(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Ocean Biodiversity Information System


Resolution IOC-XXVIII/Dec.7.2.1

International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange

The Assembly,

Having examined the Executive Summary and Report of the 23rd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIII) (17–20 March, Bruges, Belgium), the recommendations and the decisions contained therein (IOC/IODE-XXIII/3s),

Noting the financial and human resource implications of the work plan and the shortfall against the draft IOC Programme and Budget allocation for IODE,

Agrees to the IODE Work Plan for 2015–2017 (Recommendation IODE-XXIII.5) and to consider it in the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVIII-3;

Endorses the Report of the 23rd Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange and the recommendations contained therein;

Welcomes the increasing role of IODE across all IOC programmes through the six functions identified in the IOC Medium-Term Strategy;

Welcomes the balance, in the work plan, between global and regional activities and the strong focus on capacity development spearheaded by the OceanTeacher Global Academy;

Expresses its deep appreciation to the Government of Flanders (Belgium) for hosting and supporting the IOC Project Office for IODE and for its continuing and increasing financial support to IODE, the Russian Federation for its support through the hosting of the Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal in Obninsk, as well as to other donors and Member States who are providing financial and in-kind support for IODE;

Expresses its appreciation to the UNESCO Director-General for establishing a regular programme position for OBIS (shared with GOOS Biology) in March 2015;

Expresses its appreciation for the in-kind support for the IODE Programme provided by Member States through establishing and maintaining IODE Data Centres, provision of experts, through the provision of valuable ocean data and information products and services, and through financial and in-kind contributions to IOC;

Urges Member States to support the IODE Work Plan through cash contributions to the IOC Special Accounts for IODE and OBIS, secondments of staff members to the IODE Project Office, in-kind support such as hosting meetings or workshops with participant funding, the establishment of IODE partnership centres or OceanTeacher Regional Training Centres, or the funding of IODE or OBIS Projects or the establishment of National Oceanographic Data Centres.