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Fellow of the Royal Society - MacTutor History of Mathematics

Fellows of the Royal Society of London

The list of fellows given below is only those scientists elected Fellows of the Royal Society whose biographies appear in the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, together with some present day mathematicians. The list also gives their date of their election to the Society.

1663 - 1749

William Brouncker 1663
Robert Boyle 1663
John Wilkins 1663
Isaac Barrow 1663
Robert Hooke 1663
William Neile 1663
John Pell 1663
John Wallis 1663
Christopher Wren 1663
Christiaan Huygens 1663
Nicolaus Mercator 1666
Ismael Boulliau 1667
John Collins 1667
James Gregory 1668
Isaac Newton 1672
Jean D Cassini 1672
Gottfried W von Leibniz 1673
Renatus F Sluze 1674
Jonas Moore 1674
John Flamsteed 1676
Edmond Halley 1678
Denis Papin 1682
Joseph Raphson 1689
David Gregory 1692
Vincenzo Viviani 1696
Abraham de Moivre 1697
Jacques Cassini 1698
John Keill 1700
John Arbuthnot 1704
Guido Grandi 1709
Giovanni Poleni 1710
John Machin 1710
John Craig 1711
William Jones 1711
Roger Cotes 1711
Brook Taylor 1712
Johann Bernoulli 1712
Nicolaus (I) Bernoulli 1714
Pierre Varignon 1714
Willem Jakob 'sGravesande 1715
Pierre R de Montmort 1715
John Hadley 1717
Thomas F de Lagny 1718
Nicholas Saunderson 1719
Colin Maclaurin 1719
Giulio Fagnano 1723
Edmund Stone 1725
James Stirling 1726
Benjamin Robins 1727
Samuel Clarke 1728
Pierre L M de Maupertuis 1728
Joseph Privat de Molières 1729
Louis B Castel 1730
Bernard le B de Fontenelle 1733
Johann G Doppelmayr 1733
Alexis C Clairaut 1737
Johann A Segner 1738
Georges L L Buffon 1740
François Jacquier 1741
Thomas Bayes 1742
Giovanni F M S Castillon 1745
Thomas Simpson 1745
Leonard Euler 1747
Charles M de La Condamine 1748
Jean le R d'Alembert 1748
Gabriel Cramer 1749

1750 - 1849

Pierre Bouguer 1750
Daniel Bernoulli 1750
William Braikenridge 1752
Louis A de Bougainville 1756
Benjamin Franklin 1756
Paolo Frisi 1757
Nevil Maskelyne 1758
Roger J Boscovich 1761
Edward Waring 1763
Samuel Vince 1763
Matthew Stewart 1764
John Landen 1766
Francis Maseres 1771
Charles Hutton 1774
George Atwood 1776
Jesse Ramsden 1786
Pierre S Laplace 1789
Abraham G Kaestner 1789
Joseph L M Lagrange 1791
Jean B J Delambre 1791
Simon Lhuilier 1791
Thomas Young 1794
David Rittenhouse 1795
Robert Woodhouse 1802
Carl F Gauss 1804
John Playfair 1807
Edward Troughton 1810
John F W Herschel 1813
James Ivory 1815
Jean-Baptiste Biot 1815
Charles Babbage 1816
George Peacock 1818
Gaspard C F M R de Prony 1818
Nathaniel Bowditch 1818
Francois J D Arago 1818
Siméon D Poisson 1818
Benjamin Gompertz 1819
Miles Bland 1821
Peter Barlow 1823
Jean B J Fourier 1823
Friedrich W Bessel 1825
Augustin J Fresnel 1825
André M Ampère 1827
Giovanni A Plana 1827
Griffith Davies 1831
William H F Talbot 1831
Augustin L Cauchy 1832
Carl G J Jacobi 1833
George B Airy 1836
John Hymers 1838
James J Sylvester 1839
Lambert A J Quetelet 1839
Felix Savart 1839
Jacques Sturm 1840
Georges S Ohm 1842
Jean V Poncelet 1842
William Donkin 1842
James MacCullagh 1843
Urbain J J Le Verrier 1847
John C Adams 1849

