(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Kojiki: Page Index

The Kojiki: Page Index

Title Page

page i


page ii
page iii
page iv

I. The Text and its Authenticity, Together with Bibliographical Notes

page v
page vi
page vii
page viii
page ix
page x
page xi
page xii
page xiii
page xiv
page xv
page xvi

II. Methods of Translation

page xvii
page xviii
page xix
page xx
page xxi
page xxii
page xxiii
page xxiv
page xxv
page xxvi

III. The Chronicles of Japan

page xxvii
page xxviii
page xxix
page xxx
page xxxi
page xxxii
page xxxiii

IV. Manners and Customs of the Early Japanese

page xxxiv
page xxxv
page xxxvi
page xxxvii
page xxxviii
page xxxix
page xl
page xli
page xlii
page xliii
page xliv
page xlv
page xliv
page xlvii
page xlviii
page xlix
page l
page li
page lii
page liii
page liv
page lv
page lvi
page lvii
page lviii

V. Religious And Political Ideas of the Early Japanese, Beginnings of the Japanese Nation, and Credibility of the National Records

page lix
page lx
page lxi
page lxii
page lxiii
page xliv
page lxv
page lxvi
page lxvii
page lxviii
page lxix
page lxx
page lxxi
page lxxii
page lxxiii
page lxxiv
page lxxv
page lxxvi
page lxxvii
page lxxviii
page lxxix
page lxxx
page lxxxi
page lxxxii
page lxxiii
page lxxxiv
page lxxxv
page lxxxvi
page lxxxvii
page lxxxviii
page lxxxix
page xc
page xci
page xcii
page xciii
page xciv
page xcv
page xcvi
page xcvii
page xcviii
page xcix
page c
page ci


page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5
page 6
page 7
page 8
page 9
page 10
page 11
page 12
page 13
page 14

Section I.—The Beginning of Heaven and Earth

page 15
page 16

Section II.—The Seven Divine Generations

page 17
page 18

Section III.—The Island of Onogoro

page 19

Section IV.—Courtship of the Deities The Male-Who-Invites and the Female Who-Invites

page 20
page 21

Section V.—Birth of the Eight Islands

page 22
page 23
page 24
page 25
page 26
page 27

Section VI.—Birth of the Various Deities

page 28
page 29
page 30
page 31

Section VII.—Retirement of Her Augustness The Princess-Who-Invites

page 32
page 33
page 34

Section VIII.—The Slaying of the Fire-Deity

page 35
page 36
page 37

Section IX.—The Land of Hades

page 38
page 39
page 40
page 41
page 42
page 43

Section X.—The Purification of the August Person

page 44
page 45
page 46
page 47
page 48
page 49

Section XI.—Investiture of the Three Deities; The Illustrious August Children

page 50

Section XII.—The Crying and Weeping of His Impetuous-Male-Augustness

page 51

Section XIII.—The August Oath

page 52
page 53
page 54
page 55
page 56
page 57

Section XIV.—The August Declaration of the Division of the August Male Children and the August Female Children

page 58
page 59
page 60

Section XV.—The August Ravages of His Impetuous-Male-Augustness

page 61
page 62

Section XVI.—The Door of the Heavenly Rock-Dwelling

page 63
page 64
page 65
page 66
page 67
page 68
page 69

Section XVII.—The August Expulsion of His-Impetuous-Male-Augustness

page 70

Section XVIII.—The Eight-Forked Serpent

page 71
page 72
page 73
page 74

Section XIX.—The Palace of Suga

page 75
page 76
page 77

Section XX.—The August Ancestors of the Deity-Master-Of-The-Great Land

page 78
page 79
page 80

Section XII.—The White Hare of Inaba

page 81
page 82

Section XXII.—Mount Tema

page 83
page 84
page 85

Section XXIII.—The Nether-Distant-Land

page 86
page 87
page 88
page 89
page 90

Section XXIV.—The Wooing of the Deity-of-Eight-Thousand-Spears

page 91
page 92
page 93
page 94

Section XXV.—The Cup Pledge

page 95
page 96
page 97

Section XXVI.—The Deities the August Descendants of the Deity Master-of-the-Great-Land

