. You must stand trial. Mileena: I'll turn myself in. Trust me. RoboCop: Not a chance.
  • Mileena: What caused you to track me down? RoboCop: A cop knows evil in his gut. Mileena: It is my sister you seek, not me.
  • Kano: Well color me gobsmacked. You and Tanya? Mileena: Name your price, Kano. I must avenge her. Kano: Because it's personal, it's gonna cost extra.
  • Sindel: Daughter, welcome! Mileena: You accept me as Kitana's sister? Sindel: As her replacement, should you pass this test.
  • Sindel: You disappoint me, Mileena. Mileena: How have I offended you, mother? Sindel: The Shaolin monk still lives.
  • Scorpion: You choose enemies poorly. Mileena: You're right, this will be too easy. Scorpion: Burn in hellfire, Mileena.
  • Scorpion: Clones are worse than Cyber Lin Kuei. Mileena: Why so vehement, Scorpion? Scorpion: You are a perversion of nature.
  • Kotal Kahn: Mileena. Mileena: Osh-Tekk Usurper! Kotal Kahn: Outworld's deliverer.
  • Mileena: Pledge fealty to Shao Kahn's daughter. Sonya Blade: Whatever, you do nothing bitch. Mileena: On your knees, Earthrealmer!
  • Sonya Blade: Shao Kahn can't be far behind you. Mileena: And there's nothing in your arsenal that can stop him. Sonya Blade: Two words, bitch: Nuclear. Weapons.
  • Sheeva: You and your mother are queens of deception. Mileena: Lies are the ultimate weapon. Sheeva: Your war on truth will be defeated!
  • Skarlet: I can smell your half-breed blood. Mileena: The mixture is unappealing? Skarlet: No, Mileena. It is tantalizing.
  • Cassie Cage: So technically, you're Kitana's sister? Mileena: At least until I end her life. Cassie Cage: Thank God I'm an only child.
  • Mileena: You aided Kotal Kahn against me. Cassie Cage: Well, duh, fuckwit. You're a crazed she-beast. Mileena: For that, I will devour your flesh!
  • Frost: How did you become Kahn? Mileena: I was my father's rightful heir! Frost: But too weak to hold the throne.
  • Mileena: But for you, Tanya would be alive. Rain: I am not to blame for your failed rebellion. Mileena: It was your plan, Rain!
  • Mileena: My sister is now Kahn?! Jade: And she rules Outworld justly and with grace. Mileena: How dare she destroy my empire!
  • Mileena: The wrong sister wears the crown. Kitana: I am the Empress that Outworld deserves. Mileena: But I am the one it needs!
  • Frost: What's on your dirty mind? Rain: I need someone cool to rule my world. Frost: That's some fantasy, but it's not mine.
  • Rain: You must miss being Kahnum. Mileena: I enjoyed its glamorous life. Rain: A pity you won't have it again.
  • Jax: We've got you surrounded, Rain. Rain: Then shall we begin the party? Jax: Party's over. You're out of time.
  • The Joker: We meet again, sweet prince! Rain: This time we battle to the last. The Joker: (laughs) Let's go crazy! (Prince reference)
  • Cetrion: Argus has made mistakes. Rain: The first was denying that I'm his son! Cetrion: His first was fathering you.
  • Kung Lao: You cannot defeat me. Rain: I will rain death upon you, Kung Lao. Kung Lao: Good thing I brought a hat.
  • Kung Lao: Is it true Edenians worship you? Rain: Those that do, are blessed with my faith. Kung Lao: Their faith is misplaced.
  • Liu Kang: It is time we settle this, Rain. Rain: Persist, and risk a god's wrath. Liu Kang: Note how I tremble in fear.
  • Fujin: I knew your father, Rain. Rain: Then acknowledge my godhood. Fujin: You are unworthy to be his heir.
  • Spawn: Ambition's got its hook into you bad. Rain: Here to keep me down? Spawn: No, to bury you in hell.
  • Spawn: Still pissed at your father, aren't you? Rain: Argus should have trusted me to rule Edenia. Spawn: He saw through your shit just like I do.
  • Shang Tsung: I will torment you for eternity. Rain: You would be killed in the attempt, sorcerer. Shang Tsung: And now a taste of things to come.
