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Showing 1-20 of 123 results
  1. Arches National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, Eastern Utah

    The eastern part of the state of UtahUtah, southwestern USA, is an area of considerable geological diversity. Desert landformsDesert landforms in the...
    Roger N. Scoon in The Geotraveller
    Chapter 2021
  2. Lake Natron and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Northern Tanzania

    Northern Tanzania is a region of spectacular landformsLandforms, with some of the largest and most diverse concentrations of wildlife remaining on...
    Roger N. Scoon in The Geotraveller
    Chapter 2021
  3. Canyonlands National Park and Monument Valley, Eastern and Southern Utah

    The eastern and southern parts of the state of UtahUtah, southwest USA, contain some of the world’s most spectacular desert landformsDesert...
    Roger N. Scoon in The Geotraveller
    Chapter 2021
  4. How Far Did the Glaciers Reach?

    How far did the glaciers reach? You would think that after about 150 years of ice age research, this question would be finally answered, but that is...
    Jürgen Ehlers in The Ice Age
    Chapter 2022
  5. Antiquities and Archaeological Sites of the Peloponnese and Zakynthos, Greece

    The PeloponnesePeloponnese is a mountainous region of southwest GreeceGreece restricted to a deeply indented peninsula surrounded by segments of the...
    Roger N. Scoon in The Geotraveller
    Chapter 2021
  6. Energy and Economic Narratives

    This chapter introduces the reader to the concepts and ideas within the book. A real-world story of a Texas town voting on whether to allow natural...
    Carey W. King in The Economic Superorganism
    Chapter 2021
  7. Pillars of a Great Power—Intelligent Manufacturing in China

    FAST is designed, developed, manufactured and constructed by Chinese scientists. It took 22 years from the pilot study in 1994 to its completion in...
    Haiyan Zhang, Lei Qian, ... Xiaobing Chen in The Sky Eye
    Chapter 2021
  8. István Orosz

    In his graphic art, István Orosz (1951–) often reaches out to science-related topics. He has prepared illustrations for several of our books and...
    István Hargittai in Mosaic of a Scientific Life
    Chapter 2020
  9. Tills and Terminal Moraines: The Traces of the Glaciers

    Silt, sand, gravel and stones and boulders; they were traditionally called “moraines”. However, since in German both surface forms (end moraines) and...
    Jürgen Ehlers in The Ice Age
    Chapter 2022
  10. Future

    Japan has a planning system in place for its rockets, satellites and missions into the 2030s. The first key priority is the introduction of a new...
    Brian Harvey in Japan In Space
    Chapter 2023
  11. Ascan Pioneers

    NASA’s Space Shuttle was sufficiently complex to require the new astronauts to be divided into two groups from the start. The Pilots (PLT) would fly...
    David J. Shayler, Colin Burgess in NASA's First Space Shuttle Astronaut Selection
    Chapter 2020
  12. Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland and Eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa

    Layered igneous intrusionsLayered igneous intrusion are large plutons characterized by sub-horizontal rock layers. In a broad sense, the mineralogy...
    Roger N. Scoon in The Geotraveller
    Chapter 2021
  13. Introduction

    This introduction makes the case for the importance of pedagogy and the training of future instructors of global politics. It argues that emerging...
    Chapter 2020
  14. Terrestrial Cave and Lava Tube Research

    The NASA Centers and their contractors have ongoing multidisciplinary studies and projects involving exploration of the MoonMoon and Mars, some of...
    Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried in From Cave Man to Cave Martian
    Chapter 2019
  15. The “China Sky Eye” Explores the Universe

    The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or the FAST for short, known as the “China Sky Eye”, is the world’s largest and most sensitive...
    Haiyan Zhang, Lei Qian, ... Xiaobing Chen in The Sky Eye
    Chapter 2021
  16. Disposal

    The responsible handling of the radiating legacies of nuclear energy is one of the major unsolved problems of today’s energy industry. In contrast...
    Dirk Eidemüller in Nuclear Power Explained
    Chapter 2021
  17. The Mountain and Its Madness

    Please note that Figs. “2.1–2.8, 2.10–2.12” are not cross-referred in the text.
    Michael Carroll, Rosaly Lopes in Antarctica: Earth's Own Ice World
    Chapter 2019
  18. Spacecraft, Landers, Rovers and Payloads

    There are now many activities underway concerning Artemis, including those of NASA Centers and its aerospace contractors, extending from the ground...
    Manfred ”Dutch” von Ehrenfried in The Artemis Lunar Program
    Chapter 2020
  19. The Scientist

    As “King of the Aesthetes,” Wilde is often presumed to have distinguished his intellectual output from the more objective and concrete methods of the...
    Kimberly J. Stern in Oscar Wilde
    Chapter 2019
  20. Interpretation in Time

    Seismic interpreter: that’s how I prefer to describe my professional skill. But on company organisation charts and employment contracts I am reported...
    Tim Daley in A Play for Oil
    Chapter 2018
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