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Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) at ISU

[Last Updated: 07/11/2022]

Starting with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) in Spring 2020, Idaho State University (ISU) has received allocations of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) to aid students and the institution during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This website constitutes ISU’s federally required reporting of its utilization of HEERF funds.  As of September 8, 2021, ISU has distributed the full amount its Emergency Financial Aid Grant funding for students under HEERF I, HEERF II, and HEERF III.  Each of the different distributions are detailed in the sections below, including the amounts of each distribution, the number of students awarded, the selection criteria used to determine the awards, and all the communications regarding the distributions. Quarterly reports of ISU’s use of HEERF Institutional funds can also be found on this website as required for federal reporting [see section titled “HEERF (CARES/CRRSAA/ARP) INSTITUTIONAL REPORTING”].


Federal CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

Idaho State University (ISU) signed and submitted the Certification and Agreement for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) on April 24, 2020.  ISU was awarded a total of $7,097,839 in HEERF I under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act of which no less than 50% ($3,548,920) was earmarked to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. The remaining amount is designated for institutional use.  ISU has distributed the full amount of the CARES Act HEERF I emergency financial aid grants to students as outlined below.  Quarterly reports of ISU’s use of HEERF Institutional funds can also be found on this website as required for federal reporting [see section titled “HEERF (CARES/CRRSAA/ARP) INSTITUTIONAL REPORTING”].

Idaho State University received CARES Act funding from the U.S. Department of Education and a total of $3,548,920 was distributed to students in Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021.

The CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-IHE/Student Aid provides funding to institutions to provide emergency financial aid grants to students whose lives have been disrupted, many of whom are facing financial challenges and struggling to make ends meet. Institutions have the responsibility of determining how grants will be distributed to students, how the amount of each student grant is calculated, and the development of any instructions or directions that are provided to students about the grant. The U. S. Department of Education stated that those students who were enrolled exclusively online on March 13, 2020, the date of the President's "National Emergency" Proclamation, are not eligible for emergency CARES Act grants.

Idaho State distributed CARES Act Grants to students enrolled for Spring 2020 (cannot be withdrawn) with valid FAFSAs received and processed at ISU and must be fully eligible for federal student aid (enrolled Spring 2020 as a degree-seeking student in an aid-eligible program, U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, in good Satisfactory Academic Progress status, all requested verification documents submitted, not in default on federal student loans, and must not owe an overpayment of Title IV aid) as of the date of the CARES Act grant distribution (May 6, 2020). ISU also opted to exclude students who paid discounted tuition for the Spring 2020 semester.

Here are the criteria used by Idaho State to select CARES recipients:

  • Enrolled for Spring 2020 (not withdrawn)
  • Excluded students enrolled in online-only courses (including eISU, Web, and Web-assisted as well as other courses claimed as part of fully online programs)
  • Must have had a valid, completed 2019-2020 FAFSA received and processed by ISU as of the date of CARES disbursement, May 6th (no outstanding verification documents)
    • Must be federal aid eligible:
    • Degree-seeking in an aid-eligible major
    • Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen
    • In an aid-eligible Satisfactory Academic Progress status
    • Not in Default on a federal student loan
    • Cannot owe an Overpayment of Title IV aid
  • ISU opted to exclude students who received Employee, Employee Spouse, Non-ISU Employee, and Senior Citizen tuition discounts in Spring 2020.
  • Students who did not complete a FAFSA are not included in Idaho State’s distribution plan. However, emergency funds are available through the Dean of Students.

Idaho State University awarded CARES Act grants to 5,295 students in Spring 2020, totaling $1,881,235, and were distributed to individuals who met the eligibility requirements.

On 6/15/2020, the Summer 2020 distribution of CARES Act Grants went to 1,191 students totaling $107,190.

On 9/15/2020, ISU began distributing Fall 2020 CARES Act Grants to eligible students and a total of $1,546,200 was distributed to 2,807 students.

The limited remaining CARES Act funds were distributed on 4/14/2021 to 713 Pell recipients with a Zero EFC enrolled for Spring 2021 who had previously received a Spring 2020 CARES Act Grant. This Spring 2021 distribution consisted of $14,295 of CARES HEERF I funding plus $597.50 of HEERF II funding.


Spring 2020
Disbursed: May 6

  Amount Number of Recipients
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 and enrolled full time $550  1620
EFC of $0 and enrolled less than full time  $275  261
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled full time  $450 761
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled less than full time  $225 80
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled full time  $350 632
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled less than full time $175 76
EFC of $5,577 to $15,000 enrolled full time $250 818
EFC of $5,577 to $15,000 enrolled less than full time  $150 96
All other enrolled students with a completed FAFSA $110 951

Students who received CARES Act Grant at ISU in Spring 2020 and who enrolled for Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and/or Spring 2021 qualified for additional CARES Act Grant assistance as follows:

Summer 2020
Disbursed: June 15

  Amount Number of Recipients
Students who received a Spring 2020 disbursement and are enrolled in summer courses $90 1191


Fall 2020
Disbursed: Beginning September 15, and continuing weekly until funds are exhausted or until the end of the fall semester, whichever comes first.