page 98
page 99
page 100
page 101
page 102

Section XXVII.—The Little-Prince-the-Renowned-Deity

page 103
page 104
page 105

Section XXVIII.—The August-Luck-Spirit-the-August-Wondrous-Spirit

page 106

Section XXIX.—The August Children of the Great-Harvest-Deity And of the Swift-Mountain-Deity

page 107
page 108
page 109
page 110
page 111

Section XXX.—The August Deliberation for Pacifying the Land

page 112
page 113

Section XXXI.—The Heavenly-Young-Prince

page 114
page 115
page 116
page 117
page 118
page 119
page 120

Section XXXII.—Abdication of the Deity Master-of-the-Great-Land

page 121
page 122
page 123
page 124
page 125
page 126
page 127

Section XXXIII.—The August Descent from Heaven of His Augustness the August Grandchild

page 128
page 129
page 130
page 131
page 132
page 133
page 134

Section XXXIV.—The August Reign in Himuka of His Augustness Prince Rice-Ear-Ruddy-Plenty

page 135
page 136
page 137

Section XXXV.—The Duchess of Saru

page 138

Section XXXVI.—The Deity Prince of Saruta at Azaka

page 139

Section XXXVII.—The Curse of the Deity Great-Mountain-Possessor

page 140
page 141
page 142

Section XXXVIII.—The August Child-Bearing of Princess-Blossoming Brilliantly-Like-the-Flowers-of-the-Trees

page 143
page 144

Section XXXIX.—The August Exchange of Luck

page 145
page 146

Section XL.—The Palace of the Ocean-Possessor

page 147
page 148
page 149
page 150
page 151
page 152

Section XLI.—Submission of His Augustness Fire-Shine

page 153
page 154

Section XLII.—The Parturition-House of Cormorants' Feathers

page 155
page 156
page 157

Section XLIII.—The August Children of His Augustness Cormorant-Thatch-Meeting-Incompletely

page 158

Section XLIV.—Reign of the Emperor Jim-mu (Part I.—His Progress Eastward, and Death of His Elder Brother)

page 159
page 160
page 161
page 162
page 163

Section XLV.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part II.—The Cross-Sword Sent Down From Heaven).

page 164
page 165
page 166

Section XLVI.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part III.—The Gigantic Crow and Gods With Tails)

page 167
page 168

Section XLVII.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part IV.—The Ukashi Brethren)

page 169
page 170
page 171
page 172

Section XLVIII.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part V.—The Earth-Spider of the Cave of Osaka)

page 173
page 174

Section XLIX.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part. VI.—The Prince of Tomi and the Shiki Brethren)

page 175
page 176

Section L.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part VII.—The Empire Pacified)

page 177
page 178

Section LI.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part. VIII.—He Weds I-suke-yori-hime)

page 179
page 180
page 181
page 182
page 183

Section LII.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part. IX—Troubles Which Followed His Decease).

page 184
page 185

Section LIII.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part X.—Genealogies)

page 186
page 187

Section LIV.—Emperor Jim-mu (Part XI.—His Age and Place Of Burial)

page 188

Section LV.—Emperor Sui-zei

page 189

Section LVI.—Emperor An-nei

page 190
page 191

Section LVII.—Emperor I-toku

page 192

Section LVIII.—Emperor Ko-sho

page 193
page 194

Section LIX.—Emperor Koan

page 195

Section LX.—Emperor Kō-rei

page 196
page 197
page 198

Section XLI.—Emperor Kō-gen

page 199
page 200
page 201
page 202
page 203
page 204

Section LXII.—Emperor Kai-kuwa

page 205
page 206
page 207
page 208
page 209
page 210
page 211

Section LXIII.—Emperor Sū-jin (Part I.—Genealogies)

page 212
page 213
page 214

Section LXIV.—Emperor Sū-jin (Part II.—A Pestilence Is Staid By Oho-tata-ne-ko)

page 215
page 216
page 217

Section LXV.—Emperor Sū-jin (PART III: Story of Oho-tata-ne-ko's Birth)

page 218
page 219

Section LXVI.—Emperor Sū-jin (Part IV.—War With King Take-hani-yasu)

page 220
page 221
page 222
page 223

Section LXVII.—Emperor Sū-jin (Part V.—Peace Restored and Tribute Levied)

page 224

Section LXVIII.—Emperor Sū-jin (Part VI.—His Age and Place of Burial).

