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Seems some reviewers take this far too seriously
Evidently several reviewers who pan this show as "unrealistic" have never seen any of today's mega-hit action movies. They are all "unrealistic", "over the top", etc. They make no attempt to be realistic. They focus on being FUN.

An LA Times movie critic called this show "ridiculous, but fun". EXACTLY!!! If you want realism, watch a documentary. This show is intended to provide entertainment, pure and simple, and on that score I give it high marks. All of the actors are archetypes of the character types that they portray, and at that they seem to me to all excel. They are no different than the superhero genre of films that are raking in so many $$$ at the box office today.


Some things just make so little sense they're hard to ignore
The premise is absurd to begin with, since not only does the power go out, but autos stop running, etc. Makes no sense.

Most of the story takes place 10 years after the power went out, and people are wandering around with not so much as a backpack, yet the men are always clean-shaven, everyone's hair remains neatly groomed and, though they never change or wash their clothing it remains clean; and isn't frayed after 10 years!! Makes no sense.

I've tried to like this show because some of the actors are capable, and do a good job, but the premise is so implausible, and the plots equally so, that I just can't watch it anymore.

Parenthood: If This Boat Is a Rockin'
Episode 8, Season 2

A typical involving and involved storyline that keeps you interested
As with every episode of this wonderful (at least IMHO), involving family drama, the plot lines all read true, at least to those of us who grew up in the middle class. This episode follows the evolving romances of Crosby and Sarah Braverman, both not quite normal - which makes them oh-so-normal - and therefore most interesting, and the budding romance of high school girl Haddie, plus a few other minor subplots that carry over from episode to episode. There's none of the formulaic character to these plot lines, so you never know quite where things are headed.

As I've said in reviews of earlier episodes, so many of the things that happen on "Parenthood" are things that I've seen, heard of, or personally experienced in my time on this planet, which I can't say of many shows on TV. The more I watch the show, the more richly layered things become.

In Treatment: Frances: Week One
Episode 2, Season 3

It was great to see Ms Winger again
The fact that Debra Winger is herself an actress who's been out of the spotlight for quite a while adds verisimilitude to her role here as the very same. Always an excellent actress since her breakout role in "An Officer and a Gentleman" and her magnificent performance in "Terms of Endearment", she adds to her acting chops here in the role of an aging actress --Winger is 55 -- who is not having trouble remembering her lines, and fears the worst due to her family medical history. Byrne's performance is, as always in this series, a mixture of understatement and fiery passion when he feels challenged. I'm looking forward to the further development of Winger's "Frances" in future weeks.


One of the few shows ever I'd class as "authentic"
A new show with Peter Krause and Craig T. Nelson in the cast demanded at least a look, though if it weren't for the DVR I might have passed on it since it's on at the same time as the excellent "The Good Wife". Fortuitous indeed that I did because it strikes me as pure genius in writing and casting.

This show makes me laugh. This show makes me weep. Most important, it makes me smile in recognition of so many scenes that I recognize as things that happened to or around me. Of particular note along this line are the times in family "discussions" when everyone is talking and no one is listening. I don't recall another show that has done this, and it's sooo true to life.

The casting matches the writing so well that I can't imagine another actor in any of the parts. This show is definitely in my all-time top 10; maybe even top 5. Do yourself a favor and watch "Parenthood".

Modern Family

The funniest, most believable comedy in years
Because I have not one, but two, DVRs I'm able to give all the new shows a chance, which I did with "Modern Family". Am I ever glad I did!! I have found that everything about this show is believable. Though the situations that occur during any given half-hour show would obviously never all happen in that short a stretch, I have no difficulty in believing that they would all happen. I never feel that anyone's exaggerating to draw a laugh or milking a laugh. It's just the only "laugh out loud for the whole show" on TV today. It is, IMHO, the funniest show since MASH, and that's saying some.

There are some parallels to another of my favorites, the little appreciated "Arrested Development", "Modern Family" has its own unique flavor; and the flavor is . . . hilarious!!!

