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The Minus Man

I speculated with a friend and thought about it all night
Spoilers- I believe this is the first movie to ever make me think for hours upon end after watching. And I have seen more than my share of movies. Ok where do I even begin? One of the most interesting scenes to me was when he was having dinner at Ferrin's house and after he attacked her he rolls into this little ball on her carpet. It makes me wonder along with everything else he does, what kind of a childhood he had. I talked with my ex-roommate who councels people in group therapy sessions and she and I speculated nearly all night on what kinds abuse he suffered or what kinds of things he saw or experienced as a child. Was killing his way of helping people? And why was sex or love expressed so violently by a gentle and likeable man who handled even his murder victims so delicately? We speculated more. What is really scary is that I could almost identify with the guy. We also speculated that there must have been something he could see in his victims that reminded himself of the things he hated about his own persona. Things he wanted to kill. Like I compare the young football player with his father to maybe himself and the outside world.The bar chick and her addiction lead me to believe that maybe he was addicted to his killing and the business man in the diner was eating by himself and maybe he was eating by himself. Maybe he was lonely.

What were his parents like? We could ony speculate but it seemed to us that the reason he cleaned his landlord's room and no other roomin the house was maybe he was trying to clean up his image of his parents in his mind. And then there were some things we could even speculate on. Like when he is delivering mail and he talked about the smells coming from each house and he said he would leave them unexplored. Was he maybe thinking of entering these people's homes? I agree with another comment in saying that even though what he did was horrendous, I still wanted him to be ok. Hell, I could go on forever but all I know is is when the mail is shoved through the window of my door this movie is always brought to mind.

The Buccaneers

Fine Work!
This film was magnificent and nothing short of breath taking. You know when you've got the talents of Mira Sorvino and Alison Elliot (Spitfire Grill) you can't go wrong. Not only were these actresses brilliant and believable, in their wretched marital situations, but I was also able to discover the talents of Cherie Lunghi and Carla Gugino. Gugino, especially shined as the philosophical and impetuous, Nan. Lush settings and beautiful costumes were just the crowing touches to this film that illustrated, wonderfully and very accurately, the foreign social customs of England and the USA in the 1870's. It also showed me how cruel it can sometimes be when the most crucial decisions in life are given to the young and innocent. Splendid entertainment and with all confidence I can truly say that this film is one of closest films to reach to perfection that I have ever seen.

The Haunting

Kudos to star power and a scene that scared me
There was a scene that frightened me, but just one scene. It was when Nell was lying in her bed and Hugh Crain's dark ominous shadow drifted over her bed from the window. Chilling. The house was cool and creepy too. Hey if anything watch it for the stars. Neeson and Wilson especially. Could have been so much more though. 6 out of 10.

Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas

It just didn't seem to fit
Don't get me wrong this was not a bad movie, I just didn't think that it fit somehow. It didn't seem like a sequel or the "missing middle chunk" of the beloved cartoon. The first film, to me, seemed to have been set in the middle to late fall, I can stretch my imagination and see it possibly being November but not December. I think they could have made Forte' much more interesting and menacing and Fife was cute, but I think the real kudos goes to Haley Joel Osment's Chip. Paige O'Hara's Belle sings a lovely song about story books and this little sequence was charming, but still it seemed to lack the essence that made the original so magical. I rarely watch these Disney sequels anyhow due to the animation not being what it's like in the originals. I took a gamble and watched this and it was good, but nothing like the first and finest.

Midnight Madness

M-E-A-T-M-A-C-H-I-N-E...Meat Machine...Meat Machine...Yeah!
I was so suprized to see how many people know this movie! It definatley has cult classic written all over it. I liked the green team. These Blue Ribbon beer guzzlers were out of control. The funniest parts to me were the scenes at the airport and the arcade. It took some imagination to come up with something like this and Leon rules. Why did the yellow team have to win? They were kind of cheesy but I guess it's expected. Anyhow despite this predictable ending and the giggling, chubby twins from the red team (that to me were kind of disturbing) this movie rocks!