page 225

Section LXIX.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part I.—Genealogies)

page 226
page 227
page 228
page 229

Section LXX. Emperor Sui-nin (Part II. Conspiracy of King Saho-biko and the Empress Saho-bime)

page 230
page 231
page 232

Section LXXI.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part III.—Birth of Prince Homu-chi-wake and Death of the Conspirators)

page 233
page 234
page 235
page 236

Section LXXII.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part IV.—The Dumb Prince Homu-chi-wake)

page 237
page 238
page 239
page 240
page 241
page 242
page 243

Section LXXIII. Emperor Sui-nin (Part. V.—His Later Wives.)

page 244

Section LXXIV.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part VI.—Taji-Mori Brings Back the Orange From the Eternal Land.)

page 245
page 246

Section LXXV.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part VII.—His Death and that of the Empress Hibasu.)

page 247

Section LXXVI.—Empress Kei-ko (Part I,—Genealogies)

page 248
page 249
page 250
page 251
page 252

Section LXXVII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part II.—The Maidens Ye-Hime and Oto-Hime).

page 253

Section LXXVIII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part III. Various Deeds.)

page 254

Section LXXIX.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part IV.—Yamato-take Slays His Elder Brother)

page 255

Section LXXX. Emperor Kei-kō (Part V.—Yamato-Take Slays the Kumaso Bravoes)

page 256
page 257

Section LXXXI.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part VI.—Yamato-take Slays the Idzumo Bravo)

page 258
page 259

Section LXXXII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part VII.—Yamato-take is Sent to Subdue the East, and Visits His Aunt at Ise)

page 260

Section LXXXIII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part VIII.—Yamato-take Slays the Rulers of Sagamu.)

page 261
page 262

Section LXXXIV.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part IX.—Yamato-take's Empress Stills the Waves

page 263

Section LXXXV.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part X.—Yamato-Take Slays the Deity of the Ashigara Pass.)

page 264
page 265

Section LXXXVI.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XI.—Yamato-take Dwells in the Palace of Sakawori.)

page 266

Section LXXXVII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XII.—Yamato-take Wooes Princess Miyazu)

page 267
page 268

Section LXXXVIII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XIII.—Yamato-take Meets the Deity of Mount Ibuki)

page 269

Section LXXXIX. Emperor Kei-kō (Part XIV.—The Death of Yamato-take).

page 270
page 271
page 272
page 273

Section XC.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XV.—Yamato-take Turns into a White Bird)

page 274
page 275
page 276

Section XCI.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XVI.—Yamato-Take's Butler)

page 277

Section XCII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XVII.—Yamato-take's Descendants)

page 278
page 279
page 280

Section XCIII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part XVIII. His Age and Place of Burial)

page 281

Section XCIV.—Emperor Sei-mu

page 282

Section XCV.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part I.—Genealogies)

page 283

Section XCVI. Emperor Chiū-ai (Part II.—The Possession of Korea Divinely Promised)

page 284
page 285

Section XCVII.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part III. Preparations for the Conquest of Korea)

page 286
page 287
page 288

Section XCVIII.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part IV.—The Empress Jin-gō Conquers Korea)

page 289
page 290

Section XCIX.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part V.—The Empress Jin-gō Fishes in Tsukushi)

page 291

Section C.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part VI.—The Empress Jin-gō Subdues Yamato)

page 292
page 293
page 294

Section CI.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part VIII.—The Heir Apparent Exchanges Names with the Great Deity Izasa-Wake)

page 295
page 296

Section CII.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part VIII.—The Empress Jin-gō Presents Liquor to the Heir Apparent)

