
During the time period charged in the indictment and the trial before the district court, these Honduran laws were considered valid by the Honduran government.
- 出典しゅってん: US v. Reeves, 2012類似るいじする引用いんよう: 16 けん
—and n. 27, 107 S. Ct. 2542, 96 L. Ed. 2d 461 (1987), a federal court should carefully consider a foreign state's views about the meaning of its own laws.
- 出典しゅってん: Animal Science Products v. Hebei Welcome, 2018類似るいじする引用いんよう: 18 けん
"[T] o determine the common usage or ordinary meaning of a term, courts often turn to dictionary definitions for guidance."
- 出典しゅってん: Anderson v. UNUM Provident Corp., 2004類似るいじする引用いんよう: 18 けん
Importantly, the Ninth Circuit emphasized that "[i] f the laws were valid in Honduras during the time period covered by the indictment, the defendants violated the Lacey Act by importing the lobsters in violation of those laws."
- 出典しゅってん: US v. Reeves, 2012類似るいじする引用いんよう: 12 けん
Therefore, since the phrase "payments scheduled as contractually due" must be given its ordinary meaning, it is appropriate to refer to the dictionary definition.
- 出典しゅってん: In re Ralston, 2009類似るいじする引用いんよう: 10 けん
—upholding Lacey Act conviction of a defendant who transported lobster parts packaged in violation of Honduran fishing regulations, holding regulations promulgated by foreign governments to protect wildlife are encompassed by the phrase "any foreign law" in the Lacey Act
- 出典しゅってん: US v. Schneider, 2011類似るいじする引用いんよう: 10 けん
—conceded that there was no indication that anything untoward had motivated the legal conclusions that Honduras's highest authorities had reached.
- 出典しゅってん: The Palestinian Constitution and the Geneva Accord: The Prospects for …類似るいじする引用いんよう: 9 けん
Unlike other definitions of terms for tax purposes which often bear little resemblance to their definitions in everyday life,[12] we can rely on the dictionary definition of the word "reasonable" to guide us in evaluating the conduct to which it refers.
- 出典しゅってん: In re Crystal Cascades Civil, LLC, 2009類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん
The regulatory definition is also consistent with statutory purpose of the Act which is to provide a federal mechanism for enforcing state laws that sought to protect fish, plants, and wildlife but were unable to do so because they could not reach into neighboring states.
- 出典しゅってん: United States v. Coffman, 2023類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん
Defendant also fails to reference a case where a court has allowed a party to raise a genuine issue of material fact as to the interpretation and application of foreign law with speculation, guesswork, and the absence of any competing expert testimony.
- 出典しゅってん: Schultz v. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., 2020類似るいじする引用いんよう: 8 けん


Dist. Court 2012
891 F. Supp. 2d 690 - Dist. Court, D. New Jersey 2012
Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit 2008
Dist. Court, MD Alabama 2024
661 F. Supp. 3d 1305 - Dist. Court, ND Georgia 2023
652 F. Supp. 3d 911 - Dist. Court, SD Ohio 2023
465 F. Supp. 3d 1232 - Dist. Court, SD Florida 2020
585 US 33 - Supreme Court 2018
Dist. Court, ND Florida 2013
Dist. Court, ED Pennsylvania 2011