(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
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The Diamond general catalog gives access to the resources of its partners, described in the RDA format.

The Partners’ Catalogs

Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies
Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies

Cairo, Egypt

Institute of Arabic Manuscripts
Institute of Arabic Manuscripts

Cairo, Egypt

Giorgio La Pira Library
Giorgio La Pira Library

Palermo, Italy

French Institute of Oriental Archeology, Archives and Collections Department
French Institute of Oriental Archeology

Cairo, Egypt

Leonine Commission
Leonine Commission

Paris, France

Saint Mark Foundation for Coptic Heritage
Saint Mark Foundation for Coptic Heritage

Cairo, Egypt

Digital Center for Oriental Manuscripts
Digital Center for Oriental Manuscripts

Erbil, Iraq

Vatican Apostolic Library
Vatican Apostolic Library

the Vatican City

Diamond Logo
Dominican Library in Erbil

Erbil, Iraq

Saulchoir Logo
Saulchoir Library

Paris, France

Timbuktu Logo
Timbuktu Cataloging Service

Cairo, Egypt

The Targeted Catalogs

AlKindi: The written heritage of the Muslim worlds

Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī, who passed away in 866, played a pivotal role as a transmittor. He effectively transmitted Greek philosophy to the emerging Islamic culture by orchestrating collaborations with Syriac monk-translators, which facilitated the development of a scientific vocabulary in the Islamic world.

Albertus: The written heritage of the Western medieval world

Saint Albert the Great, a German Dominican, was the pioneer who first introduced Greek and Arab sciences to the burgeoning European university. His writings encompassed logic, philosophy, and theology, as well as botany, astronomy, and law. He passed away in Cologne in 1280. His most renowned disciple was Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Ignatios: The written heritage of the Eastern Christian world

At the beginning of the second century, Saint Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, was one of the earliest Christian theologians. His writings on the divinity of Christ and the episcopal organization of the Church are universally acknowledged by both Eastern and Western Churches. He met a martyr’s end in Rome.

Maryana: The portal of the Nahḍa

Maryana Marrash (1848‒1919) was a Syrian writer and poet of the Arab Renaissance (al-Nahḍa). She revitalized the tradition of literary salons in the Arab world and was among the first women to publish Arabic poetry in modern times and contribute to Arabic-language daily newspapers.

General catalogue

Latest records

in الشافية / أرجوزة إسماعيلية منسوبة إلى شهاب الدين أبي فراس ; حققها وترجمها إلى الإنكليزية وقدم لها وعلق عليها الدكتور سامي نسيب مكارم



أرجوزة إسماعيلية منسوبة إلى شهاب الدين أبي فراس, حققها وترجمها إلى الإنكليزية وقدم لها وعلق عليها الدكتور سامي نسيب مكارم

بيروت : على نفقة المؤلف، 1966


in Mélanges cisterciens 2012 : offerts par l'ARCCIS au père Placide Vernet, moine de Cîteaux, pour son 90e anniversaire


Paris : Bayard éditions : Le Centurion, 1997‒1998


تاريخ الخلفاء الفاطميين بالمغرب : القسم الخاص من كتاب عيون الأخبار

للداعي إدريس عماد الدين المتوفى سنة 872/1488, تحقيق محمد اليعلاوي

بيروت : دار الغرب الإسلامي، 1985


in Mélanges cisterciens 2012 : offerts par l'ARCCIS au père Placide Vernet, moine de Cîteaux, pour son 90e anniversaire


البصخة المقدسة

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate. Manuscripts library of St. Mercurius Church in old Cairo. Manuscript. Liturgy 29


in Mélanges cisterciens 2012 : offerts par l'ARCCIS au père Placide Vernet, moine de Cîteaux, pour son 90e anniversaire


in Mélanges cisterciens 2012 : offerts par l'ARCCIS au père Placide Vernet, moine de Cîteaux, pour son 90e anniversaire


سيرة الأستاذ جوذر

تصنيف أبي علي منصور الغريزي الجوذري, تثديم وتحقيق الدكتور محمد كامل حسين والدكتور محمد عبد الهادي شعيرة

[مكان غير محدد] : الناشر غير محدد، 2023?

Early work

in Mélanges cisterciens 2012 : offerts par l'ARCCIS au père Placide Vernet, moine de Cîteaux, pour son 90e anniversaire


كتاب الإصلاح

تصنيف أبي حاتم أحمد حمدان الرازي

تهران : مؤسسهٔ مطالعات اسلامی. دانشگاه مك‌گیل. شعبۀ تهران، 1969


القاهرة : دار هلال، [2007] [[1427]]