Meet the Parents

Stiller's back talk
Alright there are 200+ comments here and I'll keep this one brief. This was incredibly funny. Stiller and DeNiro make a great team. The cat was a little scene stealer. It's was great to see yummy Owen Wilson make a few scenes. Most of all the funniest parts are when Stiller's character is by himself and mimmics Jack's put downs such as "I have n's can you milk me?" when he's alone in the kitchen and while out driving looking for Mr. Jinx he mutters "He's out there without food water or toilet." Very, very funny. I'm looking forward to Meet the Fockers. Peace.

Cast Away

Little Wilson steals the show.
This comment amongst so many others only has one thing to say. Wilson is one of the greatest characters in a movie I have ever seen. Tom Hanks you were in fine form as usual, but Wilson stole the show for me. Excellent movie.

Days of Our Lives

My very favorite couple in the only soap I watch and soap history for that matter!
Jack and Jennifer are the best couple ever in a Soap! I know that Jen is tied up with Collin right now and that Greta is developing feelings for Jack. This is all fine and dandy...but please keep them on the show! Please. I go to college part time and work full time and it's the only current television(out side of a movie I occassionally catch on cable)I watch right now. Seriously, Jack and Jen left me in the mid nineties and two fakes took over their roles and it really took me a while to recoop from this. Matthew Ashford and Melissa Reeves I love you and so do many others. With Jen and Jack's return I am now hooked once again. I miss Carly too, but her departure didn't make me cry as I did in 1993 when I was a junior in high school and I saw Jack (out of guilt for causing his daughter's bone disease) lean over Abby's cradle and say good bye. And also when Jen discovers he's gone and was angry and upset. Ok, I think I made my point. DOOL, Matt and Missy thanks for bringing J and J back. Now we loyal J and J fans can come home from work a watch our taped episodes and see the progression of these two fabulous characters. I wonder what Jack will think of next!


I've never even seen the original...
Not seeing the original, I can't really say that the old one was better or worse. But, it if it is, the 50's version must be a fine piece of work because this charming adaptation was truly a pleasure to watch. I adored this film about a simple girl in love with the unattainable man who is everything to her. The message in this film is what gets me most and I don't remember the exact words but it was basically saying to be careful with obsessions and that they can be illusions. That's so true. Outside of the movie it seemed to me that Julia Ormond and Greg Kinnear had more chemistry than she and Harrison Ford, but that was just my opinion. I really loved this movie and I agree with the other user comment in saying it is truly a one of the best of the 90's. A real gem amidst many awful movies that came out during the past decade. Bravo!


Devil's Foodcake
I saw this show over the weekend and it's a lot of fun. It was better than what I was expecting. I liked all the little clips and the star power in this movie is over the top. If anything boys, watch it for Liz Hurley and girls watch it for Brendan Fraser. Fraser is especially yummy in wish #4 scene.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

My personal favorite
I loved this masterpiece and quite frankly I, too found Mary Poppins (although I love Julie Andrews and Dick VanDyke) to be silly and sacrine-sweet. Angela Lansbury plays her character to perfection and I don't know why people think of this film as distorted. It was magical and it was lots of fun to watch. Every scene held a certain charm as you got to know the characters better. You truly see how this little thrown together family learn to bond with each other, despite their age and differences. I thought the characters were well developed, especially Charles who was at "The Age of not Believing". Mary Poppins may be more popular and cherished by others but this little gem will be the one that I will always love and cherish.

