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And Then There Were Eighteen… Will Latvia Join the Euro Zone in 2014?
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The Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies (FREE) is a network of academic experts on economic
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FREE Policy Brief Series
And Then There Were Eighteen…
Will Latvia Join the Euro Zone in 2014?
Daunis Auers, University of Latvia
February, 2013
Latvia’s government is zealously preparing for accession to the Euro Zone. Prime Minister Valdis
Dombrovskis is expected to request the European Central Bank (ECB) and European Commission
(EC) prepare their respective convergence reports on Latvia’s readiness to enter Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU) within the next two months. The expectation is that Latvia will join on 1
January 2014. Indeed, the three-party coalition government has long been readying for the technical
changeover to the euro. The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a detailed national euro changeover plan in
September 2012 and appointed a high-level steering committee to manage the process. The
government has launched a controversial multi-million euro advertising blitz aimed at winning over
Latvia’s skeptical public. Parliament passed the law on euro adoption in a 52-40 vote on 31 January
What could possibly go wrong? Although unlikely, a referendum or the collapse of the Dombrovskis
coalition government could yet derail Latvia’s euro ambitions.
Latvia and Europe
All Latvian governments have steered a steady
pro-Western course in the two decades since
the fall of the Soviet Union.1 International
recognition was followed by membership of
the Council of Europe, World Bank and the
other minor and major international
organizations that make up the international
community. However, the big attractions were
the Western clubs – NATO and the European
Union. Membership of both was achieved in
the two ‘big bang’ enlargements of 2004. In all
the giddy excitement of finally joining the
Western world and seemingly slipping away
from Russia’s bear-hug, Latvia initially aimed
to quickly join the Euro Zone, setting a target
of 1 January 2008.
See the Latvia euro changeover site. Available at:
However, the government proved half-hearted
in its efforts, preferring to enjoy the low-
hanging fruit of a cheap credit-driven booming
economy rather than balance the budget. Both
government and public entered a period of
rabid consumption and spending that
resembled nothing so much as sailors in a pub
after a year at sea. Unsurprisingly, Latvia
rapidly slipped far away from meeting the
Maastricht criteria on inflation. Accession to
the Euro Zone was quietly dropped from the
political discourse.
However, euro adoption returned as a frontline
government initiative after the dramatic
economic collapse of 2008, and the advent to
power of Valdis Dombrovskis, the Baltic
Angela Merkel. Dombrovskis will soon have
been in power for four years, a lifetime in
Latvian politics where, prior to Dombrovskis,
the average prime minister served for less than

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Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies
a year.2
He has overseen harsh austerity
measures of tax hikes and spending cuts, but
remains surprisingly popular (not least because
his party was in opposition during the post-
2004 economic bubble years). He has twice
been re-elected to office, proving once again
that Latvians favour monochrome technocrats
over colourful populists.
Despite a return to growth (in 2012 Latvia
recorded the highest GDP growth in the EU),
the government has maintained tight control
over spending. Indeed, it has even perhaps
been over-zealous, with both the IMF and EU
recently chipping in with criticism of the
social spending cuts that Latvia has made to its
2013 budget.3 Nevertheless, Latvia is now
applauded as a model of austerity and
frequently used as a positive contrast to
Moreover, Latvia is now on the cusp of
meeting the Maastricht criteria for accession to
the Euro Zone. A January 2013 IMF staff
report argued that Latvia meets the public debt
and budget deficit criteria, although inflation
and interest rates may be a hurdle depending
on the EU member states used for the
reference value calculation (will Greece be
treated as an outlier?).5 The informal political
signals from both the EC and ECB are clearly
positive. However, euro accession could still
be derailed by either a referendum or a change
of government.
Pettai, Auers and Ramonaite (2011), ‘Political
Development’ In Marju Lauristin (ed.), Estonian Human
Development Report 2010/2011: Baltic Way(s) of Human
Development: Twenty Years On. Tallinn: Eesti Koostoo
Kogu. 144-163.
3 Aaron Eglitis (2013), ‘EU joins IMF in criticizing
Latvian cuts to tax, social spending. Bloomberg news.
4 Anders Aslund, an ardent cheerleader of Latvia’s
austerity programme, puts the country’s success down to
‘front loading’ reforms, particularly fiscal adjustment .
See Anders Aslund (2013) Why austerity works and
stimulus doesn’t.
5 IMF Staff Report No. 13/28 (January 2013). Also see
Swedbank Analysis (1 August 2012). ‘Fulfilling the
Maastricht Criteria – mission possible for Latvia and
Let the People Decide?
The biggest potential hurdle remains the threat
of a public referendum. The EC and ECB will
not contemplate Latvia’s accession to the euro
zone with the Damocles Sword of a
referendum hanging over the process.
Moreover, public support for the euro remains
low, with just 8% of the public wanting the
euro introduced quickly and 41% being
absolutely opposed to the currency.6 A vote
would be a real throw of the dice.
A citizen’s initiative aiming to delay euro
adoption, by demanding a vote on the timing
of accession, was submitted to Latvia’s
electoral authority (by the awkwardly named
Latvia’s Social Democratic Movement for an
Independent Latvia, a fringe party that has
never been elected to parliament) in late 2012.
The Central Election Commission must make
a final decision on whether to allow the
initiative to go ahead by February 3. However,
the legal opinions provided by scholars, the
Latvian ombudsman’s office and the Latvian
parliament’s legal advisors indicate that the
initiative is likely to be rejected because:
• Latvians effectively voted to join the
euro when voting on accession in
• The Council of Ministers is the only
institution authorized to choose the
date of accession to the euro zone,
thus any initiative specifying a date (or
conditions that need to be met) is not
• The text of the initiative conflicts with
the constitution.7
While the ruling could be challenged in
Latvia’s Constitutional Court or a reworded
initiative submitted to the Central Election
Commission, the weight of the legal opinions
6 Although another 42% had a positive attitude towards
the euro, but did not want to see it hurriedly introduced.
See DNB Banka (November 2012), Latvijas Barometrs:
Eiro ieviešana Latvijā.
7 The legal opinions can be found on the Central Election
Commission’s homepage.

