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A Complete Infinitary Logic. - Internet Archive Scholar

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A complete axiomatization of infinitary first-order intuitionistic logic over ℒ_κかっぱ^+, κかっぱ [article]

Christian Espíndola
2020 arXiv   pre-print
When κかっぱ is a regular cardinal such that κかっぱ^<κかっぱ=κかっぱ, we deduce, by an easy modification of the proof, a complete axiomatization of intuitionistic first-order logic over ℒ_κかっぱ^+, κかっぱ, κかっぱ, the language with disjunctions  ...  Given a weakly compact cardinal κかっぱ, we give an axiomatization of intuitionistic first-order logic over ℒ_κかっぱ^+, κかっぱ and prove it is sound and complete with respect to Kripke models.  ...  Introduction Completeness theorems for infinitary intuitionistic logics begun to be studied by the end of the 1970's.  ... 
arXiv:1806.06714v5 fatcat:tzknlj5p4jgaxnqb7nnrycpily

A completeness proof for an infinitary tense-logic

2008 Theoria  
H. von Wright's tense-logic [4] , Krister Segerberg studies certain infinitary extensions of the original tense-logic created by von Wright.  ...  For one of these extensions the completeness problem turned out to be harder than was expected at first sight. 1 This paper is devoted to a proof of a completeness theorem for the extension in question  ...  H. von Wright's tense-logic [4] , Krister Segerberg studies certain infinitary extensions of the original tense-logic created by von Wright.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1755-2567.1977.tb00778.x fatcat:x3cc74jbvbfy5ggpb3afqe4d2e

The Ackermann Award 2018

Dexter Kozen, Thomas Schwentick, Michael Wagner
2018 Annual Conference for Computer Science Logic  
The Ackermann Award is the EACSL Outstanding Dissertation Award for Logic in Computer Science. It is presented during the annual conference of the EACSL (CSL'xx).  ...  Another large part studies the infinitary proof theory of a fixpoint extension of multiplicative additive linear logic, a challenging topic due to the non-well-founded nature of infinitary proofs.  ...  By identifying new connections between infinitary proofs and automata theory (e.g., non-determinization of alternating parity automata), she has managed to obtain a new constructive completeness argument  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.csl.2018.1 dblp:conf/csl/KozenS18 fatcat:enjy7e5ltvbarlumyxu5tzq2zy

Infinitary equilibrium logic and strongly equivalent logic programs

Amelia Harrison, Vladimir Lifschitz, David Pearce, Agustín Valverde
2017 Artificial Intelligence  
This is useful because of the relationship between infinitary formulas and logic programs with local variables.  ...  We extend this line of work to formulas with infinitely long conjunctions and disjunctions, show that the infinitary logic of here-and-there characterizes strong equivalence of infinitary formulas, and  ...  Stable Models and Equilibrium Logic in the Infinitary Setting Review: Infinitary Formulas Let Σしぐま be a propositional signature, that is, a set of propositional atoms.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.artint.2017.02.002 fatcat:wbv5o7de5nfelin4fut7zrxdqm

Infinitary Equilibrium Logic and Strong Equivalence [chapter]

Amelia Harrison, Vladimir Lifschitz, David Pearce, Agustín Valverde
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We extend equilibrium logic to formulas with infinitely long conjunctions and disjunctions, define and axiomatize an infinitary counterpart to the logic of here-and-there, and show that the theorem on  ...  strong equivalence holds in the infinitary case as well.  ...  The proof of completeness given in the next section is analogous to the proof of completeness for classical propositional logic from [7] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23264-5_33 fatcat:ireikpz6pzexrptt7rblwslpbu

An extension of Jónsson-Tarski representation and model existence in predicate non-normal modal logics [article]

Yoshihito Tanaka
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Then, we show that every predicate modal logic, whether it is normal or non-normal, has a model defined on a neighborhood frame with constant domains, and give completeness theorem for some predicate modal  ...  We also show the same results for infinitary modal logics.  ...  As a corollary, we give completeness theorem for some infinitary modal logics, including the least infinitary extension K ωおめが1 of K.  ... 
arXiv:2103.16857v3 fatcat:xnk3q7esqrdivntwhoc7bimrim

Hybrid Logics with Infinitary Proof Systems

Barteld Kooi, Gerard Renardel de Lavalette, Rineke Verbrugge
2006 Journal of Logic and Computation  
We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents.  ...  Moreover a finitary proof system cannot be strongly complete for such logics, since they are not compact. Therefore we focus on infinitary proof systems.  ...  Our proof is inspired by the completeness proofs for the infinitary logic L ωおめが 1 ωおめが in [9] , the strong completeness proof for infinitary modal logics in [7] , and the completeness proof for finitary hybrid  ... 
doi:10.1093/logcom/exi086 fatcat:zhf34jp4ezeo5icrd7qp6fudoi

