FA Prudente - Pop Culture in Asia and Oceania, 2016 -
Pinoy rock is a term that encompasses diverse sounds and styles to include pop rock, punk,
new wave, heavy metal, ska, reggae, and alternative rock. It is a hybrid music, with American …

[HTML][HTML] SOL PONIENTE Resplandecientes tojos, gala del granito, doran la áspera cima que enciende el ocaso; lejos, luciente aún por el filo de espuma, provaga el …

V Blog, F Fact -
Les ajoncs éclatants, parure du granit, Dorent l’âpre sommet que le couchant allume; Au
loin, brillante encor par sa barre d’écume, La mer sans fin commence où la terre finit. À mes …

On the production of hybrid urban space(s) in post-colonial cities: Manila in the music of Eraserheads

JC Gaillard - Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
… It was composed of singer and guitarist Ely Buendia, bassist and pianist Buddy Zabala,
guitarist Marcus Adoro, and drummer Raimund Marasigan. They named the band after D. Lynch’…

Rak en Rol: The Influence of Psychedelic Culture in Philippine Music

J Gabrillo - Rock Music Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This article discusses the development of a psychedelic music scene in the Philippines
during the 1970s and onwards. Pioneering acts such as the Juan de la Cruz Band, Asin, and …

[PDF][PDF] Camera EDSA Obscura

JPS Manzanilla -
Twenty years after the EDSA uprising, 20 independent filmmakers created 20 films showing
different images of the country. Ending the project with the film Mistulang Kamera Obskura, …