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folk illness the experience of symptoms that are not identifiable with biomedical categories of disease; causes include natural forces, supernatural factors, interpersonal factors, and emotions. An example is susto, which is a Hispanic term for fright caused by a traumatic experience. Symptoms include listlessness, loss of appetite, and withdrawal. Curanderos (folk healers) treat the illness with prayers, rituals, and laying on of hands.
psychosomatic illness somatoform disorder.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of a body, system, or organ structure or function.
See also: syndrome. Synonym(s): illness, morbus, sickness
2. A morbid entity ordinarily characterized by two or more of the following criteria: recognized etiologic agent(s), identifiable group of signs and symptoms, or consistent anatomic alterations.
See also: syndrome.
[Eng. dis- priv. + ease]


nosophobia, pathophobia.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


a. Poor health resulting from disease of body or mind; sickness.
b. A disease.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


The state of being unwell.

As defined by regulatory agencies—e.g., for the purposes of the US Food and Drug Administration—the term illness may be modified with certain adjectives (e.g., catastrophic, life-threatening, severely debilitating), in order to allow patients to receive experimental drugs which do not have FDA approval.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


The state of being unwell, a term used by regulatory agencies–eg, the FDA, which modifies 'illness' with certain adjectives, in order to allow Pts to receive experimental drugs that do not have FDA approval. See Life-threatening illness, Severely debilitating illness.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of body functions, systems, or organs.
Synonym(s): illness, morbus, sickness.
2. A morbid entity characterized usually by at least two of these criteria: recognized etiologic agent(s), identifiable group of signs and symptoms, or consistent anatomic alterations.
See also: syndrome
[Eng. dis- priv. + ease]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about illness

Q. Is there any way to control the sickness? Hi everybody. I am asking this question from my friend user name. I am 26 and in the first trimester. Whole day sickness hurts me a lot. Smell of any kind of food is horrible. It’s becoming more frustrating; even television commercials make me nauseous. Is there any way to control the sickness?

A. In the first half of pregnancy, sickness and nausea are quite common. For some woman it goes after three months and in very rare cases where woman has the chances of doubles or triplets, nausea and vomiting symptom stays on. Yes, there are ways to control the sickness. Some of them are try to have food in short intervals but make sure not to be hungry. Drink more of fruit juices and water especially lemon. Avoid spicy food and smell that could make you worse. If none of the remedies suggested are going to work out for you, it is better to consult your physician. Hope you get benefited with this.

Q. Is garlic helpful in heart ailments? I have heard that garlic is very good for cardiac health and using in curries or cooked with foods will be helpful. I have also heard that it has anti-inflammatory substances and also helps in weight loss. Is garlic helpful in heart ailments?

A. It acts as antioxidant and reduces the amount of free radicals in your body. It’s helpful once taken raw. But the raw garlic can cause bad breadth and blistering of skin and diarrhea. So, there should be a reduced intake of raw garlic. It’s better to have garlic in a cooked up form like in curries or with vegetables. This will also give the desired benefits of garlic and the side effect of over consumption of garlic will also be reduced.

Q. How is morning sickness treated? I have been suffering from morning sickness all throughout my first 4 weeks of pregnancy. Is there a way to treat morning sickness?

A. Morning sickness during first few weeks of pregnancy is very common. Here is some information about morning sickness and how to deal with it -

More discussions about illness
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References in classic literature ?
Candy's illness gave me an opportunity of putting this doubt to the test.
Candy contemplated doing in the future, if his illness had not got in the way, and stopped him.
Candy's illness, from first to last, not one word about the Diamond escaped his lips.
'Thus far our account of his lordship's illness has been derived from statements made by Lady Montbarry.
Lecount has told you of her visit here, and has no doubt declared that my niece's illness is a mere subterfuge.
I think she is right so far, and I frankly confess that I have exaggerated a nervous indisposition, from which she is really suffering, into a serious illness -- purely and entirely to prevent these two ladies for the present from meeting every day on the Parade, and from carrying unpleasant impressions of each other into your domestic establishment and mine."
Macallan's illness, and about the sudden change which ended in her death.
Gale positively swore that the symptoms of the illness were the symptoms of poisoning by arsenic.
I began to suspect, from what I observed in this way, that the Count had been right about the illness all the way through, and I was naturally confirmed in that idea when Mr.
He would offer no opinion on Miss Halcombe's chances of recovery--he said it was impossible at that stage of the illness to pronounce one way or the other.
You'll bring back your illness again, my dear fellow," Porfiry Petrovitch cackled with friendly sympathy, though he still looked rather disconcerted.
You are ill and he is good and your illness is infectious for him .