(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Ninjatoes' papercraft weblog: April 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You know you're a cartoon character...

...when your feet are actually bigger than your body! ;o)

I changed the texture on Sora's pants, and made the lower yellow straps as seperate strips, just like the upper ones that connect to his belt. While playing a game you might not notice the difference, but in a static paper model, it's more logical to do them the same way, I think.

With Sora's hood, arms and neck, there are a lot of parts and folds that join together at the shoulders, which could make it pretty difficult to build... But I think I found a nice and easy way to put it all together. I'll test it of course, to see if it really works out the way I think. ;o)

Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Straps and strips

Although I've been busy with all kinds of stuff the past few days, I was able to test build the legs (as you can see, obviously ;o)

Although I mainly use the test build to see if all the parts can be glued together properly like I imagined in my mind, it is useful for a lot things, because now you can really see what it will look like in paper form!

One of those things, is how the yellow straps around Sora's leg look. It is strange, but the lower straps are actually part of the texture as you can see in this test build, but the other straps are really seperate strips...

I think it will look really strange to use different methods on what is basically the same thing though...

The "textured straps" look a bit dissappointing like this, so I guess I will change the texture, and make these straps as seperate strips of paper as well, just like the other ones.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sora's baggy pants

Looking at how thin his legs are, Sora's pants are insanely big again! But that's what gives him such funny cartoon proportions of course! ;o)

To attach said legs to said pants, I want to try out the same thing as on the heads and necks that I used before on models like ZaL and Underworld Lara, making a hole and pushing the legs through.

Such parts are very easy to glue on, and it gives you some freedom to adjust the angle of the legs to finetune the balance (not that Sora's *huge* feet won't provide enough balance as it is already... ;o)

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sora's clown's feet

Because game models weren't really created with papercraft purposes in mind, I always try to edit them to make the final paper model more fun to build.

It's actually the most time consuming part of the entire process, as you can probably imagine. While you always try to think of everything, it's still difficult to predict the results of the work you're doing on the 3D model, after it's been unfolded and put together in paper later on...

The best way to see whether or not things work out the way you hoped, is to try them of course! ;o)

And of course there's no need to wait until you're completely finished! ;o)

Test building parts of your model is a nice way to prevent yourself from getting bored and frustrated with the 3D editing (which like I said, can take *a long* time...) and if you do need to fix things, you don't need to go back all the way, but only a little! ;o)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Advance Wars Blue Moon Recon release

Although their main task is lifting the "Fog of War" from the battlefield, Recon units usually end up being destroyed in the process...

I always felt that their incredible movement range makes them much more suitable to pick on weaker units, like Infantry trying to capture your HQ.

Well, however you decide to use it, you can download the parts and instructions here:
Have fun building!

(and yes, my next release will be Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora ;o)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Indiana Jones stunt double not included

I haven't assembled the two soldiers yet, so I asked Indiana Jones' Lego stunt double to take their place.

He's a little bigger than the Advance Wars soldiers, so his dad didn't fit anymore.

I don't think he really minds, though.

Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ah, the smell of permanent markers...

After making sure all the parts fit together properly (and fixing those that don't ;o) it's time to give them some colour.

Then, after scanning the parts, I can copy+paste them onto the final templates adding the parts numbers and other info.

And after that, it's ready to be built! But of course before the release, I'll also need to make some instructions. ;o)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blue Moon's winter camouflage

You know, with a CO like Olaf, such winter camouflage would actually make sense!

The final build with have its distinctive blue colours of course (so it will be clearly visible for anyone on the battlefield... ;o)

The test build went pretty good, I think the proportions look pretty good! It will be a bit cramped for the driver and the gunner, but soldiers are used to that.

Stay tuned!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Papercraft Koume & Kotake + replacement heads

Now that everything is back to normal again after yesterday's April Fool's day, I can show you the status of the Koume and Kotake paper models without everybody thinking it's a joke! (I hope...)

Which is that they're pretty much completed, save for the instructions which I hope I'll be able to do this weekend. ;o)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

PaperPokés --> PaperDigis

Big news from PaperPokés today: getting tired and bored of making papercraft Pokémon, they decided to switch to making papercraft Digimon from now on instead!

That sure is bad news for Pokémon fans on this special day, April 1st... ;o)