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Showing 1-14 of 14 results
  1. Whole Lotta Love

    Adam Rutherford in Bin ich etwas Besonderes?
    Chapter 2020
  2. Our Deep History: A Short Overview

    We introduce new perspectives on human origins and evolution. Different human species are increasingly perceived as streams of a braided river, not...
    Claudio Tuniz, Patrizia Tiberi Vipraio in From Apes to Cyborgs
    Chapter 2020
  3. The Life of Bonobos in a Tropical Rainforest

    “Which one do you think you would prefer to be, a bonobo or a chimp?” I inadvertently took a deep breath and looked around. It was summer 2005 and I...
    Takeshi Furuichi in Bonobo and Chimpanzee
    Chapter 2019
  4. “Progress,” Morality, and “Good” and “Evil”

    Almost any person has made questions about what is moral and what is immoral, and numerous philosophers and literally thousands of publications have...
    Chapter 2022
  5. Sex, Love, Marriage, and Misogyny

    As explained in Diane Ackerman’s 1994 book Natural History of Love, in most “post-Neolithic” (agricultural) societies, there is a clear link between...
    Chapter 2022
  6. Fürwahrhalten

    Unter weitgehender Mißachtung biologischer Gegebenheiten verordnet die katholische Kirche ihren Gläubigen schöpfungswidrige Verhaltensregeln. Schon...
    Wolfgang Wickler in Wissenschaft auf Safari
    Chapter 2017
  7. Gedanken zur Menschwerdung

    Mitte der 1980er-Jahre zeigten die meisten der zahmen Füchse jenes typische hundeähnliche Verhalten, das erstmals bei Puschinka beobachtet worden...
    Lee Alan Dugatkin, Ludmila Trut in Füchse zähmen
    Chapter 2017
  8. The Conative Spectrum of Other Species

    In an essay in his Psychology Today column, Dr. Marc Bekoff provides a perfect overview of the fast changing nature of neurobiology as it continues...
    Michael Charles Tobias, Jane Gray Morrison in Anthrozoology
    Chapter 2017
  9. The Making of the Anthropocene

    Throughout the humanities, economics, geopolitical and scientific literature, film and photography, art and anecdotal social media, and other...
    Michael Charles Tobias, Jane Gray Morrison in Anthrozoology
    Chapter 2017
  10. Evolutionsstufen der Sexualität

    Sogenannte höhere Seinsstufen entstehen in der Natur aus niedrigeren. In der Evolution entstehen nacheinander und auseinander: Ergänzungssexualität...
    Chapter 2014
  11. Determinants of the Evolution of Brains and Minds

    I will begin this chapter with a summary of the data regarding the putative evolution of nervous systems and brains and ask whether a general pattern...
    Chapter 2013
  12. Are Humans Unique?

    In the introductory chapter, I addressed the central question of the “uniqueness” of humans. Since Darwin, it has became increasingly clear that with...
    Chapter 2013
  13. Wie einzigartig ist der Mensch?

    Der Mensch unterscheidet sich in vielen Merkmalen von seinen nächsten Verwandten, den Schimpansen und Gorillas. Zu den auffallendsten anatomischen...
    Chapter 2010
  14. Der letzte Menschenaffe

    Wenn die lebhaften, durchdringenden Augen in die unsrigen schauen und uns auffordern zu offenbaren, wer wir sind, spüren wir sofort, daß wir nicht...
    Frans de Waal in Bonobos
    Chapter 1998
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