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Love in the Time of Fungi: Nika Murphy’s “The Ghost Tenders of Chornobyl”

short fiction

Detail from the cover of Apex Magazine #143

Love in the Time of Fungi: Nika Murphy’s “The Ghost Tenders of Chornobyl”

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Photo of a dark bookshelf with a ladder

Seven Speculative Stories About Preserving History and Culture

Comment number: 2
An illustration of two hands grasping for the same ace of spades card.

Ace Up Her Sleeve

Comment number: 1
An illustration of a supine older man reaching up through the branches of a tree.

The Gulmohar of Mehranpur

Comment number: 3
Covers of Apparition Magazine, The Angel's Share, and Haven Speculative Magazine

Must Read Short Speculative Fiction: July 2024

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Detail from the cover of A White Heron and Other Stories by Sarah Orne Jewett

Death Takes a Busman’s Holiday: Sarah Orne Jewett’s “The Gray Man”

Comment number: 4
An illustration. While revelers drink in an adjacent room, a lone woman weeps over a pot cooking on the stove.

Before the Forest

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Book cover of The Dark Descent horror anthology

Unwanted Spectral Advances: “How Love Came to Professor Guildea” by Robert Hichens

Comment number: 1
Shallow focus photo of rows of lit teacandles in glass candle holders

Five Stories That Explore Transformation After Death

Comment number: 0
Illustration of a robot silhouetted by a red planet.

Five Long-Running Anthology Series to Collect and Cherish

Comment number: 28
An illustration featuring a human hand with medical wires attached at the wrist, holding a gun, surrounded by a colorful montage of tea cups, flowers, and playing cards.

The Alice Run

Comment number: 7

Must Read Short Speculative Fiction: June 2024

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