page 297

Section CIII.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part IX.—His Death and that of the Empress Jin-gō)

page 298

Section CIV.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part 1.—Genealogies)

page 299
page 300
page 301
page 302

Section CV.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part II.—He Divides the Inheritance Between His Three Sons)

page 303
page 304

Section CVI.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part III.—He Wooes Princess Miya-nushi-ya-kaha-ye)

page 305
page 306
page 307

Section CVII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part IV.—He Grants Princess Kaminaga to His Son Oho-Sazaki)

page 308
page 309
page 310

Section CVIII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part V.—Songs of the Territorial Owners of Yeshinu)

page 311

Section CIX.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part VI.—Various Deeds)

page 312
page 313

Section CX.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part VIII.—Tribute From Korea)

page 314

Section CXI.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part VIII.—The Emperor Intoxicated)

page 315

Section CXII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part IX.—Troubles Which Followed His Decease)

page 316
page 317
page 318
page 319

Section CXIII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part X.—Princes Oho-sazaki And Uji-no-waki-iratsuko Cede the Empire to Each Other)

page 320
page 321

Section CXIV.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part XI.—Ama-no-hi-boko Crosses Over to Japan)

page 322

Section CXV.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part XII.—Descendants of Ama-no-hi-boko, and Treasures Brought by Him.)

page 323
page 324
page 325

Section CXVI.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part XIII.—The Youth-of-the-Glow-on-the-Autumn-Mountains and the Youth-of-the-Haze-on-the-Spring-Mountains)

page 326
page 327
page 328

Section CXVII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part XVI.—Genealogies)

page 329
page 330
page 331

Section CXVIII.—Emperor Ō-jin (Part XV.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 332

Section CXIX.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part I.—Genealogies)

page 333

Section CXX: Emperor Nin-toku (Part II.—Various Deeds)

page 334
page 335

Section CXXI.—Emperor Nin-toku [Part III.—He Remits the Taxes)

page 336

Section CXXII.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part IV.—He Loves Princess Kuro)

page 337
page 338
page 339

Section CXXIII. Emperor Nin-toku Part V.—The Empress Retires to Yamashiro)

page 340
page 341
page 342
page 343

Section CXXIV.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part VI.—He Follows the Empress into Yamashiro)

page 344
page 345
page 346
page 347
page 348

Section CXXV.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.—He Loves Yata-no-waki-iratsume)

page 349

Section CXXVI.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.—Death of King Hayabusa-Wake and Queen Medori)

page 350
page 351

Section CXXVII.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part VIII.—Queen Medori's Armlet)

page 352

Section CXXVIII.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part IX.—A Wild-Goose Lays an Egg)

page 353
page 354

Section CXXIX:—Emperor Nin-toku (Part X.—A Vessel Is Made Into A Lute)

page 355

Section CXXX.—Emperor Nin-toku (Part XI.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 356

Section CXXXI.—Emperor Ri-chiu (Part I.—Genealogies)

page 357

Section CXXXII.—Emperor Ri-chiu (Part II.—He is Taken to Iso-no-kami)

page 358
page 359

Section CXXXIII.—Emperor Ri-chiu (Part III.—His Rebellious Brother and the Latter's Retainer Sobakari Are Slain)

page 360
page 361
page 362

Section CXXXIV.—Emperor Ri-chiu (Part IV.—Various Deeds)

page 363

Section CXXXV.—Emperor Ri-chiu (Part V.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 364

Section CXXXVII.—Emperor In-giyō (Part I—Genealogies)

page 365
page 366

Section CXXXVIII.—Emperor In-giyō (Part II.—His Sickness is Cured by a Korean Physician)

page 367

Section CXXXIX.—Emperor In-giyō (Part III. He Rectifies the People's Names)

page 368

Section CXI. Emperor In-giyō (Part IV.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 369

