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Sameen Ahmed Khan, Farey sequences and resistor networks, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) Vol. 122, No. 2, May 2012, pp. 153-162.
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Hugo Pfoertner, Increase of number of representable resistances by allowing bridges, Plot2 of a(n)/A048211.
Example 1: Five unit resistors: each arm of the bridge has one unit resistor, leading to an equivalent resistance of 1; so the set is {1} and its order is 1. Thus a(5) = A048211(5) + 1 = 23.
Example 2: Six unit resistors: a bridge with 6 resistors yields A174285(6) = 3 different resistances and the series parallel combinations give A048211(6) = 53 resistances, but resistance 1 is counted twice. The union of the forementioned resistances has cardinality 53+3-1 = 55. There are two more circuits to be considered: the bridge with five unit resistors and the sixth unit resistor either in parallel (value 1/2) or in series (value 2). Both values 1/2 and 2 are not counted by A048211(6) or A174285(6), so the total is 55 + 2 = 57. - Rainer Rosenthal, Oct 25 2020
Sameen Ahmed Khan, Mar 15 2010
a(8) corrected and a(9)-a(17) from Rainer Rosenthal, Oct 29 2020