Tensions of human dignity: conceptualization and application to international human rights law

V Bohórquez Monsalve… - Sur. Revista Internacional …, 2009 - SciELO Brasil
This article is the result of the research conducted on “Human Dignity: Philosophical
conceptualization and the implementation of law” promoted by the POLITEIA Research …

A cross cultural comparison of engineering ethics education: Chile and United States

RI Murrugarra, WA Wallace - Engineering ethics for a globalized world, 2015 - Springer
This chapter describes the material covered and educational approaches used in an
Engineering Ethics course designed initially for an American university, and then adapted to …

Function and normativity in social-ecological systems

N de Freitas Nunes-Neto, C Saborido… - Filosofia e História da …, 2016 - abfhib.org
We all live in social-ecological systems. Farms, fisheries, gardens, small towns and big cities
are examples of hybrid systems that result from tight interactions between social human …

y la Ética...

PFR Vallejo - Eídos, 2009 - revistas.ute.edu.ec
Patricio Rivadeneira Vallejo Page 1 Introducción Hoy día hablar de ética, moral y sus problemas,
es un tema que se ha generalizado, fundamentalmente se debe a que existen una gran …

Corporate Social Responsibility. A Critical Review

EIR Del Portal, JAS de Frutos - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 2015 - raco.cat
Within the context of the European Union, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) has been revised in its 2011-2014 strategy to conform with a concept including new …

La objeción de conciencia en el marco de la ley de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en chile y los discursos de saber/poder en torno al aborto

LDE Rojas - Intersticios. Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico, 2019 - intersticios.es
El presente artículo es producto de reflexiones relacionadas con mi tesis de doctorado–
sobre eutanasia y aborto-en torno al aborto en Chile. En este contexto la pregunta que nos …

[PDF][PDF] Values and educative aspirations

HGZ Beltrán, JCP Moss - Chinese Business Review, 2011 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Empirical research was done interviewing face to face a sample of 2,447, 10-12 grade
students in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, from the main public university high school in town …

[PDF][PDF] 10. Argumentación moral

D Busdygan - La metaética puesta a punto - biblioteca-repositorio.clacso.edu.ar
La argumentación constituye una actividad racional a través de la cual se producen
argumentos con el propósito de probar o refutar una tesis a partir del apoyo fundado en …

[HTML][HTML] Tensions of human dignity

VB Monsalve, JA Román, M Langford, A Blyberg… - 2009 - sur.conectas.org
This article is the result of the research conducted on" Human Dignity: Philosophical
conceptualization and the implementation of law" promoted by the POLITEIA Research …

[PDF][PDF] The Concept of Institutional Design

P Abitbol - 2005 - academia.edu
This writing stems from the three activities I've carried out over the last ten years: my work in
the colombian public sector, teaching political science and the study of philosophy. When I …