Supervenience and Infinitary Logic

Michael Glanzberg
2001 Noûs  
The discussion of supervenience is replete with the use of infinitary logical operations.  ...  Some philosophers have been troubled simply by the infinity of such a disjunction.  ...  In section (5), I show that considering infinitary logic leads to a puzzle about the complete physical state of the universe.  ... 
doi:10.1111/0029-4624.00304 fatcat:wchgj7cjjzedfj2jeugzsssfxq

Sequent systems for PLTL

Romas Alonderis, Regimantas Pliuškevičius
2013 Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys  
calculi with looping axioms and with invariant-like rule based on completeness of the calculus with the infinitary $\omega$-type rule.  ...  We consider three sequent calculi for propositional linear temporal logic (PLTL) which allow us to formalize the properties of operator "always".  ...  The infinitary calculus G ωおめが T is defined by the following postulates: 2. Traditional logical rules; 3. Temporal rules: Γがんま → ∆ Πぱい, ΓがんまΘしーた, ∆ ( ), A, A, Γがんま → ∆ A, Γがんま → ∆ ( →), Γがんま → ∆, A; Γがんま → ∆, A; . . .  ... 
doi:10.15388/lmr.a.2013.03 fatcat:kqxacrpfyvbadmuavwmjw5t5ei

Classifying toposes for non-geometric theories [article]

Mark Kamsma
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Along the way we obtain completeness results of infinitary sub-first-order logic and infinitary classical logic with respect to (Boolean) toposes.  ...  We study classifying toposes for different infinitary logics: first-order, sub-first-order (i.e. geometric logic plus implication) and classical.  ...  A similar statement is true for infinitary first-order logic and geometric logic (which are included in Theorem 5.7 for completeness' sake), but those are not new in this paper. • Theorem 5.11 (classical  ... 
arXiv:2312.11528v1 fatcat:gaign2uf55dmrip4u6zbfreuse

Infinitary logic and basically disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces

Antonio Di Nola, Serafina Lapenta, Ioana LeuŞtean
2018 Journal of Logic and Computation  
We extend Ł ukasiewicz logic obtaining the infinitary logic IRŁ whose models are algebras C(X,[0,1]), where X is a basically disconnected compact Hausdorff space.  ...  Finally, our system enjoys standard completeness with respect to the real interval [0,1].  ...  definition of a norm-complete Riesz MV-algebra. of the infinitary classical logic.  ... 
doi:10.1093/logcom/exy011 fatcat:5ynrkxkxdbb2nknctgu2lem23i

The monotone class theorem in infinitary logic

H. Jerome Keisler
1977 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society  
Here we discuss more traditional infinitary logics.  ...  A monotone formula in the infinitary logic L is a formula which is built up from finite formulas using only quantifiers and monotone countable conjunctions and disjunctions.  ...  For background material on infinitary logic and admissible sets see Barwise [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1977-0441686-2 fatcat:trxtkgnfuzehvk7wnc75iimxgy

Page 7023 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2002J [page]

2002 Mathematical Reviews  
“In this paper, I investigate the interaction between superve- nience and infinitary logic. Supervenience has long been a point of contact between logic and metaphysics.  ...  Infinitary logical operations have been studied in depth by the highly developed field of infinitary logic, and many of their prop- erties are well understood.  ... 

Expressive power of infinitary [0, 1]-valued logics [article]

Christopher J. Eagle
2017 arXiv   pre-print
We then prove that a continuous function on a complete separable metric structure is automorphism invariant if and only if it is definable in the more expressive logic.  ...  We give an example showing that one of these infinitary logics is strictly more expressive than the other two, but also show that all three have the same elementary equivalence relation for complete separable  ...  We thank both supervisors for their suggestions and insights, both on the work specifically represented here, and on infinitary logic  ... 
arXiv:1512.00879v2 fatcat:3ezkudhbcjbk5j6bi56g5dchjq

"Mathematics is the Logic of the Infinite": Zermelo's Project of Infinitary Logic

Jerzy Pogonowski
2021 Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric  
In this paper I discuss Ernst Zermelo's ideas concerning the possibility of developing a system of infinitary logic that, in his opinion, should be suitable for mathematical inferences.  ...  The presentation of Zermelo's ideas is accompanied with some remarks concerning the development of infinitary logic.  ...  Infinitary logics with infinite quantifier prefixes are close to second-order logic and hence they do not satisfy the completeness theorem.  ... 
doi:10.2478/slgr-2021-0042 fatcat:nnowhogl3bhklm234xa7dion7u
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