  • Shao Kahn: You could have served, Rain. Rain: I would much rather steal your empire. Shao Kahn: Ha ha ha! You fool.
  • Cassie Cage: How about that. Another wannabe emperor. Rain: It's not wise to insult a god. Cassie Cage: It's the least I'm doing to you.
  • Cassie Cage: So what's your problem with Earthrealm? Rain: All of its denizens are beneath me, woman. Cassie Cage: And the award for "Most Pretentious Prick" goes to...
  • Cassie Cage: Like all Angelenos, I hate the rain. Rain: Why hate the rain, Earthrealmer? Cassie Cage: Everybody forgets how to fucking drive.
  • Cassie Cage: You're pretty high on yourself, Rain. Rain: Should I not be? I'm a god. Cassie Cage: You sure you and dad aren't twins?
  • Rain: You are not divine. Cassie Cage: And yet, your ass is still mine. Rain: You will choke on your hubris.
  • Kabal: So who the hell names their kid "Rain"? Rain: Do not dare insult my mother! Kabal: She didn't do you any favors, friend!
  • Kotal Kahn: You have not yet suffered for your rebellion. Rain: Nor will I ever, Kotal. Kotal Kahn: Today, you will face Osh-Tekk justice.
  • Rambo: You're full of shit. Rain: Truly, I have no designs on your Earth. Rambo: Guys like you are never satisfied.
  • Sub-Zero: You are a half god. Rain: The first born son of Argus. Sub-Zero: That claim holds no water.
  • RoboCop: You betrayed Kotal Kahn to Mileena. Rain: Given the chance, I would have betrayed her. RoboCop: You are not to be trusted.
  • D'Vorah: Argus himself found you unworthy. Rain: No, my father feared me, D'Vorah. D'Vorah: Then you are fortunate he let you live.
  • Skarlet: You do not respect me. Rain: You are of the streets, I am of the heavens. Skarlet: I will bleed out your ego.
  • Sonya Blade: Kronika sure has it in for you. Rain: Because I laughed at her ludicrous offer. Sonya Blade: That makes two of us.
  • Kitana: What happened to Tanya? Rain: For her treason, Kotal killed her. Kitana: You face the same punishment, Rain.
  • Geras: The bastard son of Argus. Rain: I am his heir, Geras. Geras: Not in this, or any other timeline.
  • Sonya Blade: Cut the romantic crap, Cage. Johnny Cage: You've lost that loving feeling? Sonya Blade: Lost it? Never had it.



Voice cast

  • Ron Yuan as Scorpion
  • Steve Blum as Sub-Zero, Baraka
    • Dimitri 'Vegas' Thivaios as Dimitri Vegas Sub-Zero
  • Andrew Bowen as Johnny Cage
  • Richard Epcar as Raiden, The Joker
  • Phil LaMarr as Kotal Kahn
  • Troy Baker as Erron Black, Shinnok
  • Ronda Rousey as Sonya Blade
  • Erica Lindbeck as Cassie Cage
  • Megalyn Echikunwoke as Jacqui Briggs
  • William C. Stephens as Jax
  • Kari Wahlgren as Kitana, Mileena
  • Andrew Morgado as Kollector
  • Beata Poźniak as Skarlet
  • Sunil Malhotra as Kung Lao
  • Matthew Yang King as Liu Kang, Fujin
  • Mela Lee as Jade
  • Dave B. Mitchell as Geras, Sektor
  • Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as Cetrion
  • Sara Cravens as Frost
  • Vanessa Marshall as Sheeva
  • Jonathan Cahill as Kabal
  • Kelly Hu as D'Vorah
  • Ike Amadi as Shao Kahn, Cyrax
  • Sean Chiplock as Noob Saibot, Kharon
  • JB Blanc as Kano
  • Jennifer Hale as Kronika
  • Cary Hiroyuki-Tagawa as Shang Tsung
  • Daniel Lujan as Nightwolf
  • Chris Cox as The Terminator
  • Mara Junot as Sindel
  • Keith David as Spawn
  • Peter Weller as RoboCop
  • Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo
  • Dempsey Pappion as Rain
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