Section CXLI.—Emperor In-giyō (Part V.—Prince Karu Loves His Sister Princess So-tohoshi)

page 370

Section CXLII.—Emperor In-giyō (Part VI.—War Between Prince Karu and Prince Anaho)

page 371
page 372
page 373

Section CXLIII.—Emperor In-giyō (Part VII.—Death of Prince Karu and Princess So-tohoshi)

page 374
page 375
page 376
page 377

Section CXLIV.—Emperor An-kō (Part I.—He Slays King Oho-kusaka)

page 378
page 379

Section CXLV.—Emperor An-kō (Part II.—He is Slain by King Ma-yowa)

page 380
page 381

Section CXLVI.—Emperor An-kō (Part III.—Prince Oho Hatsuse Slays Princes Kuro-biko and Shiro-biro)

page 382

Section CXLVII.—Emperor An-kō (Part IV.—Death of Prince Ma-yowa and of the Grandee Tsubura)

page 383
page 384

Section CXLVIII.—Emperor An-kō (Part V:—Prince Oho-Hatsuse Slays Prince Oshiha)

page 385
page 386

Section CXLIX.—Emperor An-kō (Part VI.—Flight of Princes Ohoke and Woke)

page 387

Section CLI.—Emperor Yu-riyaku (Part II.—Various Deeds)

page 388

Section CLII.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part III.—The Roof of the House of the Great Departmental Lord of Shiki)

page 389

Section CLIII.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part IV.—He Wooes Princess Waka-kusaka-be)

page 390
page 391

Section CLIV.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part V.—Story of the Woman Akawi-ko)

page 392
page 393
page 394

Section CLV.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part VI.—He Makes a Progress to Yeshinu)

page 395
page 396

Section CLVI.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part VII.—The Horse-fly and the Dragon-fly)

page 397

Section CLVII.—Emperor Yu-riyaku (Part VII.—Adventure with a Wild Boar)

page 398

Section CLVIII.—Emperor Yū-Riyaku (Part IX.—Revelation of the Great Deity of Kadzuraki, Lord of One Word)

page 399
page 400

Section CLIX.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part X.—The Mound of the Metal Spade)

page 401

Section CLX.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part XI.—The Leaf in the Cup)

page 402
page 403
page 404
page 405
page 406

Section CLXI.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part XII.—Songs by the Emperor and Princess Wodo)

page 407

Section CLXII.—Emperor Yū-riyaku (Part XIII.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 408

Section CLXIII.—Emperor Sei-nei (Part I.—Search for a Successor to Him)

page 409

Section CLXIV.—Emperor Sei-nei (Part II.—Princes Ohoke and Woke are Discovered)

page 410
page 411

Section CLXV.—Emperor Sei-nei (Part III.—The Grandee Shibi)

page 412
page 413
page 414
page 415

Section CLXVI.—Emperor Sei-nei (Part IV.—Prince Ohoke Cedes the Empire to Prince Woke)

page 416

Section CLXVII.—Emperor Ken-zō (Part I.—The Old Woman Oki-Me)

page 417
page 418

Section CLXVIII.—Emperor Ken-zō (Part II.—He Slays The Boar-Herd)

page 419

Section CLXIX.—Emperor Ken-zō (Part III.—The Emperor Yū-riyaku's Mausoleum is Disfigured)

page 420
page 421

Section CLXX.—Emperor Ken-zō (Part IV.—His Age and Place of Burial)

page 422

Section CLXXII—Emperor Mu-retsu

page 423

Section CLXXIII.—Emperor Kei-tai

page 424

Section CLXXV.—Emperor Sen-kuwa

page 425

Section CLXXVI.—Emperor Kim-mei

page 426

Section CLXXVII.—Emperor Bi-datsu

page 427

Section CLXXVIII.—Emperor Yōmei

page 428

Appendix I: Japanese Text of the Songs of the Kojiki, Transliterated into Roman

page A1
page A2
page A3
page A4
page A5
page A6
page A7
page A8
page A9
page A10
page A11
page A12
page A13
page A14
page A15
page A16
page A17
page A18
page A19
page A20
page A21
page A22
page A23
page A24
page A25
page A26
page A27

Appendix II. Chronology of Sovereigns Mentioned in the Kojiki and Nihongi

page A28
page A29