The harms of gay male pornography: A sex equality perspective post Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium

CN Kendall - Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 2002 -
The case of Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium, argued before the Supreme Court of
Canada in 2000, provided the Court with its first opportunity to consider whether the analysis …

[書籍しょせき][B] Gay male pornography: An issue of sex discrimination

CN Kendall - 2004 -
The 2000 case of Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Customs Canada provided
Canada's highest court with its first opportunity to consider whether the analysis set out in R …

Gay male pornography after little sisters book and art emporium: A call for gay male cooperation in the struggle for sex equality

CN Kendall - Wis. Women's LJ, 1997 - HeinOnline
In 1983, American feminists Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon drafted a civil rights
ordinance for the City of Minneapolis aimed at addressing the harms to equality caused by …

Gay male pornography and sexual violence: A sex equality perspective on gay male rape and partner abuse

CN Kendall - McGill LJ, 2003 - HeinOnline
Gay Male Pornography and Sexual Violence: A Sex Equality Perspective on Gay Male Rape
and Partner Abuse Page 1 Gay Male Pornography and Sexual Violence: A Sex Equality …

Men in the Place of Women, from Butler to Little Sisters-Gay Male Pornography: An Issue of Sex Discrimination by Christopher N. Kendall (Vancouver: UBC Press …

L Green - Osgoode Hall LJ, 2005 - HeinOnline
In their anti-pornography ordinance, Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon proposed
that:" Pornography shall mean the graphic sexually explicit subordination of women …

Educating gay male youth: Since when is pornography a path towards self-respect?

CN Kendall - Journal of Homosexuality, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
In 2000, in the case of Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium, the Canadian Supreme Court
was asked to determine whether gay male pornography violated the sex equality protections …

Love speech: The social utility of pornography

JG Sherman - Stan. L. Rev., 1994 - HeinOnline
Some feminist scholars have argued that all pornography instantiates male sexual
supremacy and dehumanizes people of either gender who participate in scenes of sexual …

Troubling the Definition of Pornography: Little Sisters, a New Defining Moment in Feminists' Engagement with the Law?

L Karaian - Canadian Journal of women and the Law, 2005 -
This article explores feminism's relationship to the legal regulation of pornography. Of
particular interest to the author is how the defining moment of the Butler decision has been …

Gay Does Not Necessarily Mean Good: A Critique of Jeffrey Sherman's Love Speech: The Social Utility of Pornography

BJ Crawford - Am. UJ Gender & L., 1996 - HeinOnline
"[Pornography] sexualizes inequality. It makes dominance and submission into sex.
Inequality is its central dynamic; the illusion of freedom coming together with the reality of …

LEAF and pornography: Litigating on equality and sexual representations

K Busby - Canadian Journal of Law and Society/La Revue …, 1994 -
In February 1991, the Supreme Court of Canada released R. v. Butler, a decision which
upheld Canada's Obscenity Law by recognizing a relationship between pornography and …