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Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies
already delivered indicates that these efforts
would be unlikely to succeed. At worst, the
uncertainty could delay euro adoption past
January 1, 2014 (and the Latvian legal system
can certainly be ponderous at times). The same
is true of any parliamentary attempt to initiate
a referendum by having a one-third minority
of deputies force the president to sit on the
euro adoption law while citizens sign an
initiative.8 Indeed, legal opinions cited by the
President state that because euro introduction
is a treaty obligation, a majority of
parliamentarians (51 of 100) would need to
sign any initiative attempting to call a
referendum. The opposition will not be able to
rustle up a majority of parliamentary deputies
(although the legal haggling could delay the
date of euro adoption).
Coalition Collapse?
The other risk is a collapse of the government
coalition. While the Reform Party and the
prime minister’s Unity Alliance are firm
supporters of euro adoption, the third coalition
member – the radical right populist National
Alliance is more torn. Its rank and file
membership is largely against the euro,
primarily for nationalist reasons (they see the
Latvian Lat as a symbol of sovereignty and
national identity). One NA parliamentarian
even broke coalition ranks and voted against
euro adoption. A motley conglomeration of far
right radical groups and nationalist
intellectuals has begun speaking out against
the ‘commercialization’ and ‘westernization’
of Latvia, and sees the euro adoption battle as
the opportunity to draw a final line in the sand.
They are likely to put the National Alliance’s
ministers and parliamentary deputies under
severe pressure.
Indeed, the National Alliance already played
the ‘euro card’ in November 2012,
successfully extracting budgetary concessions
for pet projects from Prime Minister
Dombrovskis. They may well play it again, as
8 See Article 1, paragraph 3 in the law on referendums
and initiatives.
they seek a greater number of ministerial
portfolios. However, as Dombrovskis pointed
out, opening up of the coalition agreement
could well lead to the collapse of a
government already creaking at the edges.
Conclusion: After Dombrovskis
There is strong political resolve to lever Latvia
into the Euro Zone. Moreover, the unusual
confidence emanating from both government
officials and the Bank of Latvia indicates that
certain reassurances have been made in
Brussels and Frankfurt. Indeed, Latvia’s
glowing current reputation as the poster child
of austerity gives it a once-in-a-decade
political momentum. Latvia’s entry into the
euro on schedule on January 1, 2014 is more
likely than not.
However, looking to the future, one pertinent
question needs to be addressed. Which Latvia
will we see in the Euro Zone? The grey,
serious, disciplined almost Teutonic Latvia of
Valdis Dombrovskis? Or the reckless drunken
sailor, that has marked much of Latvia’s post-
communist era?
Naturally, Dombrovskis holds the key to this
question. He is expected to leave domestic
politics after the October 2014 parliamentary
election, probably to cash in his international
political capital with a well remunerated
European post (the timing is right for a 2014-
2019 European Commissioner portfolio). At
best, if re-elected, he might be persuaded to
stay on to oversee Latvia’s presidency of the
European Union in 2015. In any case, while
Latvia has been reborn as a paragon of
economic virtue under his watch, these assets
have not been institutionalized. Dombrovskis
will leave behind the same old fractured, frail
and quarrelsome parties, politicians and
oligarchs that he inherited. Recent
international criticism of disequilibrium in
government welfare and tax policies hints that
political backsliding has already begun.
Latvia is at its strongest when its political,
economic and administrative elite units in
pursuit of some concrete target. Independence

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Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies
from the Soviet Union, then NATO and EU
accession, followed by harsh austerity
measures and now even Euro Zone accession
were achieved far quicker than many observers
had believed possible. International
conditionality has made up for the absence of
ideology and ideas as moral and political
compasses in Latvian politics. However, when
left to their own devices, Latvian politicians
have tended to run amok. After Latvia enters
the Euro Zone it will be left without an all-
encompassing political plan. Quite frankly,
that is rather worrying.
Aslund, Anders (2013) ‘Why austerity works and
stimulus doesn’t.
DNB Banka (2012), Latvijas Barometrs: Eiro ieviešana
Eglitis, Aaron (2013), EU joins IMF in criticizing
Latvian cuts to tax, social spending. Bloomberg news.
IMF Staff Report No. 13/28 (2013). Available at:
Pettai, Auers and Ramonaite (2011), ‘Political
Development’ In Marju Lauristin (ed.), Estonian Human
Development Report 2010/2011: Baltic Way(s) of
Human Development: Twenty Years On. Tallinn: Eesti
Koostoo Kogu. 144-163.
Swedbank (2012). Fulfilling the Maastricht Criteria –
mission possible for Latvia and Lithuania?.
Daunis Auers
University of Latvia
Personal Homepage
Daunis Auers (PhD London) is Associate
Professor of Comparative Politics at the
University of Latvia and a Visiting Lecturer on
the EMBA programme at the Stockholm
School of Economics in Riga.