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Case-insensitive ext4 [LWN.net]
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Case-insensitive ext4

Case-insensitive ext4

Posted Mar 28, 2019 7:28 UTC (Thu) by patrakov (subscriber, #97174)
In reply to: Case-insensitive ext4 by Cyberax
Parent article: Case-insensitive ext4

Wouldn't it simplify things if SAMBA stopped any attempts to export an existing directory tree? I.e. mandate that the only way to make a new file exported is to copy it in via the SMB protocol, quite possibly from localhost. Keep filenames opaque, keep files in a clearly-private area, teach users not to mess with them (like they don't directly mess with MySQL files). Keep whatever attributes Windows needs in some sort of a database.

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Case-insensitive ext4

Posted Mar 28, 2019 7:35 UTC (Thu) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

This is doable and is fairly easy, given that Samba has a well-defined pluggable VFS layer.

But this will break a ton of other software that wants to directly modify the disk files. It will also mean that Linux's VFS is inadequate for a fairly common use-case.

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