I'm not a fan of ITV at all and almost gave this a miss.
I thought it was very well written, extremely well acted and thought provoking.
I'm a mental health crisis nurse and I see victims of this often, sadly.
I cried at various points at the sheer lack of empathy or feeling for a fellow human being. I'm a male and not ashamed to say that.
I class the bullies as having a psychopathic disorder or are just plain bad. There is no excuse however.
Unfortunately many of these people with these traits make it to the top of business and government.
As I say to my patients, NO job is worth that.
If anyone is reading this who is enduring that type of situation, TALK to someone about it, not a friend or family member necessarily but a professional.
With the lack of service provision many churches now have coffee shop drop ins and it's not about religion but sensible people who will listen and signpost.
Due to all the cuts to services a GP counselling appointment is weeks in the waiting but at least get the ball rolling.
Do not suffer alone.
The CAB are very good, as are ACAS.
This highlighted to me the absolute importance of being kind, for example when he went to the GP reception, we just never know how much stress any one is under at any given time.
We'll done to all involved in this.