1850 - 1899

Joseph Liouville 1850
Wilhelm E Weber 1850
George G Stokes 1851
William Thomson 1851
Arthur Cayley 1852
Benjamin Peirce 1852
William J M Rankine 1853
William Spottiswoode 1853
Michel Chasles 1854
Gustav L Dirichlet 1855
Julius Plücker 1855
George Boole 1857
Thomas P Kirkman 1857
Louis Poinsot 1858
Hermann L F von Helmholtz 1860
Francis Galton 1860
Thomas A Hirst 1861
James C Maxwell 1861
Henry J S Smith 1861
Isaac Todhunter 1862
Franz Neumann 1862
Charles W Merrifield 1863
George Salmon 1863
Ernst E Kummer 1863
J Léon Foucault 1864
John H Pratt 1866
Georg F B Riemann 1866
Rudolph J E Clausius 1868
Charles E Delaunay 1869
Joseph A F Plateau 1870
Stephen Parkinson 1870
William S Jevons 1872
Edward J Routh 1872
John W Strutt (Rayleigh) 1873
Charles Hermite 1873
William K Clifford 1874
Olaus M F E Henrici 1874
Joseph L F Bertrand 1875
John Casey 1875
Gustav R Kirchhoff 1875
James W L Glaisher 1875
Osborne Reynolds 1877
Simon Newcomb 1877
Pafnuty Chebyshev 1877
Norman Ferrers 1877
Luigi Cremona 1879
George H Darwin 1879
Carl W von Weierstrass 1881
Alfred B Kempe 1881
Henry Watson 1881
George F Fitzgerald 1883
Percival Frost 1883
John Venn 1883
Leopold Kronecker 1884
Horace Lamb 1884
Felix Klein 1885
Andrew R Forsyth 1886
Charles V Boys 1888
Percy A MacMahon 1890
Walter F R Weldon 1890
Oliver Heaviside 1891
Joseph Larmor 1892
William Burnside 1893
Ernest W Hobson 1993
Heni Poincaré 1894
August E H Love 1894
Micaiah Hill 1894
Sophus Lie 1895
Arthur Downing 1896
Karl Pearson 1896
Gösta Mittag-Leffler 1896
Josiah W Gibbs 1897
George B Mathews 1897
Henry F Baker 1898
Ernest W Brown 1898
Henry Taylor 1898
Ludwig Boltzmann 1899

1900 - 1939

Thomas Muir 1900
Hector M Macdonald 1901
Gaston Darboux 1902
George W Hill 1902
Alfred N Whitehead 1903
Alfred C Dixon 1904
Charles Joly 1904
Gilbert Walker 1904
John E Campbell 1905
Edmund T Whittaker 1905
Hendrik A Lorentz 1905
Thomas J L'A Bromwich 1906
James H Jeans 1906
William H Young 1907
Bertrand A W Russell 1908
C Emile Picard 1909
Godfrey H Hardy 1910
Vito Volterra 1910
Thomas L Heath 1912
John C Fields 1913
Arthur S Eddington 1914
Thomas Havelock 1914
John E Littlewood 1916
D'Arcy Thompson 1916
Srinivasa Ramanujan 1918
Sydney Chapman 1919
George N Watson 1919
Camille Jordan 1919
John R Rydberg 1919
Cargill Gilston Knott 1920
Henry Plummer 1920
Albert Einstein 1921
George U Yule 1921
Louis J Mordell 1924
Leonard J Rogers 1924
Harold Jeffreys 1925
Joseph Proudman 1925
Niels H D Bohr 1926
Max Planck 1926
Arnold Sommerfeld 1926
George B Jeffery 1926
Edward A Milne 1926
Lewis F Richardson 1926
Harry Bateman 1928
Francis S Macaulay 1928
David Hilbert 1928
Ronald A Fisher 1929
Paul A M Dirac 1930
Tullio Levi-Civita 1930
Edward C Titchmarsh 1931
Griffith Davies 1931
Douglas R Hartree 1932
Herbert W Turnbull 1932
Jacques Hadamard 1932
Joseph H M Wedderburn 1933
Vilhelm Bjerknes 1933
Abram S Besicovitch 1934
Henri L Lebesgue 1934
Alfred Young 1934
Alexander C Aitken 1936
Hermann Weyl 1936
Lancelot Hogben 1936
Sydney Goldstein 1937
William V D Hodge 1938
Max Born 1939
Maxwell H A Newman 1939
Evan Williams 1939

