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2007-03-31 papers
New Economics Papers
on Market Microstructure
Issue of 2007‒03‒31
five papers chosen by
Thanos Verousis

  1. Realized Correlation Tick-by-Tick By Fulvio Corsi; Francesco Audrino
  2. Preferencing, internalization and inventory position By Lescourret, Laurence; Robert, Christian Y.
  3. Using intraday data to gauge financial market responses to Fed and ECB monetary policy decisions. By Magnus Andersson
  4. Rounding and the impact of news: a simple test of market rationality By Meredith Beechey; Jonathan H. Wright
  5. The Impact of Central Bank Announcements on Asset Prices in Real Time: Testing the Efficiency of the Euribor Futures Market By Carlo Rosa; Giovanni Verga

  1. By: Fulvio Corsi; Francesco Audrino
    Abstract: We propose the Heterogeneous Autoregressive (HAR) model for the estimation and prediction of realized correlations. We construct a realized correlation measure where both the volatilities and the covariances are computed from tick-by-tick data. As for the realized volatility, the presence of market microstructure can induce significant bias in standard realized covariance measure computed with artificially regularly spaced returns. Contrary to these standard approaches we analyse a simple and unbiased realized covariance estimator that does not resort to the construction of a regular grid, but directly and efficiently employs the raw tick-by-tick returns of the two series. Montecarlo simulations calibrated on realistic market microstructure conditions show that this simple tick-by-tick covariance possesses no bias and the smallest dispersion among the covariance estimators considered in the study. In an empirical analysis on S&P 500 and US bond data we find that realized correlations show significant regime changes in reaction to financial crises. Such regimes must be taken into account to get reliable estimates and forecasts.
    Keywords: High frequency data, Realized Correlation, Market Microstructure, Bias correction, HAR, Regimes
    JEL: C13 C22 C51 C53
    Date: 2007–01
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:usg:dp2007:2007-02&r=mst
  2. By: Lescourret, Laurence (ESSEC Business School); Robert, Christian Y. (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE))
    Abstract: We present a model of market-making in which dealers differ by their current inventory positions and by their preferencing agreements. Under preferencing, dealers receive captive orders that they guarantee to execute at the best price. We show that preferencing raises the inventory holding costs of preferenced dealers. In turn, competitors post less aggressive quotes. Since price-competition is softened, expected spreads widen. The entry of unpreferenced dealers, or the ability to route preferenced orders to best-quoting dealers, as internalization does restore price competitiveness. We also show that a greater transparency may negatively affect expected spreads, depending on the scale of preferencing.
    Keywords: Internalization; Inventory Control; Market Microstructure; Preferencing; Transparency
    JEL: D43 L21
    Date: 2006–11
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ebg:essewp:dr-06017&r=mst
  3. By: Magnus Andersson (European Central Bank, Kaiserstrasse 29, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.)
    Abstract: This paper examines bond and stock market volatility reactions in the euro area and the US following their respective economies’ monetary policy decisions, over a uniform sample period (April 1999 to May 2006). For this purpose, intraday data on the US and euro area bond and stock markets are used. A strong upsurge in intraday volatility at the time of the release of the monetary policy decisions by the two central banks is found, which is more pronounced for the US financial markets following Fed monetary policy decisions. Part of the increase in intraday volatility in the two economies surrounding monetary policy decisions can be explained by both news of the level of monetary policy and revisions in the expected future monetary policy path. The observed strong discrepancy between asset price reactions in the US and in the euro area following monetary policy decisions still remains a puzzle, although some tentative explanations are provided in the paper. JEL Classification: E52; E58; G14.
    Keywords: Monetary policy; intraday data.
    Date: 2007–02
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20070726&r=mst
  4. By: Meredith Beechey; Jonathan H. Wright
    Abstract: Certain prominent scheduled macroeconomic news releases contain a rounded number on the first page of the release that is widely cited by newswires and the press and a more precise number in the text of the release. The whole release comes out at once. We propose a simple test of whether markets are paying attention to the rounded or unrounded numbers by studying the high-frequency market reaction to such news announcements. In the case of inflation releases, we find evidence that markets systematically ignore some of the information in the unrounded number. This is most pronounced for core CPI, a prominent release for which the rounding in the headline number is large relative to the information content of the release.
    Date: 2007
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2007-05&r=mst
  5. By: Carlo Rosa; Giovanni Verga
    Abstract: This paper examines the effect of European Central Bank communication on the pricediscovery process in the Euribor futures market using a new tick-by-tick dataset. First, weshow that two pieces of news systematically hit financial markets on Governing Councilmeeting days: the ECB policy rate decision and the explanation of its monetary policy stance.Second, we find that the unexpected component of ECB explanations has a significant andsizeable impact on futures prices. This indicates that the ECB has already acquired somecredibility: financial markets seem to believe that it does what it says it will do. Finally, ourresults suggest that the Euribor futures market is semi-strong form informational efficient.
    Keywords: market efficiency, central bank communication, news shock, tickby-tick Euriborfutures data, event-study analysis.
    JEL: E52 E58 G14
    Date: 2006–12
    URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp0764&r=mst

This issue is ©2007 by Thanos Verousis. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.