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A Systemic Study of Indian Ancient Script by determining the Issues for Effective use of Handwritten Character Recognition
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A Systemic Study of Indian Ancient Script by determining the Issues for
Effective use of Handwritten Character Recognition
Dr. Kirti Nilesh Mahajan
Professor, Bharati Vidypeeth Deemed to be University, Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship
Development, Pune
Mr. Niket Tajne
Research Scholar, Bharati Vidypeeth Deemed to be University, Institute of Management &
Entrepreneurship Development, Pune
Massive amount of ancient documents are created by our ancestors. This all documents are
published already on the digital libraries on single click in worldwide. Also this documents published in
Paper Media. Transcription of this documents are either prepared by manually or by the help of digital
technology. These all ancient Documents are already available in raw images which are very useful to
investigate the ancient philosophies of any field. However these raw images to be transliterate in electronic
format by adopting the some image processing algorithms for appropriate transcription of the ancient
documents. The character recognition difficulty is meager high due to some causes. This Research Paper
investigates the problems faced in digital transcription of ancient handwritten text documents. The Research
paper is organized in Three Section the First Section highlighted the Introduction about ancient script like
MODI script, Handwritten Character Recognition techniques. The Second Section is all about the Problems
investigating of MODI Character and last section is highlighted the Concluding remarks of analytical
Keywords : Image Processing, Character Recognition, Handwritten Character Recognition techniques.
Indian content is the best example of diversity. This diversity reflected in the peoples living culture,
food, and communication. In India at every miles of distance this variation of the culture is exemplified. For
communication purpose the people used varies languages. Not only in the orally but writing wise also. These
all spoken languages has some historical reference some has individually referenced and some has mixed of
two or three languages. In this section of paper the historical background and its significance are discussed,
also the introduction about the handwritten character recognition is deliberated.
The significance of transliteration is very much high. This kind of computation techniques is not
only used for the converting the one script / language into another script / language but also open the new
techniques, thoughts, to showcase the pathway for the newcomer to do the extraordinary work in the same
field. It’s also helpful for the each and every single person of the society. Transliteration sometimes work on
the basis of the optical character recognition, handwritten character recognition, Neural Network, Pattern
Recognition to achieve various objectives of specific work.
As the significance of ancient handwritten document are very much countless. The issues and
problem of regarding these wonderful manuscript have to be discuses and find out appropriate elucidation
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Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3652

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about the transliteration of particular manuscript in this paper the introduction about the ancient script called
MODI script and the issues related with the handwritten character manuscript are deliberated.
MODI script is one of the most popular Ancient scripts used in western and southern part of India.
The use of MODI script is for the administrative and quotidian purpose. The principal meaning of MODI
word is inspire by the Persian word “Shikasta” which means breaking in English language and the Meaning
of MODI word in Marathi language, is “Modne” which means also breakdown in the parts[1][2]. There is
some substantiation about the origin of the script, says that the proper MODI alphabet originated in the 12th
century which was used for Administrative work, Education, and other routine activities which called as
“Adyakalin”. Then in 13th century it was used for the same purpose which called as “Yadvakalin”. In next
three century i.e. from 14th century to 16th century this script called as “Bahamanikalin” in this period the
script majorly used in the administrative work. In the court of Maratha emperor Shivaji Raje Bhosale the
script is rapidly use due to the cursive type of nature of MODI script. The MODI script used in the period of
17th century is the period of Maratha King Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj hence the MODI script used in this
period is called as “Shivakalin”. The next period of the MODI script is in period of “Peshwa”. The “Peshwa”
used this script in the 18th century. Because the MODI script is used in “Peshwa” era the script name was
“Peshwakalin”. The writing style major change happened in “Peshwakalin” MODI script that is the reason
the script was categorized in four different segment naming as “Chitnisi”, “Bilavalkali”, “Mahadevpanti”,
“Ranadi” these four categorize is based on the writing style of MODI script. The next period of MODI script
is also naming as “Pashwakalin” and the time duration is from 18th century till the mid of 20th
century[3][4][5]. The following Fig. 1 show the period of MODI script development according to their
Fig. 1 Period of MODI Script with century
In period of 18th century till the mid of 20th century the area of MODI script utilization is not
restricted to the precise area but it utilize in the Education, Healthcare, Ayurveda, Astrology, literature,
Science, Fine Arts, , Pharmacy, Chemistry, social sciences, Psychology, Drawings, music, , History, and
many more other fields. The manuscript of MODI script is available in so many museums. Not only in Indian
cities, but in other countries of the world[5][6].
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ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3653