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story

This movie was not horribly bad, but then again, it pales greatly in comparison with the other two. I will agree with the other comments in stating that Anne and Gilbert should of had more screen time together. And I agree with marydeca@yahoo.com whole-heartedly about her comments about Jack Garrison. I don't normally feel this way about characters in a movie, but I HATED the guy. Anne would never like him in a thousand years. He's a disgusting liar for one thing and womanizer...Ick!Poor Gilbert! To even have this guy as a threat to his relationship with Anne has to be an insult. I also didn't care for Green Gables being turned into a shanty and then burned. It almost made me cry and at this part of the film I longed for warm and homey Green Gables in the first two films. This movie does not stink however. Believe it or not there are some good aspects to the movie. First of all I praise Kevin Sullivan for casting "Looking for Miracles"' Greg Spottiswood in the role of Fred. He gave the smug and boring character some life. It was also a treat to see him again in another Sullivan film. Anne was still Anne (although she was more calm and mature) and Gilbert was still Gilbert. However, all this film really did for me was long for the first two installments and leave the story ending with Anne and Gilbert on that bridge with their future ahead of them. That was the ending that left a warm feeling in my heart. This one I'm afraid left me cold.

Miracle of the Heart: A Boys Town Story

Heart warming tale about redemption
A long time ago this came on television in the 80's. It was and still is a very true to life story about a mixed up teen, who after stealing a car for a joyride, lands himself at Boystown. It is here where he learns who he really is and with the aid of caring adults and the brotherhood of the boys he boards with, that he learns his self-worth. Casey Siemazsko was remarkable as Andy Grainger and Art Carney was powerful as Father O' Halloran. It's too bad they don't make TV movies like this anymore. This film is down to earth and heartfelt.If you can find this one on the net or in a used video store I strongly recommend this one...there's a really great story of a young man's life turned around here.

The Poseidon Adventure

Poseidon IS King of the Sea
This movie is my ultimate disaster flick and even though I really liked Titanic. This one, as others have said IS better and I'll tell you why. In Titanic we have just one story going, where as in this one we have several. The subtle budding romance between Nonnie and Mr. Martin was very interesting to watch. I thought they were a rather odd pairing at first, but it worked seeing how they both needed each other. Linda Rogo was my favorite character. She knew what to say and how to say it. She even told her pompus husband off a few times. The fact that she's an ex-prostitute and her husband being the cop that arrested her made their story rather interesting. Mr. Rogo and the Preacher's quarrels were amusing and heated. I liked the Rosens, they were the strong ones and you could truly see the love they had for one another. The kid was annoying, but useful and I really enjoyed the sexual tension between Susan and the Preacher. Their scenes were my favorite. This movie has a cast of truly rich characters that were more entertaining to watch than the actual effects. Ah! The good old days where character development and an actual plot outweigh the special effects and the disaster itself. 9 out of 10.

America's Sweethearts

Julia Roberts saved this farce
*Spoilers*This was film was quite promising for about the first half hour and then I found myself crossing my fingers and hoping it would get a lot better, but...it didn't. I found this film be quite bizarre actually. Julia Roberts of course was charming once again in this film about a couple who starred in several films together and then they have a break up. A classic Hollywood scenario that plays both on and off the silver screen. But even Julia's sweet character, (the sister to conceided movie star Gwen Harrison) who seemed a little more real that other screen heriones in recent films couldn't save this one for me. John Cusack was charming and Jones was relativley good but it's like you have these well developed characters (played by fine actors) and you throw them in choppy story where they seem to just float around until something pulls them down for a bit. Like the romance between Roberts and Cusack could had a few more scenes with them getting to know each other a little more. They spend more time apart it seemed than together. Robert's talents, instead were wasted playing second fiddle to Jones' more annoying character. The most difficult thing to sit through however, was the strange part where they're viewing the couple's film at last and it winds up being an idea ripped from the Real World. And all this was contrived by a eccentric director whose work was well respected in Hollywood. It had some good moments, but sorry this one just didn't sit well with me after watching it.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

The first one rocked, this one sucked
**Spoiler**I loved the first Austin Powers so much! What happened? Vanessa (played by the lovely Liz Hurley) was the perfect girl for him! She's a fem-bot!? Common! And then Austin acts like it was nothing when she blows up. Austin really cared for her in the first one, but in this one he didn't really care at all! I don't think this reaction was consistant with his personality that I adored so much in the first one. This one was not my bag baby!