The Invention of Lying

A pleasant way to spend 100 minutes
The two parts of the movie are quite different and in some cases both parts may not appeal to everyone. The first part, which is just long enough for my taste had everyone telling the truth at all times about everything, with one notable exception. They equated the 1300s with the 13th century, which is of course not correct. But this likely won't bother many people. Seeing a world with nothing but the truth means no fiction and no "little white lies". Quite boring and brutal, really. The part that's poking fun at religion may not be some people's cup of tea, but I suspect that these are those not secure enough in their beliefs to allow them to be challenged, no matter how humorously. To see what Gervais does with a pizza box is nearly worth the price of a ticket.

All in all, not a classic movie, but a much better way to spend one's day than many of the other movies out there today.

Shanghai Knights

People who comment about "factual errors" in a fictional comedy
Far too many people seem concerned that the author of a comedy set in the late 19th century - or any time, in fact - doesn't adhere to facts. Isn't that why it's fictional? Give us a break and stop reporting that the type of button on Joe Blow's shirt wasn't used until 1892 and this movie is "set" in 1878 and so the button can't be used. Try enjoying it as a comedy and not worry about this meaningless "stuff". Nobody but you cares about such minutia. The rest of the world is too busy laughing to care if Charlie Chaplin was really alive at the time of the movie, or the movie industry existed or Arthur Conan Doyle was ever a police detective for Scotland Yard. The movie was a blast, and these deviations from history are part of what made it so.

Raising the Bar

A show that deserves much more attention than it has received
The first season was OK, but the second season sparkles. The stories are solid, with usually three or four sub-plots that wrap up during the episode, plus the continuing story arcs regarding the major characters. Gosselar continues and improves upon his work in NYPD Blue. Gloria Reuben is her usual solid self. Jonathan Scarfe was a surprise to me, having never seen him before, while Currie Graham plays his usual sour but solid guy.

I'm less taken with Jane Kazmarek, whose character is neither nice nor nasty enough to be a treat. The supporting characters beyond those mentioned above all do an adequate or better job, with the two female attorneys -- one for the DA's office and the other for the Public Defender's -- provide eye-candy and do a good job.

The fact that New York City has no Public Defender's office, with that role taken by the Legal Aid Society, seems an odd twist on reality to have taken, given that using the proper group would not seem to have changed the show at all.

All in all, I look forward to each episode.

Extreme Measures

Too many inexplicable plot devices to be truly good
According to this plot an FBI agent and an NYPD cop spend all of their time performing (mostly) illegal acts on behalf of a private corporation performing highly illegal work involving kidnapping and murder. It bothered me throughout the movie. There is also the doctor, Jeff, who seemed pretty clearly to be doing things to help hide the same illegal acts, who, at the end of the movie is somehow miraculously NOT involved at all, with no explanation.

There are many good points to the movie, and Grant seems fine as a New York ER doc, far from his usual roles. Gene Hackman is as wonderful and believable as always, and David Morse has the cold, hard-bitten lawman down pat. All in all it was worth watching, but could have been better.


A great spy movie even without the over-used suspenseful plot pieces
First of all, I found this movie to be dominated by a powerful performance by Chris Cooper, accompanied by the best Ryan Philippe performance ever by far. The Cooper portrayal shows that his performances of the past few years have been no flukes. That said, I found all the actors to be "dead on" for their parts and the screenplay exceptionally well written. I went because of good reviews and I was not disappointed.

I think the fact that nearly all of us knew the outcome going in, and for those who didn't John Ashcroft himself tells us in the first scene, gives it that touch of the different that makes it shine.

Single White Female

A "cut" above
This movie starts off as one kind of movie, but soon evolves into a "slasher flick" that delivers a real punch. Jennifer Jason Leigh's performance is the star of the film, as she moves from sweet, shy small-town girl in the big city to big league slasher. The fact that most of the violence is telegraphed is a plus, as the creepy dread builds and builds. Well worth your time.