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The MODI alphabet are variant of the Marathi Language and it has 14 vowels, 34 consonant letters
and 10 Numbers[7][8]. Following Fig. 2, Fig 3, Fig 4 are show the MODI Vowels, MODI Consonants and
MODI Numerals Respectively.
Fig. 2 MODI Vowels
Fig. 3 MODI Consonants
Fig. 4 MODI Numbers
The Significance of such a beautiful manuscript which was not only used for the administrative
purpose but also it was used in every field like medical, food, arts, culture and also maintain the daily routine
documents. Now a days these MODI script ancient documents are golden pages for every archaeologist and
people who have an interest in ancient manuscript. In the between of 16th century till 20th century this script
was very much popular and it’s used everywhere. Due to the change in Social and Political views in the mid
of 20th century in western part of India the ‘devnagari’ script naming as ‘balbodh’ was used everywhere as
a primary language[4]. From that period of time the MODI script was gradually push out of its usage from
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Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3654

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everywhere and from that time this beautiful arts of writing gets cease to exist. Fortunately there are many of
MODI documents are preserved by the some states like Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka[9][10][11].
Handwritten Recognition is the computer based technique to identify the received handwritten input
from source format into the target format. Most of the time the handwritten character recognition system uses
the image as a source so the sensed data is always offline. Handwritten Character recognition is the major
type of Optical character recognition in the field of pattern recognition another type of optical character
recognition is the Printed Character recognition. The following Fig. 5 show the different type of Optical
character recognition[12][13].
Fig. 5 Types of Optical Character Recognition
The Optical Character Recognition Techniques is the one of significant way to identify whether the
Printed character or Handwritten character. Now a days the Optical character recognition is used in all
domains like banking, healthcare, administrative, etc. The best advantage of the optical character recognition
is to reduce the human efforts for data entry, storage of the document manually, etc. The handwritten
character recognition system is categorized in to two parts and these are Off-Line Character Recognition and
On-Line Character Recognition system respectively.
In the Handwritten character recognition system the On-Line Character Recognition System is used
the digital gadgets like digital Pen, Touch Pad / Digital Pad, or any other digitalized gadgets from where the
hand motion of the user can perceive. The On-line handwritten character recognition system is basically work
on the 2-Dimensional data acquisition mechanism. Here any pointing device who is responsible to accept the
string of coordinate’s i.e.(x, y) is used. The On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition system is more
accurate than the Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition reason is that data acquisition of the user
writing is dynamic by nature. The second reason is recognition of On-line happened more accurately is
interactivity which means the tracing the error is very fast. The On-Line character recognition system is also
very much fast because in On-Line character recognition system the unwanted bit removal process called
‘Noise Removal’ process is not consider because the data acquisition is happened with direct interaction
through the devices not by the another way.
In the Handwritten character recognition system the Off-Line Character recognition system is the
second type. It takes the Raster images for the character recognition. In Off-Line character recognition the
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Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3655

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data acquisition is done by scanned the handwritten document through the Computer Scanner or any other
scanning device how scan the image from the piece of paper and then do the further process. The best
advantage of Off-Line Character recognition system it is capable to immune the various writing styles to
handle by it. Hence it takes the little more cost in terms of Processing and Time for the detecting the hand
stroke of handwritten documents. Off-Line Character recognition system takes more time for progressing
phase for Noise removal.
Significant of the MODI script are huge. This ancient script is already available in the various
research center, libraries, and in some universities. Due to enormous demand of the MODI script so its major
requirement is Transliteration. Transliteration is the segment of Natural Language Processing (NPL). It is
use full in the cross language information reclamation without changing the original essence of the source
script / language. There are many problems in identification of MODI character like writing style of script,
difference of MODI vowels, consonants, etc. these all are elaborated more properly below.
The MODI script is by nature is cursive in nature that is the main reason were this language used in
various department of the Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja[14]. The MODI script also called as
shorthand writing script because it write the character very much faster without pull up the pen from the
paper[15]. The Major impact of the cursive nature of the MODI script is reflected not only on Marathi
language but it also reflected on the Gujarati language too[16]. The following Fig. 6 demonstrate the nature
of MODI script cursive type which was written by Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja which is 344
years old found in the Capital of Maratha Kingdom called “Satara” in 2018[17].
Fig. 6 Old Letter Written by Shivaji Maharaj
In the Literary Techniques the sentence arrangement and word arrangement is specific for the
particular language that called as “Form”[18] were the writing for the particular language or script gives the
proper structure of reader and writer also. On the basis of writing structure many languages in overall world
writing style is from left to right which is one type of Horizontal writing style in this type the English, French,
Italian, African, Some Indo Aryan languages, Japanese using hiragana and katakana etc. languages has the
writing style from left to right. The second type of Horizontal writing style is right to left some languages
has right to left writing style like Urdu, Arabic script, Persian script, Iranian languages. The second type of
the writing style is Vertical writing style. In this writing style the Chines, Japanese, Korean languages writing
style is top to down style following fig. 7 show the type of language writing style[19][20].
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ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3656