Students who received a disbursement in Spring 2020 and are enrolled in Fall 2020 (Must complete a 2020-2021 FAFSA and meet all federal eligibility requirements)

  Amount Number of Recipients
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 and enrolled full time $700 1063
EFC of $0 and enrolled less than full time $350 160
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled full time $600 510
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled less than full time $300 49
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled full time $500 376
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled less than full time $250 40
EFC of $5,577 to $15,000 and enrolled full time $400 528
EFC of $5,577 to $15,000 and enrolled less than full time $200 81


Spring 2021
Disbursed: April 14, 2021

Pell recipients with a 0 EFC enrolled Spring 2021 who received a disbursement in Spring 2020. 

  Amount Number of Recipients
Pell recipients with EFC of $0 and enrolled full time $23.00 582
Pell recipients with EFC of $0 and enrolled less than full time $11.50 131




The IRS provides information on the tax treatment of CARES Act Grant student funding here:
Internal Revenue Service FAQs regarding Grants under the CARES Act

For questions related to FAFSA or CARES Act funding, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (208) 282-2756 or email finaidem@isu.edu.
Roar, Bengals, Roar!


Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) at ISU

CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Relief Grants for Students - Spring 2021

Idaho State University (ISU) was informed of HEERF II eligibility under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) on January 14, 2021, and became eligible to distribute the funds after the HEERF annual report was submitted on February 8, 2021.  These additional funds were covered under the existing Certification and Agreement for the CARES Act HEERF funds signed April 24, 2020.  ISU has distributed its full allocation of HEERF II emergency financial aid grants to students ($3,548,920), which was equal to the initial distribution of HEERF I emergency financial aid grants to students. See details on how students were selected and the amounts and dates of the distributions outlined below. Another $9,545,592 was awarded to ISU for institutional use under HEERF II. Quarterly reports of ISU’s use of HEERF Institutional funds can also be found on this website as required for federal reporting [see section titled “HEERF (CARES/CRRSAA/ARP) INSTITUTIONAL REPORTING”].

The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) provides emergency funding to universities to assist students in need during the coronavirus pandemic. In 2020, this funding was known as CARES Act Funding.

On 05/17/2021, ISU distributed Spring 2021 HEERF emergency relief grants to 7,502 students who met the eligibility criteria, totaling $3,551,650 (comprised of $3,548,322.50 in HEERF II student portion funding plus $3,327.50 in HEERF III student portion funding). The HEERF II grants at ISU ranged from $180 to $760 to eligible students for Spring 2021 (distributed May 17, 2021), which may be used to cover any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care.

Funds from the CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Relief Fund are not considered financial aid and do not affect a student's current or future financial aid eligibility. The IRS recently announced that emergency grants provided to students under the first CARES Act and this recent HEERF II Act are not to be included in a student’s gross income and, thus, are not taxable.

Per guidance from the federal government, ISU prioritized students with exceptional financial need, which was identified through the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Eligible students met the following requirements: 

  • Must be an enrolled undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking student for spring 2021 (cannot be withdrawn) as of the date/time of the grant distribution. 
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as defined by FAFSA.
  • To be considered for an award higher than the minimal award, a valid 2020-2021 FAFSA (all required verification documents submitted, if selected for verification) will be required.  Those who meet all other criteria, but have not submitted a FAFSA or have an invalid FAFSA or do not submit all required verification documents, will be considered for minimal awarding.

International students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and undocumented students were not eligible. Additionally, ISU opted to exclude students who received employee/employee spouse/senior citizen discounted tuition benefits, non-degree-seeking students, and Early College/Dual Enrollment students.

The highest grant amounts were provided to eligible students who exhibited the highest financial need as determined from their FAFSA. Furthermore, emergency grant award amounts for students who were enrolled less than full-time were prorated accordingly. Please see below for the awarding methodology.