1940 - 1965

Harold Davenport 1940
Philip Hall 1942
Ivan M Vinogradov 1942
William Greaves 1943
George F J Temple 1943
S Chandrasekhar 1944
J Henry Whitehead 1944
Albert E Ingham 1945
William G Penney 1946
Archibald Richardson 1946
Theodor von Kármán 1946
Mary L Cartwright 1947
Elie J Cartan 1947
Kurt Mahler 1948
John A Todd 1948
Frank Yates 1948
L E J Brouwer 1948
John Whittaker 1949
Erwin Schrödinger 1949
Graham Sutton 1949
H S M Coxeter 1950
Leslie Howarth 1950
Hans A Heilbronn 1951
Alan M Turing 1951
Freeman J Dyson 1952
William McCrea 1952
A Cyril Offord 1952
John C Burkill 1953
Michael James Lighthill 1953
Louis V P R de Broglie 1953
Wolfgang Pauli 1953
Thomas Cherry 1954
Arthur G Walker 1955
Werner Heisenberg 1955
Walter K Hayman 1956
Hans Bethe 1957
Fred Hoyle 1957
Harry R Pitt 1957
Satyendranath Bose 1958
Graham Higman 1958
Hermann Bondi 1959
Bernhard Neumann 1959
C Ambrose Rogers 1959
Klaus F Roth 1960
Lev Landau 1960
Douglas G Northcott 1961
Solomon Lefschetz 1961
Michael Atiyah 1962
John W S Cassels 1963
J Frank Adams 1964
David G Kendall 1964
Andrei N Kolmogorov 1964
Edward F Collingwood 1965
Keith Stewartson 1965
Richard P Feynman 1965

1966 - 1989

André Weil 1966
Thomas Brooke Benjamin 1966
Peter Swinnerton-Dyer 1967
Ioan M James 1968
Douglas S Jones 1968
David Rees 1968
Kurt Gödel 1968
J Anthony H Halsbury 1969
James H Wilkinson 1969
C Terence C Wall 1969
Frank F Bonsall 1970
Eugene P Wigner 1970
John F C Kingman 1971
Henri Cartan 1971
John Bell 1972
Bryan J Birch1972
Roger Penrose 1972
Fritz J Ursell 1972
Alan Baker 1973
Harish-Chandra 1973
Stephen W Hawking 1974
Jean-Pierre Serre 1974
Arthur Erdelyi 1975
E Christopher Zeeman 1975
Albrecht Fröhlich 1976
John Hammersley 1976
John R Ringrose 1977
Israel M Gelfand1977
Barry E Johnson 1978
Richard Rado 1978
Ian G Macdonald 1979
John G Thompson 1979
Jerzy Neyman 1979
Paul M Cohn 1980
John H Conway 1981
Michael Berry 1982
Graeme Segal 1982
Evgenii M Lifshitz 1982
Christopher Hooley 1983
George Lusztig 1983
Michael J D Powell 1983
Ian N Sneddon 1983
David Williams 1984
William Parry 1984
John H Coates 1985
James D Murray 1985
Ian C Percival 1985
S S Chern 1985
Simon K Donaldson 1986
Henry K Moffatt 1986
Anthony Spencer 1987
Oliver Penrose 1987
J Alexander Green 1987
William T Tutte 1987
Donald Davies 1987
Vladimir I Arnold 1988
John M Ball 1989
Peter Goddard 1989
Andrew Wiles 1989

1990 - 2019

R C Vaughan 1990
Vaughan Jones 1990
N J Hitchin 1991
K Walters 1991
A M Soward 1991
J A Arthur 1992
I P Grant 1992
J B McLeod 1992
J R Willis 1992
A J MacIntyre 1993
D R Heath-Brown 1993
L E Fraenkel 1993
Franz Kahn 1993
Dusa McDuff 1994
E B Davies 1994
F E Corrigan 1995
F M Leslie 1995
Neil S Trudinger 1997
S R Varadhan 1998
C Atkinson 1998
J R Ockendon 1999
T Gowers 1999
I Stewart 2001
J Barrow 2002
T Tao 2007
D Mumford 2008
G Faltings 2016
R Kerr 2019

MacTutor links:

Royal Society of London
Fellows of the Royal Society
Presidents of the Royal Society
Royal Medal
Sylvester Medal
Copley Medal
Bakerian Lectures

Other Web site:

Royal Society Web site