Slavic local color in The Witcher III: Wild Hunt localization

EB Nawrocka - L10N Journal, 2023 -
Games localization presents itself as a primarily target-oriented activity, wherein the game
developers anticipate a fluent translation that will cater for the needs and expectations of the …

Video Games Localization: Translating the Names of Slavic Monsters on the Example of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

S Włodarczyk - 2020 -
abstrakt w j. polskim: Rozwój oraz zróżnicowanie branży gier komputerowych doprowadziły
do wzrostu zainteresowania tematem lokalizacji gier wśród badaczy z dziedziny …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptation and Artistic Translation: Localization of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in the Context of National Cultures

A Prokopek - 2022 -
The main focus of this presentation will be to identify and analyse obstacles in the processes
of artistic adaptation and translation in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (TW3; CD Project …

Game localization

J Pedersen - 2015 - Taylor & Francis
It was about time we saw an academic monograph on game localization. Admittedly, the
Game Localization Handbook (Chandler, 2005) has been around for a few years, but from a …

Two Polish localizations of the game" To the Moon": a comparative analysis

A Pytko - 2022 -
abstrakt w j. polskim: Praca skupia się na dwóch polskich lokalizacjach gry wideo To the
Moon, która wydana została w roku 2011 przez Freebid Games. Pierwsza lokalizacja …

Games without borders:: The cultural dimension of game localisation

CM i Hevia - Hermeneus: Revista de la Facultad de Traducción e …, 2016 -
From its humble origins in the 1970s, the software entertainment industry has grown into a
worldwide phenomenon and a multibillion-dollar industry. Its success is, to a great extent …

Is literal translation an appropriate solution in localization?–a case study

E Holik - L10N Journal, 2023 -
The following article explores the concept of video game localization, considering one of the
possible translation techniques–literal translation (Vinay and Darbelent, 2000). The process …

Translation of Wordplay in Game Localisation. Retention and Re-creation in the Finnish and Swedish Localisations of The Sims 3

H Eerio - 2014 -
Digitaalisista peleistä on verrattain lyhyessä ajassa tullut suosittu ajanviete sekä meillä että
muualla. Pelaamisen yleistyessä myös pelien lokalisointi, eli kotoistaminen tiettyyn …

The Increasing Importance of Localisation in the Videogame Industry: A Translation of “The Game Localization Handbook”

N Zanchetta - 2023 -
This dissertation focuses on the history and processes of videogame localisation and is
accompanied by the translation of the first three chapters of the book The Game Localization …

Retranslating The Sims: A Critical Analysis And Revision Of The Polish Localization

N Kwaśniak - 2021 -
abstrakt w j. polskim: Celem pracy jest analiza i korekta polskiej lokalizacji The Sims (2000-
2003), jednej z najpopularniejszych i najbardziej dochodowych serii gier na świecie. Polska …