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Fig. 7 Type of Language / Script writing Style
As we discuss the type of Language / Script writing style are categorized in to two major parts. The
MODI manuscript many ancient document are demonstrate the type of horizontal writing style of left to right.
But some documental evidence this statement as ambiguous because there is no any structure or style for
writing the MODI manuscript. Following fig. 8 show the account related document in the period of Maratha
The stone inscription written in MODI script was found in the Thanjavur located on temple. The
stone inscription written in MODI script is constructed in the period of Kulothunga Chola and it is maintained
by the Pandyas and Maratha rulers subsequently. Following fig. 9 show the stone inscription written in MODI
script. Because it is written on Stone so embossed character are not displayed properly and the some character
are embossed without any alignment[22].
Fig. 8 MODI manuscript from the
Maratha Ruler period
Fig. 9 Stone Inscription written in MODI
script from the Kulothunga Chola
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Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3657

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The Image noise is the combine blend of random variation of different color pixel information and
brightness from the digital image. The digital noise or image noise is form between the process of degradation
and restoration. If noise is exist in the digital image it produces unrequired effects in image such as blurred
lines, dots, objects, unrealistic edges, and disturbs background scenes, color. The Noise in the existing digital
images is the big issue for the transliteration and the other purpose of the data acquaintance. Noise in the
images itself stated that the age of the documents and the availability and applicability of the digital content.
The noise present in the digital content is deteriorating the quality of the digital images. In the original image
pixel O(x,y) the Noise is mixed which is called as N(x,y) the resulting image is formed called as
𝑶𝑵 (𝒙, 𝒚) = 𝑶(𝒙, 𝒚) + 𝑵(𝒙, 𝒚)
Following are the some types of Noise model which are majorly belong to Photoelectronic, Impulse and
Structured Noise of digital model[24][25]. These noises occurs in either, Binary images, Gray images or
Color images.
Fig. 10 Types of Noise Model exist in Digital Images
Following fig. 11 and fig. 12 show the existence of the Noise in the MODI script digital images. The Fig. 11
show the Amplifier Noise or Gaussian Noise structure and the Fig. 12 show the Impulse Noise called Slat &
pepper noise.
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Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3658

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Fig. 11 Prize Winning letter
given by Maratha King
Fig. 12 Letter written by
Nanasaheb Peshwa
2.4 The Issues of Writing style of MODI character
The character arrangement, word formation play major role in the literature. Unfortunately character
are misarranged the complete meaning of the sentence or rather context of the literature is changed. In every
language / script the MODI script also has 14 vowels and 34 consonant but the some are similar in
arrangement and writing also which change the total meaning of the sentence. Following are the category
explicate the different variation of MODI script and similarity of MODI with Marathi and Gujarati language.
Following Table 1 show the different writing style of the one MODI script handwritten character and Table
2 show the similarity between the MODI script, Marathi, Gujarati language.
Writing Style
– 1
Writing Style
– 2
Writing Style
– 3
Writing Style
– 4
Writing Style
– 5
स / Sa
च / Ch
ढ / Dh
ख / Kh
ण / Na
Table 1. Differentiation writing style of one letter of MODI Script
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ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3659

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Marathi Gujarati
Marathi Gujarati
Table 2. Similarity between MODI, Marathi and Gujarati
In this Research paper the significant of the MODI Script has been discussed, where different
perspective of the MODI script are formed, arranged, and deliberated properly. In the Second half of the
research paper the different mechanism of the Handwritten Character Recognition has been discussed and
studies the various types of handwritten character recognition system. In the last section of the research paper
the few problems found in the MODI manuscript for writing and transliterating which are based on different
literature and evidence are discussed. The few problems of ancient scripts are basically highlighting the
lacunas of MODI script why it is not been so popular even if it is so beautiful in writing and reading.
The discussed problem may give the help to the all fraternity of Computer Science and Application
to resolve the problem of reading and transliterating the MODI Script. The Problem regarding the MODI
script handwritten character is described with proper evidential background. It focus on the writing style of
the MODI script and the some evidence show the unambiguous about the writing style and structure of the
MODI script. It also explain the types of Noise exist in the Digital images. In the last Problem of the MODI
handwritten character is, show the similarity between MODI, Marathi and Gujarati and it also show the one
type of character written in different form in MODI script writing which some time unclear for the
transliteration and Natural language processing. The differential style of the MODI script is defiantly the
good area for the research. This research work is helpful to all people how wants to do the something extra
ordinary work in the field of pattern recognition.
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ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3660

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Mukt Shabd Journal
Volume IX, Issue VI, JUNE/2020
ISSN NO : 2347-3150
Page No : 3662