Spring 2021 Disbursements

Disbursement Date: May 17, 2021

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)AmountNumber of Recipients
EFC of $0 and enrolled full-time $760 1547
EFC of $0 and enrolled less than full-time $380 431
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled full-time $660 747
EFC of $1 to $2,500 and enrolled less than full-time $330 163
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled full-time $560 561
EFC of $2,501 to $5,576 and enrolled less than full-time $280 152
EFC of $5,577 to $15,000 enrolled full-time $460 892
EFC of 5,577 to $15,000 enrolled less than full-time $230 236
EFC of >$15,000 or No FAFSA or Invalid FAFSA enrolled full-time $360 1916
EFC of >$15,000 or No FAFSA or Invalid FAFSA enrolled less than full-time $180 857

Students can see their disbursement amount in their BengalWeb on the Student Finances page under My Account for the Spring 2021 semester. There is nothing recipients need to do to accept it. For those who have set up eRefund (direct deposit), grants were processed as such. The rest were processed and mailed via check to the mailing address that appears in the student’s BengalWeb. A separate email notification was sent to each recipient.




American Rescue Plan (ARP) HEERF III COVID-19 Relief Grants for Students – Fall 2021

Idaho State University (ISU) was informed of American Rescue Plan (ARP) – HEERF III eligibility on May 11, 2021.  These additional funds are covered under the existing Certification of Agreement for the CARES Act HEERF funds signed April 24, 2020.  ISU was allocated $11,582,087 for emergency grants to students and distributed its full allocation of funding for emergency financial aid grants to students as outlined below on September 8, 2021. Another $11,246,719 was awarded to ISU for institutional use under ARP HEERF III. Quarterly reports of ISU’s use of HEERF Institutional funds can also be found on this website as required for federal reporting [see section titled “HEERF (CARES/CRRSAA/ARP) INSTITUTIONAL REPORTING”].

Congress recently passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which provides COVID-19 relief grant funding for students enrolled in higher education. This funding under ARP is often referred to as the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III). This legislation requires that Idaho State University prioritize grant payments to students with the highest demonstrated need. These funds can be expended on anything related to the cost of attendance or educational expenses, such as daycare, food, housing, medical fees, etc.  On 09/08/2021, the Fall 2021 distribution of ARP HEERF III relief grants went to 8,432 students totaling $11,593,893 (including $11,578,759.50 in HEERF III student portion funding plus $15,133.50 in institutional funding).

The 2021-2022 FAFSA was used to determine student need. HEERF III payments to students varied based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated on the FAFSA and their full-time or part-time status at the time of distribution. Eligible students who did not complete a FAFSA or who did not submit all required documents received only a minimal payment. 

Eligible students met the following requirements: 

  • Must be an enrolled undergraduate or graduate student for Fall 2021 (cannot be withdrawn) as of the date/time of the grant distribution. 
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as defined by FAFSA.
  • To be considered for an award higher than the minimal award, a valid 2021-2022 FAFSA (all required verification documents submitted, if selected for verification) was required.  Those who met all other criteria, but had not submitted a FAFSA or had an invalid FAFSA or did not submit all required verification documents, were considered for minimal awarding.

ISU is opted to exclude International students, students who received employee/employee spouse/senior citizen discounted tuition benefits, and Early College/Dual Enrollment students.

The highest grant amounts were provided to eligible students who exhibited the highest financial need as determined from their FAFSA. Furthermore, emergency grant award amounts for students who were enrolled less than full-time received a prorated amount. 

Fall 2021 Distribution

Distribution Date: September 8, 2021

Award Group Award Amount Number of Recipients
EFC of 0 Enrolled Full-Time $                  2,350.00 1727
EFC of 0 Enrolled Part-Time $                  1,175.00 330
EFC of 1 to 2500 Enrolled Full-Time $                  2,100.00 762
EFC of 1 to 2500 Enrolled Part-Time $                  1,050.00 141
EFC of 2501 to 5846 Enrolled Full-Time $                  1,850.00 703
EFC of 2501 to 5846 Enrolled Part-Time $                     925.00 127
EFC of 5847 to 15000 Enrolled Full-Time $                  1,600.00 941
EFC of 5847 to 15000 Enrolled Part-Time $                     800.00 199
EFC > 15000 or Incomplete/Non-FAFSA Enrolled Full-Time $                     775.00 2445
EFC > 15000 or Incomplete/Non-FAFSA Enrolled Part-Time $                     399.00 1057

Eligible students who chose to have this grant applied to their outstanding ISU balance completed a HEERF III Opt-In Survey which was available on the “Home” tab in BengalWeb through September 7th. Students who opted-in had their funds applied first to any outstanding ISU balance. Excess funds (if any) were then refunded to the student. Students were not required to opt in. For students who did not opt in, the entire grant amount was refunded directly to the student, without being applied toward any outstanding balance.

Students can see their distribution in their MyISU on the Student Finances page under My Account for the Fall 2021 semester. There is nothing recipients need to do to accept it. For those who have set up eRefund (direct deposit), grants were processed as such. The rest were processed and mailed via check to the mailing address that appears in the student’s MyISU. A separate email notification was sent to each recipient.