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Showing 1-12 of 12 results
  1. Language, Biology and Cognition A Critical Perspective

    This book examines the relationship between human language and biology in order to determine whether the biological foundations of language can offer...
    Prakash Mondal
    Book 2020
  2. Introduction

    This chapter introduces the readers to the core arguments that are to show that the transitions from biology to language and then from language to...
    Chapter 2020
  3. Public Voices: The Media Mirror

    This chapter continues the exploration of society’s views about female beauty and ageing as represented through lifestyle news articles. Using...
    Chapter 2019
  4. Attention and Consciousness

    The human is an animal that refers to itself as an “I”. According to Descartes, the subject is an axiom, and everything else follows from this...
    Felice Cimatti in A Biosemiotic Ontology
    Chapter 2018
  5. From Konrad Lorenz’s “Phylogenetic Apriorism” to the Birth of Evolutionary Epistemology

    This paper discusses the role that Konrad Lorenz, already known as the founding father of comparative ethology, played from the 1940s in the birth...
    Marco Celentano in Readings in Numanities
    Chapter 2018
  6. Noam Chomsky and the History of Ideas

    Noam Chomsky incarnates rationalism in the study of language like no other man has or does in man’s history, it seems to me. I will attempt to...

    Article Open access 01 August 2016
  7. From Complementarity to Semiosis

    Giorgio Prodi poses a fundamental philosophical problem: how was the emergence of immaterial meaning possible within the world of material things? In...
    Felice Cimatti in A Biosemiotic Ontology
    Chapter 2018
  8. Chomsky and Biolinguistics

    This chapter describes the origin of contemporary biolinguistics. In particular, the authors discuss the philosophical and linguistic presuppositions...
    Antonino Pennisi, Alessandra Falzone in Darwinian Biolinguistics
    Chapter 2016
  9. Key Concepts and Approaches in Studies of Masculinity

    Over recent decades there has been a rapid expansion in studies of men and masculinities in theoretical, empirical, and policy domains. The original...
    Chapter 2014
  10. Metaphor

    In Chapters 3 and 4 we hinted that metaphor may be...
    Chapter 2010
  11. Meridel Le Sueur’s Salute to Spring: “A Movement Up Which All Are Moving”

    A belief shared by all of the writers examined thus far is the notion that the lower- and working classes could not adequately represent themselves...
    Chapter 2009
  12. Bibliography on Optimality Theory and Language Change

    The following is an attempt at a comprehensive listing of works treating language change from an Optimality-Theoretic perspective, although given the...
    Chapter 2003