The pattern of Cambodian politics

S Thion - Revival: The Cambodian Agony (1990), 2017 -
It might seem paradoxical to consider the evolution of modern Cambodian politics as a
continuous and at times repetitive process, because it appears mainly as a succession of …

FromCambodge'toKampuchea': State and Revolution in Cambodia 1863-1979

D Chandler - Thesis Eleven, 1997 -
The paper contrasts two readings of Cambodian politics and society, labelled by the
authorCambodge'andKampuchea'. TheCambodge'reading was invented by the French in …

Consolidating the Cambodian revolution

L Summers - Current History, 1975 - JSTOR
Cambodian politics and society. Five years of civil and foreign-inspired war ended abruptly
in April as liberation forces, nominally led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk, entered the Khmer …

Testing the Limits of Change: Cambodia's Politics After the July Elections

PP Lizée - Southeast Asian Affairs, 1999 - JSTOR
The most striking feature of the July 1998 elections in Cambodia was how closely they
resembled the electoral exercise of May 1993. In 1993, the call to the polls was couched in …

Cambodia in 1995: From hope to despair

PP Lizée - Asian Survey, 1996 - JSTOR
The events of the past year in Cambodia should be viewed against the background of the
dynamics set in motion by the nationwide elections of May 1993. These elections essentially …

Cambodian democracy: in a bleak landscape, strong signs of hope

P Eng - Washington Quarterly, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
On Malai Road in northwestern Cambodia, people are on the move again and death has
given way to new life. The road used to be impassable—heavily mined, caught in crossfire …

Post-pol pot Cambodia

JA Marston - 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Since the 1980s, scholarship on Cambodia has been dominated by the attempt to come to
terms with the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) period, which still looms in international …


M Vickery - Coming To Terms, 2019 -
Cambodia first came to the attention of many in the West as a result of US aggression to
perpetuate a dubious regime led by General Lon Nol against what seemed to be popular …

Cambodia: Democracy or dictatorship?

C Hughes - Southeast Asian Affairs, 2001 - JSTOR
In 2000, the political situation in Cambodia remained relatively stable for the second year in
a row, which was an important achievement, given the country's tortuous history. This …

Cambodia's fading hopes

JA Jeldres - Cambodia, 2017 -
Nearly three years ago, after almost two decades of terror, repression, and civil strife,
Cambodia held UN-supervised elections that marked a key point in its transition toward …