I just saw this movie in July of 2006; long enough after release for any memories of the movie's PR efforts to be not even a distant memory, so I had no expectations. Strong performances by all those with significant roles were still more to enjoy.

Pride & Prejudice

(See the movie before you read this.) Just as Mr. Darcy was bewitched by Elizabeth, I was bewitched by this movie. IMO it's close to perfect. Kira Knightley is radiant, bewitching, enthralling and completely delightful, and all of the other significant characters are "spot-on" as well. Some of the cinematographic devices used, such as the isolation of Elizabeth and Darcy during the second ball are simply inspired. I love this movie!!!

Many movies set in this period are dry and force you to concentrate to follow the dialog. This is just not true of this movie. It moves along at such a sprightly pace that you wonder how two hours could have passed when it's over.

Good Night, and Good Luck.

Not only an engaging, engrossing film, but an important one
As one who was a teenager during the period covered by this film I remember all too vividly the harm done by the deeds of Sen' McCarthy and his henchman, Roy Cohn. Had it not been for the courage of Murrow and Friendly, and the support of CBS boss Paley, they might have done much more. While I watched this film I could not help thinking of the parallels to the Cheney cabal and their deeds how in the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. This film should, IMHO, be required viewing for today's high schoolers who may not be cognizant of the scoundrels taking refuge in patriotism, as typified by Joe McCarthy; and they need to be.

The Interpreter

Interesting, though flawed
It's not most of the many "goofs" listed on this site that are the flaws which bothered m, but the hard to discern and/or decipher plot. Without giving anything away, the Broome character's motivation and actions seem often to be out of sync. One goof that doesn't seem to make any sense is the identification of the characters assigned to protect the foreign dignitary being -- for no apparent reason -- from the Secret Service and not State's Foreign Dignitary Protection Office. There seems to be no plot reason whey this wouldn't work just as well with the proper group.

The ending seems a bit abrupt and seems not to ring true. Despite all this, I enjoyed the movie as I think will most, the acting of Penn and Kidman being enough to "carry the day".

2 Days in the Valley

Too much fun to miss
In addition to the clever plot and delicious acting you get to see very early work by Charlize Theron and James Spader, either of which is worth your time. All of the characters are full-fledged characters, with not a weak link in the chain; and those playing those characters all make the best of it. It's a true ensemble cast, with no one -- with the possible exception of Spader, having a lead role. The story is full of twists, surprises and turnabouts enough to flesh out two or three movies. You can tell that all of these fine actors are enjoying playing the quirky characters we are presented with to make this a true fun romp.

The Shop Around the Corner

A sweet and amusing story
Once you get over the fact that thought the movie is set in Vienna and all of the characters have Austrian-sounding names -- but everyone speaks in English (some accented and some not) -- the story is almost too cute for words; but in a nice way. It's a twist on the now standard, boy meets girl; boy likes girl; girls dislikes boy; girl and boy get together and live . . . you get the picture. The performances by Stewart and Sullivan and the pacing of the movie take you beyond all that and make you root like crazy for boy and girl.

This movie is a classic, and deservedly so, in spite of its very ordinary premise. The whole is a lot more than the sum of the parts in this gem.

Fever Pitch

A genuine movie about genuine people
This movie is about the differences in men and women, not about baseball, though there's a lot of baseball in the movie. It's about how men ARE from Mars and women from Venus when it comes to thought processes, and how that can drive two people who love each other apart. Drew Barrymore is perfect for her part and Jimmy Fallon surprisingly good in his first significant role in a main-stream movie. I found almost every scene ringing true, with only the one in which Drew runs onto the field at Fenway Park seeming a bit of a stretch. For baseball fans and aficionados of odd coincidences a movie based in part on "the curse of the Bambino" and its affect on Red Sox faithful being filmed just as that curse is broken is just a bonus. I found it a very enjoyable movie.