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Treasured and inspired
This film is the only Christmas show, with the exceptions of "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Holiday Inn" to ever get the entire family to gather into one room and watch it. Like the other comments on this treasured gem, it is a ritual at our house to watch it every year. Among us kids we also loved "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (the stop animation one)and "Nester the Long Eared Donkey". But,Charlie Brown is a character that will stand the test of time and will continue to be cherished in generations to come.My parents had him around when they were kids and so did I and I'm sure he'll be around for my future children.

Finding Forrester

This was alright, but not what I was looking for
First of all before I comment on this film, I must say that Rob Brown (a charming performance as Jamal) and Sean Connory (good form as usual) are a great screen duo. There truly was a great father/teacher, son/student relationship there. Better than I have seen in years. But there were a few things about this film that didn't work for me. It seems to me that in these particular films, with this kind of theme, they tend to indicate that gifted writers have to be geniuses or have an extremely high intellect. I believe that the true source of writing talent really comes from the heart. This film didn't seem say much about this. If it did, I guess I expected more. Writers, however, do need to have some enlightening ideas and be on a higher plane of thinking, but writing emerges from the soul and from life's experiences not from test scores. This film did indicate this remotely with Forrester's family situation from the past, but this film again, didn't elaborate this enough.What bothered me too, was the poor kid being accused of all sorts of crimes like plagiarism. If he has high test scores and attends this school why would they even comment on his work, stating that it was just "too good". His teachers didn't seem to have a lot of faith in him. Even his basketball coach flashes him a dirty look for loosing the big game (seems to me he fails to remember that the kid scored a perfect winning streak previously). Is a private prep school really so stiff and formal that they would disqualify Jamal's work (for supposed plagiarism again), and then humiliate him in front of his peers by making him read an apology during the contest? I wouldn't know personally, but it seems to me that poor Jamal just couldn't get a break. Mr.Forrester, even flings a few arrows at the poor guy at times. A good attempt of displaying a kid's dream coming true, but I found myself a little crestfallen after such high hopes of inspiration.

One True Thing

Poignant and heartfelt
I have not cried this much in a movie since, Tearms of Endearment and have not been so emotionally moved in a movie since, The Prince of Tides or Steel Magnolias. Renee Zellweger (I hope I got the spelling right) was absolutely flawless in her role as the chick journalist who idolizes her father and rolls her eyes at her mother. Her multi-layered character kept me hooked and the fine performance by Meryl Streep was the icing on the cake. This movie has literally changed my life and my priorities. For me it is a story where the characters really see what the most important thing in life is...family.

Baby Geniuses

I was flipping through some channels a couple of weeks ago and stumbled onto this one on cable. What was this film? Who came up with it? Yikes!I coudn't even watch this whatever it is for 15 minutes! I normally like to see what happens at the end of shows I find on cable, even if I vow to never see them again. Who came up with this? Normally I don't like to slam movies, because I hate antihype, but this movie really was lame. Who came up with this? All the talking babies really did was kinda give me the creeps. Ick.


What will they think of next?
For Hitchcock it was birds, for the 70's (Jaws) it was sharks. In 80's (Arachniphobia) we had spiders. Now bats. With each species the films get worse and worse. Well, you know what I'm doing to do? I'm going to come up with something here. Humm, let's see here...well there's jellyfish, elephants oh, I know bees...Yes! I think bees are kinda scary. I'll just sit at my computer for 20 minutes and write a script about killer bees. I'll set the story in a small Mid-western town and have these bees rain terror on a bunch of small-town folk! This is so cool how all this is just coming to me! Now what's a state that has not been used...hummm...Nebraska, yeah Nebraska. Now then I'll have a sexy scientist character come to my little made-up Nebraska town to investigate...no wait, how about an FBI agent with a background in insect study?! I'll make several million off this and retire at the age of 24. Sheesh.

