The Little Sisters case, administrative censorship, and obscenity law

B Ryder - Osgoode Hall LJ, 2001 - HeinOnline
Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium might have expected that the Supreme Court of
Canada ruling in its Charter of Rights and Freedoms' challenge to Customs censorship …

Customs Censorship and the Charter: The Little Sisters Case

B Cossman, B Ryder - Const. F., 1995 - HeinOnline
Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium is Vancouver's only bookstore specializing in gay and
lesbian literature; it also has served as a focus of social and political activities of the local …

Disciplining the unruly: Sexual outlaws, Little Sisters and the legacy of Butler

B Cossman - U. Brit. Colum. L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
The legal regulation of sex and sexuality through criminal and customs prohibitions is an
exercise of repressive state power; however, like all legal discourse, it is also a form of …

Massachusetts and Censorship-Part III

SS Grant, SE Angoff - BUL Rev., 1930 - HeinOnline
Until 1711 no attention was paid to obscenity as distinguished from blasphemy and sedition.
March 19, 1711, saw the passage of the first statute in Massachusetts directed against …

Obscenity Censorship: The Core Constitutional Issue--What is Obscene

WB Lockhart, RC McClure - Utah L. Rev., 1960 - HeinOnline
The occasion was an appeal from New York's censorship of Edmond Wilson's Memoirs of
Hecate County—a work of high literary quality by a distinguished author and critic. But after …

New Age Comstockery

R Corn-Revere - CommLaw Conspectus, 1996 - HeinOnline
The term" Comstockery," coined by George Bernard Shaw, refers to the overzealous
moralizing like that of Anthony Comstock, whose Society for the Suppression of Vice …

Censorship of plays and books

Z Chafee Jr - Bill Rts. Rev., 1940 - HeinOnline
Although such people are not very likely to be punished for selling obscene books or acting
in lewd plays, nevertheless, these laws may be used by the authorities to suppress books …

The Intractable Obscenity Problem 2.0: The Emerging Circuit Split over the Constitutionality of Local Community Standards Online

M Dawson - Cath. UL Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
" And he roused a certain craving passion in her...; she had to go on after he had finished, in
the wild tumult and heaving of her loins, while he heroically kept himself up, and present in …

A tendency to deprave and corrupt: The transformation of American obscenity law from Hicklin to Ulysses II

S Gillers - Wash. UL Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
Today, the store at 27 West Eighth Street in New York's Greenwich Village sells shoes. No
sign commemorates the role of an earlier tenant, a bookstore, in the battle to publish James …

R. v. Butler: The Limits of the Supreme Court's Feminist Re-Interpretation of Section 163

R Moon - Ottawa L. Rev., 1993 - HeinOnline
In deciding that the Criminal Code'restriction on the publication of obscene materials does
not violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 2 the Supreme Court of Canada …