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roadoi - Use Unpaywall with R

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roadoi interacts with the Unpaywall REST API, an openly available web-interface which returns metadata about open access versions of scholarly works.

This client supports the most recent API Version 2.

API Documentation: https://unpaywall.org/products/api

How do I use it?

Use the oadoi_fetch() function in this package to get open access status information and full-text links from Unpaywall.

roadoi::oadoi_fetch(dois = c("10.1038/ng.3260", "10.1093/nar/gkr1047"), 
                    email = "najko.jahn@gmail.com")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 21
#>   doi              best_oa_location oa_locations oa_locations_embargoed data_standard is_oa
#>   <chr>            <list>           <list>       <list>                         <int> <lgl>
#> 1 10.1038/ng.3260  <tibble [0 × 0]> <tibble>     <tibble [0 × 0]>                   2 FALSE
#> 2 10.1093/nar/gkr… <tibble>         <tibble>     <tibble [0 × 0]>                   2 TRUE 
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: is_paratext <lgl>, genre <chr>, oa_status <chr>,
#> #   has_repository_copy <lgl>, journal_is_oa <lgl>, journal_is_in_doaj <lgl>,
#> #   journal_issns <chr>, journal_issn_l <chr>, journal_name <chr>, publisher <chr>,
#> #   published_date <chr>, year <chr>, title <chr>, updated_resource <chr>, authors <list>

There are no API restrictions. However, providing an email address is required and a rate limit of 100k is suggested. If you need to access more data, use the data dump instead.

RStudio Addin

This package also has a RStudio Addin for easily finding free full-texts in RStudio.

How do I get it?

Install and load from CRAN:


To install the development version, use the devtools package



See https://docs.ropensci.org/roadoi/ to get started.


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

License: MIT

Please use the issue tracker for bug reporting and feature requests.