PS Lou Diamond Phillips I still love you

First Knight

It's not that bad!
I don't agree that this a horribly bad film. People really do like to crucify this film and I don't know why. Anyone ever see Mannequin 2:On the Move, Aliens Go Home or Bats? This film surpasses all those stinkers. But I must say,however I can see where people are saying that it could have been so much more. Although Richard Gere is a fine actor, I believe they could have chosen someone who fit the role of Lancelot, a little better. Someone younger. Gere's performance also seemed a little stiff, and they could have chosen someone else with a little more spunk. Sean Connery too seemed out of place, although he is one is the finest actors of our day. He was much too old to play Arthur. Julia Ormond, however, was perfect for Gueniviere. She really was a delight to watch and brought a certain dignity to the character. Her classy acting and presence seemed to fit the story best amidst her misfit co-stars. I will agree however, that the costumes were a little off. The peasants were wearing costumes that seemed to much too new and nicely kept. The scenery, however was breathtaking and and theme of this movie is very romantic.It's no four star movie but common folks this movie was not all THAT bad. I give it a 7 out of 10.

Mansfield Park

It's up there with the others
I too was leary of this film, being that critics said it was a little racier than other film adaptations. These other adaptations being unsurpassed. Of course we have the wonderful masterpiece, Sense and Sensibility, (fine work given to us from the gifted actress and writer Emma Thompson), the charming Persuasion from the BBC which was brought to life by the remarkable talents of actors; Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root, two spectacular Emmas that both boast great actresses; Kate Beckensale and Gweneth Paltrow. And at last who can ever forget the fantastic mini series of Pride and Prejudice (also from the BBC) which is the finest of all. But Mansfield Park too, is up there with the rest. Frances O'Connor played Fanny Price to perfection and the characters in this adaptation, in my opinion, were very true to the novel. This version did creep away form the novel, but it wandered in the best direction. Sumptuous acting and cinematography paved the way for this visionary splendor and the romance between Fanny and Edmond was every bit as poignant as it was in the book. Mary Crawford and Henry Crawford had a very earthy presence in the film masked by early 19th century demeanor and these characters (you know the ones who love to hate and for a moment I even pitied Henry a bit until...)were played wonderfully by Embeth Davitz and Alessandro Nivola. Truly a treat to watch again and again. 8 out of 10.

The American President

Bias political opinions ruined this one for me...
I claim to be neither democrat or republican, but I must say that this movie completely seemed to me that it was saying, "Democrat-good, Republican-bad". Common guys, I understand the brutality of a Presidential Campaign, but really a film should be about a story that entertains and enlightens, not about who's right and who's wrong in someone else's opinion. I praise Michael J. Fox for his wonderful acting and the romantic story was really very charming. I enjoyed those parts, but sorry it was just a little too political for me. 6.5 out of 10.

Shanghai Noon

Jackie Chan, Sexy Cowboys and Indians, explosions and a kidnapped Princess, who could ask for more?
Minor-Spoilers.Despite other negative reviews I found this movie to be quite entertaining. I love Jackie Chan flicks and this film was more than fun to watch for me. It has action (superb action at that), wonderful romance (the romance between The Princess and Wang especailly), a tough-ass Princess who's not just another stereo-typical, innocent and helpless wimp, a cool Indian chick who can whoop any cowboy's butt and finally, Owen Wilson, who looked pretty darn good in his cowboy threads (he's not only really good looking here, but he can act too, and he does it well). The buddy relationship between O'Bannon and Wang was charming, one of the best commradories in a western I have ever seen. Even though Owen Wilson is some serious eye candy here, my favorite scene was when Wang finds the Chinese camp and speaks to the Princess and she tells him she can do more for the people in America than back in China. Any history buff can tell you that the Chinese were treated poorly in the West (although in the flick their grief as brought on by one of their own). This film was a pleasure to watch and I really liked the blend of all the different cultures. 9 out of 10.

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