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GitHub - Ne00n/woodCDN: simple selfhosted cdn
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Work in Progress


  • Multiple low end servers
  • Simple cli to manage vhosts and settings
  • Keep the overhead and dependencies at a minimum
  • Keep it Simple and Stupid and fucking Dry
  • High Availability, even if the db cluster shits itself, stuff should keep going
  • GeoDNS to reduce latency


  • Nginx as proxy/caching device
  • rqlite to store the vhosts/domains/pops
  • pdns as nameserver + geodns
  • python3 for syncing/generating the vhosts
  • python3 to add/edit/delete vhosts and settings


  • High Availability
  • HTTPS Support (single cert)
  • Renew Certificates after 30 days
  • Rerouting offline locations
  • Geo routed + proxied DNS entries
  • Static DNS entries


  • HTTPS Support (wildcard)
  • IPv6 Support


  1. Get a full mesh VPN like tinc and deploy it on all nodes (at least 3)
    You can use ansible for that so you get it up in a few minutes. Fork that I use.
    Add rqlite as entry to hosts that points to the local vpn interface.
  2. Setup a rqlite instance on every node
adduser cdn --disabled-login
#Make sure to check for the latest release!
su cdn; curl -L https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite/releases/download/v5.8.0/rqlite-v5.8.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz -o rqlite-v5.8.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvfz rqlite-v5.8.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz; mv xvfz rqlite-v5.8.0-linux-amd64 rqlite
#First node
rqlited -http-addr -raft-addr datadir
#Moah nodes
rqlited -http-addr -raft-addr -join datadir

You can check the cluster status by running

curl rqlite:4003/status?pretty
rqlite --host rqlite --port 4003

To run rqlite as service and on boot config/rqlite.service
3. Deploy the Code

apt-get install sudo nginx git python3 python3-pip -y
pip3 install simple-acme-dns
apt-get install git python3 python3-pip pdns-server pdns-backend-pipe -y
pip3 install geoip2
pip3 install simple-acme-dns
mkdir -p /data/nginx/cache
chgrp -R cdn /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
chmod 775 -R /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
echo "cdn ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service nginx reload" >> /etc/sudoers
mkdir /opt/woodCDN
chown -R cdn:cdn /opt/woodCDN/
cd /opt/;su cdn
git clone https://github.com/Ne00n/woodCDN.git
exit; chmod 775 -R /opt/woodCDN; chmod 750 /opt/woodCDN/certs

You can get the free city lite database here
Put the Database on each dns node in /opt/woodCDN
Afterwards you should be able to run on that on any node but just once

python3 cli.py init

Add your first Domain

python3 cli.py domain add <name> <email> <ns1>,<ns2>
python3 cli.py domain add bla.com noc@bla.com,
#The email is needed to lets encrypt

Add your first PoP

python3 cli.py pop add <hostname of node> <v4> <latitude> <longitude>
python3 cli.py pop add atlanta 50.48 -2.88
#The hostname needs to match the hostname of the node, otherwise the cron won't be updating data correctly

Add your first vhost (proxy/dns) entry

python3 cli.py vhost add <domain> <subdomain> <type> <value>
#type can be proxy or A, TXT...
#to proxy a IP/Domain
python3 cli.py vhost add bla.com test proxy website.com
#to add a static dns entry
python3 cli.py vhost add bla.com static A


cp /opt/woodCDN/config/generate.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable generate && systemctl start generate
cp /opt/woodCDN/config/lastrun.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable lastrun && systemctl start lastrun


*/5 *  *   *   *     /opt/woodCDN/scripts/cert.sh >/dev/null 2>&1      #all nodes

Afterwards you can bring the dns servers online, without any entries or configured cronjobs they won't start.