Swing Time

The plot is . . . plot? The plot is unimportant. The dancing is marvelous!!!
This movie contains the very best of Fred and Ginger as a dance team, and what more could you ask of a movie. The plot is nothing more than a device to get them from one dance to another -- and what dancing! If you've read the details of how the numbers were done you'll know that the final number was done as a continuous shot -- on something like take # 40. Astaire evidently insisted that all his dance numbers not only be done that way, but that the shots all included the full figures of both dancers -- the better to appreciate the sheer grace of the two. I'm nearing 70, but hadn't seen this movie -- shot less than a year after I was born -- until August of 2005. Boy what I'd been missing! To say that those two can dance is as much of an understatement as to say that Sinatra could sing. You'll forget all about the ridiculous plot and Fred's goofy looks once the dancing starts. This is a not to be missed movie!!!

Before Sunset

It was just like being there
Not one second of this movie seemed in any way contrived. It was as if I was the proverbial "fly on the wall" listening in on a very plausible, convincing personal conversation between two people who fell in love nine years ago and haven't seen each other since . . . or forgotten each other for so much as a minute. I was totally involved in this movie from near the start until the last minute . . . which is perfectly done. At the end, you know what's going to happen right then, but not where the next few hours will lead. There has to be another update to this story which takes us to where they are in, say, 2009. If the next chapter were to appear, I'd be waiting in line to see it -- along with many, many more who "get" this extraordinary film I'm sure.

The Cooler

How could a movie that started off so well end so badly.
This movie, with fine performances by Macy, Baldwin and up-and-coming Ron Livingston is interesting and well-plotted for the first hour. After that it becomes almost painful to watch, with the final five minutes terminally bad. The premise is that someone can have such bad luck that his mere presence near a gamble on a hot streak will cause the streak to immediately go cold. This strains credulity quite a bit, but when this "cooler" gets a life, he suddenly becomes the opposite of a cooler. This was a bit too much for me, but I could still have lived with it had the ended been more believable and/or understandable.

Give this movie a better ending and you'd really have something. As it is, I'd recommend steering clear of it.

Intolerable Cruelty

Not nearly so good as it could be
For me this movie drops any number of balls that could have led to it being a much better film. The main thing I found is that it appears to be trying very hard to be a 1930s-1940s bedroom farce updated to the 21st century . .. but those films were a product of their time and can't successfully be updated. Society is far too sophisticated today for the over-the-top reactions that worked then to work now. It was very "off-putting" to me. Too bad, because the cast was great and there was much I liked . . . but the totality of the movie-going experience left a large hole in my enjoyment.

The Recruit

An enjoyable ride, though some plot point are a bit hard to swallow.
If you like Pacino action movies you'll love this! Pacino is at his best in this, because he's not "over the top" as he sometimes is, and that's very, very good. Pacino, Farrell and Moynahan are nothing less than sensational in this story where nothing is as it seems -- or is it? I won't spoil the plot by giving anything away. I'll just say, be prepared for some surprises and enjoy the fun -- and three terrific performances.


A delightful romp. Bring on more musicals!!
"Chicago" and "Moulin Rouge" create a longing for more musicals of this quality. I'm old enough to remember when "Music Man", "West Side Story", "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers", "American in Paris" and so many more brought such life, joy and good old fashioned fun to the movies. For those of you who don't remember those days, I hope they're upon us again. I've heard some nits picked about Renee not being a really good singer, or Gere not a good dancer. These people miss the point. They're both excellent in their roles and that is the point!

Femme Fatale

Not, perhaps, a great movie, but great fun
This movie keeps your attention 100% of the time, whether it's to read the captions to see what's going on or to figure out what the hell's happening and where you are. Rebecca Romijn-Stamos establishes herself as a major film presence in this movie. When she's on the screen, it's hard to keep your eyes off her.

The twists and turns and the searing performance of Romijn-Stamos will keep you engaged the the near-2 hours it runs, and you'll leave not quite sure what you've experienced, but glad you did.

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