
—federal courts are "bound to defer" to a foreign government's construction of its own law, 837 F. 3d at 189, and instead held that "[a] federal court should accord respectful consideration to a foreign government's submission, but is not bound to accord conclusive effect to the foreign government's statements."
- 出典しゅってん: Petersen Energía Inversora v. Argentine Republic, 2018類似るいじする引用いんよう: 17 けん
Cognizant of "competing authority" on this question, ibid., the Court of Appeals settled on a highly deferential rule: "[W] hen a foreign government, acting through counsel or otherwise, directly participates in US court proceedings by providing a [statement] regarding the construction and effect of [the foreign government's] laws and regulations, which is reasonable under …
- 出典しゅってん: Animal Science Products v. Hebei Welcome, 2018類似るいじする引用いんよう: 19 けん
We hold that the district court abused its discretion by not abstaining, on international comity grounds
- 出典しゅってん: In re Picard, Trustee for Liquidation, 2019類似るいじする引用いんよう: 12 けん
—applying a multi-factor balancing test “[t] o determine whether to abstain from asserting jurisdiction on comity grounds
- 出典しゅってん: Private International Law: Contemporary Challenges and Continuing Relevance類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん
It found that there was a true conflict between US and Chinese law and then, after applying the other factors of the balancing test, determined that the factors weighed in favor of abstention.
- 出典しゅってん: OJSC UKRNAFTA v. CARPATSKY PETROLEUM CORP., 2017類似るいじする引用いんよう: 9 けん
Rule 44.1 therefore "has two purposes:(1) to make a court's determination of foreign law a matter of law rather than fact, and (2) to relax the evidentiary standard and to create a uniform procedure for interpreting foreign law."
- 出典しゅってん: Zuckerman v. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2018類似るいじする引用いんよう: 11 けん
Recently, the Second Circuit dismissed a case against Chinese manufacturers alleged to have fixed prices of Vitamin C
- 出典しゅってん: The enduring vitality of comity in a globalized World類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん
But defendants' comity argument rests entirely on a test that neither the Supreme Court nor the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has adopted.
- 出典しゅってん: MOUNTAIN CREST SRL v. ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV, 2020類似るいじする引用いんよう: 9 けん
The Appellees dispute the appropriate standard here, but their advocacy for abuse-of-discretion review relies on inapposite adjudicative comity cases. See Appellee Br. 27
- 出典しゅってん: In re Picard, Trustee for Liquidation, 2019類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん
—in determining that act of state doctrine applies, "[w] hether Defendants had a hand in the [foreign] government's decision to mandate some level of price-fixing is irrelevant"; the court will "decline to analyze why [the foreign government] regulated [a market] in the manner it did and instead focus on what [foreign] law required
- 出典しゅってん: MOUNTAIN CREST SRL, LLC v. ANHEUSER-BUSCH InBEV SA/NV, 2018類似るいじする引用いんよう: 7 けん


585 US 33 - Supreme Court 2018
8 F. 4th 136 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2021
895 F. 3d 194 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2018
456 F. Supp. 3d 1059 - Dist. Court, WD Wisconsin 2020
917 F. 3d 85 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2019
Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2018